Hey guys, this story are the sequel to 'It Wasn't Just a Joke". If you haven't read it, you may just want to have a quick look t it, just so you understand the plot. I would love to know is still have people reading, so please review!

Disclaimer- I do not own Glee, only Melanie

Brittany's POV

I woke up at 5:00 in the morning to the loud screams of my daughter. I climbed out of bed and walked over to her, still half asleep.

"Melanie, sweetie, its okay, and mummy's here," I said, gently picking her up and patting her on the back. "Please stop crying, mummy and daddy have to go to school soon" I told her, swaying gently from side to side.

Artie and I had taken a month of school after Melanie was born and it defiantly helped. We are getting used to the constant crying, and Melanie waking up every 3 hours, but knowing we have to get up early to go to school didn't help.

"Britt?" Artie said as he rolled over in bed to find me calming our daughter.

"Yeah? Everything's okay Artie, I got this, you can go back to sleep." I said, yawning.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Positive, now go back to sleep, we have school tomorrow." I said, reassuring him I was fine.

Artie quickly fell back to sleep as Melanie started to calm down. I sat down on a chair in our room and gently stroked her across the stomach. "That's my girl" I said giggling softly. I was just about to get up and put her back to bed when I felt myself drifting of to sleep. I held Melanie close to my chest and we both fell asleep in the chair.

Artie's POV

I woke up early that morning to find it was time to go to school. I was still tires from all the sleepless nights Brittany and I have been having lately, but it has defiantly been worth it. I rolled over, expecting to feel Brittany lying beside me, but instead I opened my eyes and found her asleep on the chair next to our bed, with Melanie stretched across her chest, also asleep.

I just watched them for a few minutes, they both looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping. I really didn't want to wake them up but Brittany and I had to get to school.

I climbed into my chair and went over to them. "Britt...? Come on you have to get up now" I said, taking Melanie of her chest and wrapping her in my arms, avoiding having her cry.

"5 more minutes" she groaned as she pulled herself into a tight ball of the chair.

"Come on, we get to go to glee club and tell them about our engagement remember?" I asked happily. It had been a month since Melanie was born and I had proposed to Brittany, but we decided to keep it a secret from the glee club until we came back to school.

"Okay, I'm up" She said as she slowly got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready. "Can you change Melanie and put her back to sleep. Your mum said she'll bottle feed her when we leave, she isn't hungry now anyway."

"I know what to do Britt, I am her dad remember?" I called to her.

"I know, I just thought I might need to remind you" She said as we both laughed.

Brittany's POV

After taking some time to get ready for school, Artie and I were finally ready to leave.

"Okay... the milk is in the fridge, the changing stuff and all her toys and clothes are in our room and... um..."

"Brittany, sweetie, I know your nervous about leaving Melanie with me while you go to school but we'll be fine." Artie's mum told me, trying her best to stop me from freaking out. It was the first time I would be leaving her since she was born and I just needed to make sure everything's perfect.

"Britt, were only going to be at school for a few hours, not forever. Mum will be fine to take care of her granddaughter. She raised me remember..." Artie said, he could tell I was stressed and he was trying to calm me down.

"Okay... I'm sorry, it's the first time I have left her, Ind I just want to make sure she'll be okay" I said, concerned.

"I know sweetie, don't you worry we'll be fine. Besides, I have wanted to have some personal time with my granddaughter anyway. You have absolutely nothing to worry about." Artie's mum said, bouncing Melanie in her arms.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much we appreciate you looking after her" I said genuinely.

"You're very welcome; as long as you and Artie complete your schooling I'm fine. Now you two better get going or you're going to be late"

"We will thank again. Love you baby girl," I said, giving Melanie a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks mum, bye sweetie, see you soon. "Artie said kissing her forehead.

I never thought that leaving your daughter for the first time could be so nerve-racking... but I had to realise she was in very good hands and I needed to get back to school. Besides, I had some exciting news for the glee club...

Hope you liked it! That was mostly just an introduction to their life with the baby, I'm hoping I will be able to think of some interesting ideas, and if you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Please Review :)