The Potter Kingdom

A/N: So for some reason I was excited to put this chapter up. I hope you all like it, and I'm now trying to get a plot into the story, not just the usual romance stories. Review and enjoy :)

Chapter 8

"So where did you learn how to use a patronus charm?" Harry asked Morgan.

"Oh um, just around I suppose," Morgan replied, "My dad's an auror, he taught me a bunch of spells." Harry nodded and turned to Ginny.

"Tonks showed me a bunch of spells when I was younger, and I just happened to remember this one," Ginny shrugged. Rose had met them at the entrance to Hogwarts with Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore. They were taken up to the hospital wing and given huge chunks of chocolate. Harry was sitting next to Ginny and Morgan was lying on the bed.

"So you two are official now?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Ginny answered, "I mean, we've only been on one date-" Harry had enough and got up.

"Harry come on," Ginny stood up and followed him, "What is so wrong? You said it was fine and frankly I don't need you to act like another one of my brothers."

"Ginny," Harry turned around and looked her in the eyes, "You know how I feel about you and I don't think I can stand seeing you with someone else."

"I'm sorry Harry," Ginny said softly, "I want to see how it works out with Morgan. It's not that I don't return your feelings, just I can't simply abandon Morgan." Sighing, Harry used his last resort. He stepped forward and pressed his lips to Ginny's. Harry felt Ginny try to resist, but he wrapped his arms around her, keeping her in place. What have you done Potter? Harry quickly let go and backed away.

"Sorry," Harry breathed and ran down the corridor. Ginny watched him go as she caught her breath. Harry had made her head spin, catching her off guard and the feeling was pure pleasure. Seeing Morgan was preoccupied with a book, Ginny raced after Harry. She rounded a corner to see Malfoy whispering to Crabbe and Goyle. Backing away, Ginny watched as Crabbe and Goyle left and Malfoy heading in her direction. Ginny bent down to tie her shoe as Malfoy approached. He deliberately bumped into her and sneered down.

"Watch it weasel," Malfoy spat, "These robes are worth more than your pathetic family could ever make."

"Shove off Malfoy," Ginny growled, "I made my bat-boogey hex stronger over the summer, I could demonstrate if you'd like."

"You're not worth my time," Malfoy decided and continued to the hospital wing. Ginny stuck her tongue out at his retreating figure and headed towards the Gryffindor common room. Upon entering Ginny did not see Harry. Ron and Hermione jumped up and ran over to her.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked immediately, "We heard about the demenors."

"Yeah I'm fine," Ginny replied bitterly, "I just need some rest." With that Ginny went up to the dormitory and plopped onto the bed. After a few moments there was a knock at the door.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked walking in.

"Nothing," Ginny lied, "Everything's great."

"It doesn't sound like that," Hermione pointed out.

"What do you do if you like two guys?" Ginny asked, "But one of them theoretically brings you to another world?"

"Harry and Morgan?" Hermione guessed.

"Yeah," Ginny groaned, "I can't leave Morgan in the dust like that, but clearly Harry brings out stronger feelings."

"You never know what could happen with Morgan, and if Harry can't be patient enough and respect your decision he isn't right for you," Hermione advised, "Give it time."

"I suppose," Ginny muttered.


Two weeks had passed since Ginny had last talked to Harry. Ron and Hermione reported he was acting normal during classes, but reluctantly said he had been spending more time with Malfoy.

"What did that git do to Harry?" Ron growled one Saturday morning during breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Hermione sighed, "If this is your stupid theory about Malfoy putting a spell on Harry…"

"Well he doesn't spend time with us anymore. He'd only sit with us if he has to and is not talking to Ginny," Ron pointed out.

"That's my fault," Ginny whispered, "I think I ruined everything between us."

"Nonsense," Hermione scolded, "If he can't come to terms and agree with what you have decided, then only he can be blamed."

"Whatever, I'm going for a walk," Ginny got up and left Ron and Hermione. Heading outside Ginny shivered. The sun was out but there was a breeze. Not many students were out so Ginny was able to go to her special spot. There was a tree by the lake that Ginny had found during her first year. It was secluded and only Ginny and Hermione knew about it. Lying back against the trunk Ginny watched the lake. The wind whipped up tiny waves, which crashed down onto the pebbles. Closing her eyes Ginny relaxed her body. Falling into a light sleep Ginny did not hear the crack of a branch. Only when footsteps were audible Ginny opened her eyes and twisted around the trunk of the tree. A jet of red light flew towards her followed by darkness.


Ron and Hermione looked up as Harry approached the table.

"Hey guys," Harry greeted, "Where'd Ginny?"

"She went for a walk," Ron informed, cramming another piece of toast into his mouth.

"Ron, manners," Hermione huffed, "We haven't seen you around lately."

"Yeah, I've been thinking a lot," Harry replied.

"Malfoy can think?" Ron blurted out. Hermione shot Ron a glare, who shrugged in response.

"Yes, actually," Harry said shortly, "He helped me realize something. To win Ginny over I need to tell her I understand and that I would wait for her."

"You haven't told her yet," Hermione said.

"I know, I need to tell her today," Harry grabbed a piece of toast and started spreading jam on it. Hermione nodded in approval.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Try by the lake, there's a tree in a secluded spot that she likes to go to," Hermione stated. Harry quickly finished his toast and set out to find Ginny.

"Why is everything about romance now?" Ron asked suddenly.

"I don't know," Hermione replied.


Harry jogged his way down to the lake and searched for the tree Hermione mentioned. Seeing sets of footprints leading to a large willow that twisted at the top, Harry followed them hoping Ginny would be there. As Harry rounded the trunk, he did not see any sign of Ginny around. Completely circling the tree Harry sighed in frustration and sat down. Feeling something sharp poke into his side, Harry stood up glanced down. There was a wand on the ground. Scaning its magical trace, Harry realized it was Ginny's wand. Looking around Harry noticed things seemed out of place. Twigs and leaves were scattered into two lines, as if something big was being dragged. After a few meters the trail ended, but two sets of footprints appeared. Someone took Ginny Harry thought in alarm.

"Accio Firebolt," Harry called, and waited for his broom to appear. After a few beats the broom appeared in the sky. Without waiting for it to stop completely Harry jumped on and flew towards the Forbidden Forrest. Clutching Ginny's wand and the broom, Harry searched as best as he could. This is taking too long, I should use a tracking spell. Harry took in a deep breath, and waved his wand over Ginny's. Harry pulled out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket of things he always had with him. Looking at Ginny's wand he saw an outline of bright silver-white. Looking down at the forest Harry could just make out a trail. Following it, Harry noticed Ginny's aura mixing with black and dark green. Someone evil is out there, as well as someone who has to gone through changes. Traces of different colors appeared as well but nothing stood out. Harry flew for about five more minutes, deep into the forest until he had to land and follow the trail by hand.

"Lumos," Harry whispered. A ball of light appeared on the tip of both wands and Harry cautiously followed the trail. Harry was able to detect a small, almost invisible path on the forest floor. Harry continued through the forest and eventually saw what looked like a clearing up ahead. There was a ball of light floating in mid-air, so Harry put out the light on the wands. Silently casting charms that detected traps or any blocks, Harry crept closer. Rounding a rather large tree Harry spotted four figures standing in the clearing.

"Send it," one of them commanded. The person on the right nodded and raised his wand.

"Serpensortia," the man muttered, "Go bring Potter here." Harry doubled back in alarm. The man was speaking Parseltongue. Too preoccupied with seeing Ginny tied up to a tree behind the three men, Harry did not even notice he knew what the man speaking in Parseltongue was saying.

"Put up the wards," the first man instructed.

"What are you doing?" the Parseltongue man rounded on the first one.

"What does it look like?" the first one replied.

"You never mentioned hurting Ginny, or even getting her involved," the other hissed, "I did not agree to that."

"Well obviously you did," the first man sneered, "Or you wouldn't have sent the snake to Potter." Damn, the snake Harry spun around to see a large cobra slithering towards him.

"Vipera Evanesca," Harry whispered, and the snake vanished. Turning back to the two arguing men, Harry spotted the other two standing at a distance, guarding Ginny. Harry noticed they were circling the tree Ginny was tied up to, and decided to make his move. Harry slipped on the glasses and identified the Parseltounge man had the green aura while the other one had the black aura. Harry snuck behind the tree Ginny was on and prepared to ambush the guards. One walked towards him, and Harry shot at stunner at him. The other approached and before he saw his companion, he was knocked out Harry quietly removed both of their masks, to fine Crabbe and Goyle. What the bloody hell is going on? Surely Malfoy isn't involved in this. He told me to find Ginny only this morning. Ignoring what he should believe, Harry tied up the two thugs and slipped under his invisibility cloak.

"Where are Crabbe and Goyle?" the first man asked.

"Look, Malfoy," the other started, "I'm afraid this ends now." Malfoy? No way, Malfoy would never do this.

"Shh," Malfoy hushed, "I want Potter gone and so do you, end of story. I don't care that you're lost, getting into Ravenclaw with death eater parents and trying to stay on the good side. It's bull and you know that when the time is right you will side with me." Morgan? Harry guessed. Morgan and Malfoy working together to get rid of me? Why would they do that? What have I done?

"Wait, where are Crabbe and Goyle?" the man pulled off his hood to reveal the face of Morgan.

"Go check," Malfoy said, "What about the snake? Has it reached Hogwarts yet?"

"Are you at Potter?" Morgan hissed in Parseltounge. After a pause, Morgan glanced around quickly.

"There is no connection to the snake," Morgan cried, "The snake is gone."

"What?" Malfoy spat, "How?" Morgan glanced at where Ginny was, and quickly ran around the tree.

"Crabbe and Goyle are missing as well," Morgan reported.

"What is going here?" Malfoy wondered, "Nevermind, we have Weasley and Potter will be here soon. I'll call in father." Morgan nodded and checked the ropes on Ginny.

"She's starting to wake," Morgan warned. Smirking, Malfoy walked over to Ginny. Her eyes blinked a few times and looked around.

"Let me go Malfoy," she growled, struggling with the bindings.

"I didn't tie you up," Malfoy simply stated.

"Well who the hell did?" Ginny spat.

"Me," Morgan said, stepping out from the shadows.


Harry honestly could have rescued Ginny by using a simple half an hour projection spell. For some reason Harry decided to wait and see how things played out. His first mistake.


"What?" Ginny whispered, "No, no, no, I did not just get captured by my boyfriend."

"I'm sorry," Morgan fell to his knees, "It's the only way to get Potter. It will be ok, once this is done, everything will be fine."

"What are you talking about?" Ginny screamed, "You just captured me and are using me as bait!"

"Everything is fine," Morgan seemed to be reassuring himself more than anyone else, "It's all ok. Mother and father will come and everything will be alright. I won't be treated like nothing anymore and finally have a happy family."

"What's wrong?" Ginny asked softly, looking down at Morgan.

"He's weak," Malfoy scoffed, "Death eater parents, scared childhood not knowing what to do in life. Everything was fine I left him alone simply because of the power his parents hold. Then you came along with Potter. Once our parents knew of Potter finally leaving the castle, they had us act. Morgan refused at first, but eventually I won him over."

"What did you do?" Ginny demanded.

"Nothing, that's the best part," Malfoy smirked, "Seeing you and Harry kiss brought out his darker side."

"That day at the hospital wing," Ginny realized, "Morgan, that was nothing. Harry forced it on me, I never wanted it."

"Still, it hurt and that just gives me more of a reason to get rid of him," Morgan growled, standing up, "Once he's here, we will attack, but I promise you will stay safe." With that, Morgan cast a strong shield charm over Ginny. In the bushes, Harry cursed silently. He wouldn't be able to grab Ginny and go until Morgan dropped the spell. If he managed to break the charm, his presence would be known, and he couldn't risk that, not yet.

"Your plan will never work," Ginny hissed, "Harry would not travel this far for whatever you told him."

"That's the thing," Morgan interjected, "We told him to come alone, a note from you saying that."

"He still wouldn't travel this far," Ginny pointed out.

"Actually, it's a note saying you're in trouble while on an assignment for homework, and you lost your way," Malfoy butted in.

"That doesn't make sense," Ginny retorted.

"The guy goes blind when you're involved," Malfoy shrugged, "The past few weeks have been nothing but Ginny this and Ginny that and how do I fix what I've done and blah blah blah."

"Really?" Ginny asked, "So he wasn't just being cruel and avoiding me."

"He was trying to make up for being a prat," Malfoy rolled his eyes, "It was torture, every minute of it, but I suppose it was worth it."

"How so?" Ginny questioned.

"We get Potter," Malfoy said with a gleam in his eye.

"So where is he?" Ginny raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up," Malfoy growled, "He's on his way."

"How do you know?" Ginny smirked, "He could figure out the note is not from you and not come."

"True," Morgan confessed, "One question: what happens when he doesn't find you around Hogwarts?" Ginny fell silent, begging in her mind to keep Harry from walking into the trap.

"Don't underestimate him," Ginny declared confidently.

"We're prepared though," Malfoy countered, "Currently there are Death Eaters on the way, ready to take Harry and get into the Potter Castle."

"That's completely mental," Ginny burst out, "How could you do that with such a small force?"

"Small but powerful," Malfoy replied, "Since we have Potter, we'll be allowed right in."

"We take control of the wizard world," Morgan chimed in.

"Impossible," Ginny growled.

"Think about it," Malfoy persuaded, "If Lily and James could simply take over, why not a larger team of Death Eaters?"

"Even making everyone equal they faced protest, it took six years to completely gain control," Ginny pointed out, "One does not simply take control."

"They went about it the wrong way," Malfoy had the gleam back in his eye, "We will use fear to gain control quickly."

"You're bonkers," Ginny shook her head.

"Not really," Morgan started, "If we simply show the world our power and what happens to those who oppose it, they will be living in fear. They will obey every order and-"

"It's a dictatorship," Ginny exclaimed, "I thought we learned not to allow those."

"I can see why you're in Ravenclaw," Malfoy murmured ignoring Ginny, "Where's Potter, it's been about an hour."

"The snake is gone, so he should be on his way," Morgan said, "Just stay patient. I only hope the snake did not die and the message was delivered."


While everyone was talking, Harry started recording the conversation. Looking around, Harry tried to find a way to escape, but his best bet was to go straight and attack. Here goes nothing Harry thought and stepped forward.

"Shh, someone's coming," Malfoy whispered, and pulled his hood back over his head. Morgan stood in front of Ginny while keeping his face hidden.

"Hello?" Harry called out, "Ginny, where are you?" There was no response.

"Potter," Malfoy said, stepping forward, "Sorry to tell you, but Ginny is not available at the moment." Harry glanced at where Ginny was tied up, and saw she had been gagged. Glaring at Malfoy, Harry drew his wand.

"Expelliarmus," Morgan called, but Harry jumped out of the way.

"Stupefy," Harry hit Morgan square in the chest, and turned to Malfoy.

"I thought we were friends Malfoy," Harry called.

"How did you know it was me?" Malfoy asked, removing the hood.

"You tricked me," Harry growled, "You want me gone."

"Nicely done Potter," Malfoy praised, "You won't get away though."

"Expelliarmus," Harry cried. A jet of red shot towards Malfoy, who jumped behind a tree. Glancing at where Ginny was, Harry saw the shield charm was gone. Harry quickly cut the ropes and removed the gag.

"Behind you," Ginny cried, and Harry whipped around, and fell to the ground. Harry tried to stand, but spikes of pain shot up his left arm.

"He used a damn bludgeoning spell," Harry said through gritted teeth.

"Ginny, here's you wand. We're going to fly out of here," Harry groaned, "Let me just slow Malfoy down," Harry explained, "Bombarda." The spell flew straight at the tree Malfoy was behind, and Harry quickly summoned his Firebolt. Making sure Ginny was securely on it, Harry kicked off struggled through the thick trees.

"Watch out," Ginny cried, "Protego." The stunning spell bounced harmlessly off the shield.

"Good one," Harry grinned, "Ugh, my arm."

"I can try a healing spell," Ginny suggested, "It might not work at best, but we are escaping a near death situation."

"Try it," Harry insisted, "Anything that could help me get us back to Hogwarts." Ginny nodded and pulled out her wand.

"Ferula, reparifors, episkey," Ginny murmured. The broom jerked unsteadily as Harry's arm fell into a numb state.

"It's good enough for now," Harry decided.

"What are those figures flying after us?" Ginny asked, glancing back. Harry looked behind them and swore.

"Death Eaters, I don't know why they're still around though," Harry said, "I've got to lose them, faster, faster." Ginny's hair flew all over as the broom picked up speed.

"Move to the right," Ginny cried, "There' a spell coming towards us." Harry jerked the broom away, missing whatever spell sent by an inch.

"What now?" Harry asked.

"It's a multiple amount of spells," Ginny said, "Up or down, just don't let us get hit." Harry nodded and steered the broom higher. Second mistake. A stray spell hit the broom, sending Harry and Ginny spiraling to the ground. Multiple branches and leaves cut Harry's face, and he barley used the cushioning spell in time. Inches before the ground Harry and Ginny came to a halt.

"Thanks," Ginny groaned, sitting up.

"No problem," Harry replied, "We should get moving, it's a long way back, broom or not."

"Or the Death Eaters will surround us," Ginny shivered. Harry quickly looked around, and pulled out his invisibility cloak.

"Get under, we'll make our way back slowly," Harry instructed. Ginny nodded and the two sipped under the cloak.

"I sent a message to Dumbledore earlier," Harry whispered, "If I give up our position the Death Eaters will know where we are, but so will Dumbledore."

"Could we fight them off?" Ginny asked, "There were only three chasing us."

"They're still powerful, I saw we continue as far as we can get," Harry decided, "Then hopefully we'll be safe." Ginny nodded and Harry silently lit the tip of his wand. They walked through the forest, doing the best they could to return. After minutes of walking, Harry was about to collapse and he saw Ginny was not looking too good either. They both stopped when they heard a crack in the woods.

"Do you see him?" a voice asked. Harry quickly identified Malfoy. Two figures emerged. Malfoy and an older man with long blond hair.

"Father, will this work?" Malfoy asked. Lucius Malfoy Harry thought in disgust.

"Of course it will," Lucius snapped. Malfoy nodded and fell silent. Morgan and two Death Eaters appeared behind Malfoy.

"David, Ann," Lucius nodded curtly, "Ready?" The two Death Eaters nodded and pulled out their wands. With a rush the cloak fell off of Harry and Ginny, leaving them open and vulnerable.

"There," Morgan said. Harry found himself disarmed and stunned. He fell to the ground and saw Ginny collapse next to him. How are we going to escape this?