Love Is For Fools

Written By: Trinita

Trinita: Another multi-chapter story, guys! Let's see...I have The True Meaning of Family, Slaves Are Supposed To Be Weak and Alone, The Crimson Rider...add this, ya' got four! That's really not so bad, so enjoy! BTW, here are the Sonic characters who are FEMALE in this story:

*Shadow; *Tails

Chapter #1:

The time was 225 B.C. In the town of Sparta was in full swing as ever. The new seven year old recruits for war training were sent off, their mother sucessfully not showing their heartache.

One Fobian standing in the crowd sighed heavily. She was twenty one, and she had been standing here, waiting, for four years. It was rather pathetic, really. You see, when the seven year ols went off to train, that year's worn out army returned, ready for a welcome committee like no other. The Fobian was hoping that her, ex-boyfriend, would return someday. However, he wasn't, and it wasn't because of the war, either.

The Fobian was a black hedgehog with upturned quills, and she had red streaks all over her body. The hedgehog would stand at the edge of Sparta with all the other strong, bulky females, waiting on hoping. However, while other women tried not to cry at hearing that their men had returned, not with their shields, but on them, the black hedgehog would bite her bottom lip, knowing why her 'boyfriend' hadn't come home. He had cheated, and since he was too cowardly to admit it like the Spartan Mobian he was supposed to be, he fled.

God, I hate Mobes, the Fobian thought angrily, They're no good, two timing, playboy freaks! With that, the black hedgehog returned home, privately gave herself four years' worth of a good cry, and mentally decided that next year, she wouldn't wait like the fool she was. She would suck up her pathetic loss, and move on. It was all she could do.

That afternoon, the Fobian went to the Spartan Gardens to physically train. The best way to get men off the brain was to heavylift and run a few miles. As she did, she heard someone call out, "Shadow! Hey, Shadow, wait up!" The black hedgehog turned around to see a thin, wide-mouthed kitsune catching up to her, catching her breath. "Tails, what is it?" Shadow asked, annoyed, "I need to train!"

"S-Sorry" Tails apologized, nodding her head low, "I guess you waited again, huh?" Shadow growled. Almost no woman knew of her personal scandal, and she was going to keep it that way. Spartan women weren't suppose to cry or show feeling. They were to be strong, ruthless...just like their men. Well, Shadow thought, at least that's one thing he got right. He was ruthless...right down to the core!

"Yeah, so what, whatever" Shadow replied, picking up a stone dumbell, "I have to weight lift. You're a skinny, little should join me". Tails gulped. She was one of the few female Spartan teens who was weak to the bone, and one of the fewer who didn't mind admitting it. The kitsune nodded her head, grunted loudly as she picked up a dumbell, and started to lift as much as possible. Shadow saw this, smirked, and continued her lifting.

By nightfall, Shadow had tired out her poor arms, and Tails was near dying. "I'm going home" Shadow sighed deeply, "I've got training tomorrow". "Is that all you want to do with your life?" Tails asked, doubting it, "Train, train, train? What the heck are you, a machine? Don't you wanna' settle down someday, marry...have a family?" "NO!" Shadow growled loudly, "Why would I? No Mobian is gonna' play me! EVER!"

"I-I'm sorry" Tails murmured, stuttering, "It's just that...well..." It was at this time that Shadow took the time to notice a shimmer in the short distance. "No..." Shadow whispered, "'re just sixteen..." "And in love!" the kitsune squealed, holding up her marriage hand, "In six months' time, Shadow! My parents even approved!" Shadow shook her head. She hated to admit it, but Tails was her bestest friend...her only friend. If the fox got married...she'd be alone, and that was something that she, a 'ruthless' Spartan, couldn't take.

"Go, Tails" Shadow huffed, "Look, I'm happy and all, but just...go". "But, Shadow-" "GO!" the hedgehog screamed in agony, feeling what little happiness she had left slipping away, "J-JUST G-GO!" Tails sulked, but obeyed. She knew the news was the last thing Shadow wanted to hear, but Shadow was the only friend she had to tell. The other Spartans didn't take her serious because she was so weak.

At home, Shadow curled up in a little ball, and screamed as hard as she could. All those months of hoping and was for nothing. She had held on to a fantasy...and it was sickening. The black hedgehog bit her hand to bring some feeling back to herself, and hissed through sobs, "I need to get stronger. Love doesn't do anything but hurt. It's a drug. A CON-ARTIST DRUG THAT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD, AND THEN DRAGS YOU DOWN!" The Fobian shivered, and then slowly fell asleep, tired.

"The General has returned!" a little girl cried. "Huh?WHAT?" Shadow cried, waking up. She blocked her crimson eyes as the sunshine burst into her home. Outside, everyone was flocking at the edge of Sparta. "I thought he was dead" one Mobian whispered. Another replied, "I heard he was lost in the thunderstorm!" Shadow stumbled outside, still half asleep, and her quills in every direction.

"General Sonic has returned!" Tails cried, running towards Shadow. Eyeing the kitsune evilly, Shadow ignored the joyous squeal. "He's back, Shadow! Our army leader is back!" Tails cried, "Aren't you excited?" "Why should I be?" Shadow scoffed angrily, "hell, why should you be? You've got your precious fiance to be excited over!" Tails felt hurt at the comeback, but she shook her head, and answered, "Shadow, this is a good thing. Please try and be happy".

Shadow hissed, and looked forward at the crazed mob. The Mobian general rode in on a midnight black horse dubbed Lightning Thief, eager to rest after his year in war. Sparta's Head Judge of the High Court greeted the general, proclaiming, "This is a grand miracle for us all, General Sonic. Welcome back!" "Good to be back" the azure hedgehog sighed heavily, "I've missed Sparta".

The crowd followed their general to the feast, and Shadow sighed. She had to be there, or else people who bombard her with questions. Going inside her house to get dressed, Shadow told Tails to shoo, seeing that the kitsune was too excited to keep still. Finding a blood red dress that matched her eyes, Shadow changed, already dreading what was to come.

At the Spartan City Hall,General Sonic took seat with all the commoners, who were enjoying the feast just as much as he was. As the blue hedgehog devoured the food, an old Fobian echidna asked him, "So, General...finally ready to settle down and have a family?" "And stop living the dream?" Sonic scoffed, "Never, my lady!" The old lady laughed, but Sonic sighed deeply. Truthfully, he wanted to settle down, but...with who?

As Shadow ate, Tails kept showing everyone her wedding ring, and chatting about how it was going to be the wedding of the year, and yada, yada, yada. Shadow rolled her eyes, and decided to leave. No one would notice her, anyhow. As the black hedgehog made her way outside, General Sonic noticed, and wondered why she was leaving. "Excuse me for a moment" the general asked, and left the table.

Outside, it had gotten cold quickly, and Shadow was hugging her arms tight. As she waddled home, someone called out, "Lady, please stop! Where are you going?" Shadow halted, annoyed to the bone, turned around, and hissed, "I'm going-...General! UGH! Why do you care?" "I protect the people, don't I?" General Sonic replied, "So...why wouldn't I care?"

"ARRRGGG!" Shadow screamed, "Go shove an apple up your-" "No need for language like that!" the azure hedgehog defended himself quickly. Shadow shook her head, and continued to waddle home. "May I...ask you just one more question?" Sonic whispered. "WHAT?" Shadow shrieked. Sonic gulped, and replied, "Well, your friend...the kitsune teen...I would think you'd be happy that she was betrothed. Why are you so angry?"

Shadow's eyes widened and then closed as scenes of her heartache played over and over in her head. Her boyfriend was heartless, running off with a sick, selfish whore who laughed at the thought of seeing Shadow cry at her ultimate dismay. The black hedgehog opened her eyes to realize two things: she was crying in public, and General Sonic had embraced her tightly.

Before she even knew what she was doing, Shadow melted into the General's arms quickly. "You're obviously hurt" Sonic whispered, "Please, come with me, and I'll get you something warm to drink". Shadow only nodded, fully not aware that she was in a man's arms. Sonic sighed, and took Shadow to his home not far from their current spot.

By the time the two hedgehogs reached Sonic's home, it had started to rain, and Shadow was sneezing violently. "Here" Sonic murmured sympathetically, wrapping a blanket around Shadow's body, "You're as cold as death". Shadow sneezed again, and took a spot by the fire. Sonic poured the Fobian some warm milk with a little sugar, and asked, "Why'd you leave?" "None of your business!" Shadow hissed angrily.

Sonic shook his head, handing the now again fierey hedgehog her drink. Snatching it away from him, Shadow gulped down the milk, instantly being warmed up. Before Sonic knew it, Shadow was up on her feet, and was heading for the door. "Where are you going?" Sonic asked curiously. "Home" Shadow growled, "and next time you see me leave, DON'T follow me...EVER".

Sonic watched helplessly as Shadow headed into the rain, yet again shivering violently. Ignoring her words, the general followed her, and called out, "What is it with you? You're gonna' catch a cold, so would you come back inside, and let me help?" Shadow, for a moment, stopped walking, and replied, "I don't need your help". "You're not doing so good on your own" Sonic scoffed, "However, if you want to be sick...sick in the head, that is, then as you wish".

Shadow growled loudly as Sonic disappeared back into his home, and she stomped off. Once she reached her home block, she was already beyond sick. The black hedgehog's head was swimming, she was ice cold, and her sneezing refused to let up. Maybe I should've tooken his help, Shadow thought sadly, and then groaned as her headache grew worse. The hedgehog didn't even have time to reach the door of her house because she fainted onto the hard concrete, and stayed there.

Is it the next day already?, Shadow thought, slowly opening up her eyes. She saw a blur of blue, a flash of emerald, and then her hand flew up in the air. "OWWWW!" a voice cried, "What'd you slap me for?" "Sorry, General" Shadow snickered, and sat up quickly. Sonic rubbed his cheek gently, and mumled, "Can't even say 'Thank You' to the person to got you out of the rain". "So that's how I got here" Shadow replied, understanding everything.

"You had fainted" Sonic explained, taking off his tunic, "It's strange. I was worried last night because you were too cold, but now I'm worried that we'll burn up in here! Sparta's a desert!" "PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON NOWWWWW!" Shadow freaked, "Try and at least look like a general!" Sonic rolled his eyes, smirked, and found a fresh tunic.

Shadow stood up, and then realized that she was too dizzy to stand, falling back on her behind. "Try to relax" Sonic hissed, "You're a sickly damsel, ya' know that?" "Of course" Shadow smirked evilly, "I'm sooo fragile, aren't I?" "Spartan women are never fragile" Sonic reasoned, "They have feelings, of course, but they're strong about keeping them in". "I'm not" Shadow hissed angrily.

Sonic looked over at Shadow, and murmured lovingly, "Shadow...personally, I think that Spartan women are too hard. They try to hide their feelings when the strongest thing to do would be show them. That's why I'm taking such an interest in you. Last night, you cried. I liked that. I haven't seen a Spartan woman cry in years, and it brought back something my mother told me... Spartan women are strong physically, but some are just plain emotionally stupid".

Shadow looked up at Sonic, and hissed, "Are you trying to get romantic with me, General?" "It depends" Sonic answered, taking a seat by Shadow, "I need a woman whose fierce, but knows when to be gentle. You seem to fit the bill. I'm attracted to you for some odd reason, and would like to get close to you...if you'll let me". Shadow blushed deeply, and backed up a little as Sonic placed one of his strong hands on her cheek.

"D-Don't you-" Shadow started, but Sonic cut her off with his lips, and she forgot that she hated men for the moment. As the ebony hedgehog placed herself deeper into the kiss, Tails walked by the General's home, peered into the window, and gasped loudly...too loudly. "Tails!" Shadow gasped, pushing Sonic off of her. It was when the kiss was broken that Shadow finally realized what she was doing.

Sonic yelped in pain as Shadow's sandal dug into his groin. "Kiss me again" Shadow threatened, "and your fur will be hanging outside your home door!" With that, Shadow stormed out of General Sonic's home. "Are you okay?" Tails asked Sonic, helping the general off the floor. "I...guess" Sonic slowly said, "T-Tails, right? she like that?" "She's been hurt before" Tails explained, "She doesn't want to take that chance again. That's why she'll kiss you one moment, and hurt you the next". Sonic nodded his head. Now, he had to find out what had hurt Shadow, and how to fix it...