A/N: Hello.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ao no Exorcist, but I wish I could!~

Chapter 2: Wings

Her body got swept by the deep beats of the bass, pumping from the low quality stereo-speakers. They vibrated through her body and rippled in the course of her bloodstream. Without even realizing, they had already been in the karaoke room for two hours. Those hours seemed too short for Asami's two fervent friends and the three older guys. They eagerly punched the numbers for fifteen more songs, and the glow from their faces had yet to dim. It would've been pitch black in the room, if it weren't for the bright television screen that displayed lyrics and the roughly spherical object that produced vibrant colors. The air conditioned room was no longer cool.

Daiki didn't try to make any moves on Asami, which relieved her. The awkward atmosphere unlaxed and loosened up her tense nerves from being in the same room as him. His long, wine-red bangs that was always down and swished to the side was waxed back. He looked like a fucking rooster. Speaking of rooster, Asami suddenly remembered the confirmation email she received, approving her volunteer application to work at a farm. She cursed herself for not using this as an excuse to get out. Well, at least she wasn't sitting next to him. Asami sat in between Kaede and Rika, who was next to Touya. But as soon as Rika and Touya stood up and ran over to the front of the room to perform a duet, Daiki scooted himself over to Asami.

Oh, okay.

He looked at her and said something, but she couldn't make out his words.


He repeated his words a little louder, but to her, trying to talk over Rika and Touya's scream just sounded like, "Do you asdfghjkl." Asami scrunched her eyebrows and wrinkled her nose trying to grasp the words that already left his mouth. Daiki chuckled. This time, instead of yelling it any louder, he leaned in and said it to her ears.

"You're so cute when you're confused." His hot breath tickled her senses and froze her in place. His body was so long and big compared to hers; it made her feel somewhat conscious. He continued, "I asked if you wanted to duet with me."

Asami laughed off the awkwardness. "Like what?" She glanced over at Daiki when he backed up. He was sitting with his legs wide open and leaned back coolly with one arm stretched out, still staring at her.

Ready to answer, he leaned in again. Asami quickly faced away and stopped breathing.

"Hmmm…Bump Bump?"

"Oh, that song…Uh, I don't know it that well," she fibbed.

"Sure," Daiki snickered. Asami grew apprehensive and let out a weak laugh. She cleared her throat and shuffled around her hands, then finally sat still after crossing her legs. Rika and Touya's song ended with a nice laugh. They seemed to be hitting it off really well. Thank God. Hopefully this means there won't be any more karaoke nights with Daiki. She prayed that Rika would reclaim her seat next to Asami, but her hopes went down the drain as she skipped him and sat down. Glare. Kaede went up for her turn. A familiar melody rendered from the stereo-speakers with the chiseled notes of a piano. It was the song that Kaede sang whenever they hit the mics. Her voice, normally enervated, was surprisingly clearer. The strong bass and echo gave her vocality the fullness it usually didn't have. Oh, Kaede probably practiced! Ahaha, she's so cute. Asami swayed her head back and forth slowly, praying Daiki doesn't bug her anymore about the stupid duet or any other shit. Her attention was cut short by the sudden fondle of Daiki's rough hands on her upper thigh. The nerve!

"I love your stockings," Daiki leaned in, this time even closer than before, brushing his lips against her ear, desperate for some attention. His hot breath moistened her ear hole. Asami jolted back and quickly shrugged her right shoulder to brush away the lingering feeling of repugnance, the violation of her space and austere manner. She was refraining herself from walking out of the room, walking out on everyone. Asami didn't need to be here. Fuck this shit. Her job was done. She glanced back at Daiki and snorted as the image of a rooster popped up. Ah, how cleaning chicken shit never sounded so carefree. Asami gripped onto her brown, leather satchel. Any second, she was going to bid everyone farewell with a, "Oh, sorry~ I have to go!" Unexpectedly, Daiki's arm wrapped around Asami, seizing her. He forcibly brought her closer and congested body heat, sending her a message telepathically to fill his boredom. Che. She broke free from his arms and withdrew from the group. Asami barged out, every step demanding freedom. The fluorescent lights blinded her from the abrupt invitation, but her eyes rapidly adapted. The glass egress slid parted open automatically, and Asami made a spectacular exit, like a boss. She reminded herself to text Rika and Kaede that it was no big deal and to carry on.

Daiki chased after her and hastily grabbed her arm. He tightened his grip, once again, seizing Asami. She swiftly turned back, not expecting to see - Rooster. Asami wasn't scared, no. Frustration broiled within her veins. "You're going the wrong way."

"No, I'm not," Asami tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. Goddamn, she never felt so powerless.

"Yes, you are," a grin bedecked his intentions. Daiki began to drag her towards another direction. How can he haul her so easily without breaking a single sweat.

Scoff, "Let go of me, Daiki." She yanked her arm as hard as she can. "I'm serious! Let go!" He didn't waver a bit. Asami realized he wasn't going to surrender to her. Her reluctant response was not going to repress his sexual rage and desire. No, his manly pride was much too convincing. After several attempts of breaking free and letting out shrieks to resist with all her might, there was no use. Before she knew it, they were in front of a building with a sign that read "rabu hoteru." At this point, Asami knew that some leg power could come in handy. She mustered up the strength to kick the shit out of Daiki's manhood.

Miss. Her short legs couldn't kick high enough, that it came in contact with his sturdy thighs instead. He paused.

"Woah there," Daiki put on a shocked expression. "Don't get too excited now. A little higher and that coulda scarred me." He jostled Asami's head with his fingers roughly.

She was really angry now. The blood rushed to her face and the pounding of her felt could be felt in her teeth as she clenched them mercilessly. "Fuck off!"

"Che. You're a rude bitch." Daiki squeezed her arm to the point it left a bruise and continued to drag her.

From the public eye, they looked like a quarreling couple. Asami was the ignorant girlfriend that seemed to be making a mountain out of a mole hill, and Daiki was the boyfriend that was trying to settle her down. Her shrieks were followed by a "Shut up!" The ruckus couldn't have been excused by a certain ebony-haired boy. He had stopped dead in his tracks and contemplated whether or not an outsider like him should intrude in a lover's quarrel. No matter how much he looked at them, the girl was the defenseless one. He began to feel somewhat frustrated of how much of a scene their feud making out to be.

"I said to fuck off!" She yelled as loud as she can and as clear as she can. With all the rage building on both sides, Daiki was the one to settle the dispute with force; her left cheek, a bright red mark, burning. Asami flung and dropped to the ground. In an flash -

"Oi!" An angry voice yelled out. The boy dashed towards them like wind. Asami saw white shooting in front of her and perceived instant fluffs of ivory that blurred into her vision, falling like snow. Within moments, Daiki, too, was on the floor.

"You don't hit a girl!"

Who was the man that came to her rescue? Her knight in shining armor, her prince, an angel, God…

Asami noticed the white feathers drifting away.

"I'll remember this!" Daiki yelled out and ran off.

"Are you okay?" A frantic voice graced her ears. Asami looked up and, in shock, met the same electric, blue eyes that left her impinged at the hallway. She knew it. Okumura Rin. He couldn't be human. How in the world, did she manage to see him again? Of all places, he could've been in his own secluded anywhere. How can the aspirations of that soul be reflected in someone's everyday life? His presence was followed by fairness. And whether a human mind should be bounded by the routine of toil for supplying common wants, his mind seemed to be focused on something else? And all these thoughts, vague, unformed, a dim and undefined sense of something, passed though Asami's brain. She had forgotten Daiki even touched her. Asami took a brief look at what was behind Okumura Rin as something caught her eyes: a pair of pure white. Wings. And for some reason, she accepted it.

"Yeah..." Asami replied, rubbing her eyes. "I'm okay." Another glance. The wings were gone.

A/N: Yay! You made it to the end! Don't kill me! I know Rin had a short spotlight...again. But I promise that will come to an end! More Rin next chapter!

Thanks for reading. Hope it wasn't painful. Feel free to leave reviews and criticisms~ (ΘωΘ;)