Hey guys! It's been a while! *dodges thrown projectiles* I know.. It has been quite a while since I last updated this story...
*coughs* But hey! I hadn't forgotten... I just.. had no idea what to write next.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

I do not own Kingdom Hearts, or the characters.

10. On the Mend

Even's POV:

Arriving at Ienzo's friends house to see the ambulance hit it home, someone had really attacked my sweet boy. I rush over, wanting to see him, wanting to make sure he was okay. A paramedic stopped me and I looked at her with desperation. "Please, he is my son" I say my green eyes full of worry. She nods softly and lets me past, just in time to see Ienzo on a bed being lifted into the back of the ambulance.

"Let me go with him.. please I need to know he is okay." I climbed in to the ambulance after the paramedics and sit on the seat they show me to. My eyes focus on Ienzo's skinny frame, I shake my head. "Why..." I murmured.
The paramedic not looking at Ienzo turns to me. "I need to ask you some questions about Ienzo." she said gently, all I can do is nod, not sure how much help I will be.
She nods and asks about Ienzo, his age, his lifestyle, his friends.
"Ienzo is 17, he is my adopted son, he is a quiet boy, he doesn't speak out of choice, I adopted him from an abusive background.. His friends are very caring of him, they look after him so well usually.." I ramble. She nods taking notes.
"And.. what was he doing when he was attacked?" she asked. I glance at Ienzo, seeing him flinch as the drip was put in to his arm. "He was on his way to meet a friend." I reply. "The boy who attacked him was a bully from school.."

Ienzo's POV:

The sound of the siren wailing above me as I am rushed to hospital keeps me mostly conscious, I groan in pain as I am quickly checked over in the back of the ambulance. Even is sat in the back with me, though I am vaguely aware of his presence. I wince as a drip is attached to my arm, my eyes closing. 'Needles.. I hate needles.' I can hear Even talking with one of the paramedics, answering questions about me. I let out a small whimper, I want Myde.

Even looks over at me and goes to stroke my hair softly, I hate how worried he looks, I never want to make anyone worry again. I don't flinch away from his gesture like I usually would. His fatherly actions comforting me for once, I decided to wait until I was better to show him I was talking, well... sort of talking... a few words doesn't equate to a whole conversation and I still wasn't comfortable with talking. My whole body ached, though I assumed that either the drip had pain killers in, I was getting used to the pain or I was dying. Hoping that it was not the latter I turned my head, looking up at the blonde scientist, my slate grey eyes full of fear, shock and god knows what else. I see him smile reassuringly and I glance up at the paramedic. I whimper and close my eyes, the only thing on my mind was sleep. Sleep and my longing for Myde to be there to make everything okay.

The ambulance stopped and I was wheeled out and in to the hospital, I closed my eyes, I hated hospitals.. Even walked beside me as they took me to a separate room, talking to me, telling me it was okay. I focused on his voice, a rock I clung on to as we entered the room. I looked around and bit my lip, I new I needed stitches, partially by the way the nurses examined the deep wound on my shoulder and the reopened wound on my stomach, and partially because I could feel how deep the wounds were. I looked desperately at Even, hoping my facial expressions were enough to tell him I did not want to see or feel them stitch me up. He nodded a little, knowing my fear of needles and hospitals and went to have a word with the nurses. I stopped paying attention to them and sighed, wincing as my wounds still screamed at me, the painkillers were helping though. A doctor came over and quickly gave me an injection, I whimpered and slowly fell asleep, the anaesthetic making me pass out.

'Darkness, I can hear voices. Where am I? I try to open my eyes, shifting my position. I groan in pain and shudder, pain... why am I..'

My eyes shoot open as my memories flood back to me, Lumeria in the alley way, Lea carrying me, Myde taking care of me. The ambulance, Even, the hospital. I look around me, trying to get my bearings. I groan again as I try to lift myself to see who was talking, the voices sounding familiar. The talking stops and I hear foot steps coming towards me.
"Ienzo! Don't move, you'll hurt yourself.." "Ienzo! Are you okay I was so worried." a small smile flits across my features as I recognise the voices and two familiar faces come into my line of eyesight. I want to leap up and hug the two boys at either side of me. 'Myde! Lea!' My body didn't let me of course, and I didn't want to worry them more by moving around so hastily. He slowly pushed myself up the bed I was in, sitting up.

"Ienzo I'm so glad you are okay!" Myde cries, he looked like he was either about to burst in to tears or hug me. Lea looked at Myde as though warning him against hugging me. My eyes lock with the beautiful pools of blue and I feel myself relax. I smile weakly and tears form at the corners of my eyes. 'I'm sorry Myde, I don't want to make you worry.' I cried out mentally.

"Man you scared the crap outta us." I turn my head to look at Lea, a playful grin on his face even in the current situation, the grin put me at ease a little. I looked at him, my slate-grey orbs apologetic. He lightly ruffled my hair and sighed. "I know its not your fault Ienzo." he said softly. Myde nodded in agreement. "Thats right, don't you dare think this is your fault. That stupid jerk Lumeria.." he muttered. I flinch at the sound of his name, the events of yesterday running through my head. He looked at me and lightly brushed away the tears from my cheeks. "Sorry Ienzo, I didn't mean.." he murmured. I shook my head. 'No.. I need to face this head on' I thought, biting my lip.

"You sure did surprise me though shortie" Lea teased. "I didn't know it was you calling my name until it clicked." he said "Thought you couldn't talk.." I smiled a little and looked from Lea to Myde who was also smiling.
"Ienzo, I'm so glad I got to hear your voice.. I just wish it wasn't because of such a horrible situation.." he murmured stroking my uninjured shoulder. I nod a little and look down at my lap. I wished it had been a happy time.. Like... the first time I talk would have been to tell Myde I love him. Wait, I love him.. I half giggle to myself I guess I do. I look up to see them both looking at me with weird expressions.

"What's so funny?" Lea asked, I blushed and shook my head. "Aww come on, not saying anything now we know you can?" I blushed again and bit my lip shaking my head. Myde playfully flicked Lea's forehead "Hey, don't pester him, he will talk when he wants." he said sticking his tongue out. I smiled and giggled, glad I could see them again, happy to see that I hadn't worried them too much for them to not be themselves around me. The end of visiting hours came and I had to say bye to my friends, I sighed, wishing I could go with them.

Even came over quickly at the end of visiting hours and reached out to stroke my head softly, I pressed against his hand which earned me a shocked looking reaction. He smiled and looked at me gently. "I'll be back tomorrow okay?" he said. I nodded, he turned to leave. I reached out for him and he turned back to face me. "It's okay Ienzo, I'm here" he said. I look at him pleadingly, not wanting to be left alone. He handed me a notepad and pen and I scrawled a note. It said 'I know its against the rules... but please stay until I fall asleep?' He read it and his eyes seemed to dance with happy tears. I blushed and looked away, I had never asked for his company, let alone wanted him beside me as I fell asleep. But I felt vulnerable and fragile, I needed his strong presence to support me and make me feel safe. He smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking my hair "I won't leave you Ienzo." he murmured. I closed my eyes and smiled a little, slowly drifting of to sleep.

A couple of weeks of being stuck in a hospital bed and trying to get the hospital staff to give me food I actually liked and I was mostly healed. I had overheard the doctors talking about sending me home and I honestly wanted nothing else. I missed my bed, my belongings, I missed being at home with Even and his over clingy nature. I hated to think it but I also missed school. The thought of seeing Myde and Lea again for more than just a few hours when they were allowed to come and visit was delightful. Even came to visit with a wide grin on his face, I practically wriggled with excitement. 'They are letting me go home!' my mind screamed.

"Guess who gets to go home today?" Even said, my eyes lit up and I smiled. Even chuckled "I never thought I would see you smile that much." He said. I bit my lip and blushed, I guess I haven't really smiled in front of him.. at least not this much. A doctor came over and handed Even the paperwork and discharge papers and he smiled thanking him. He filled them out and handed them back before turning to me and smiling "Shall we go then? I'll pack your things away and then I'll get a wheelchair." I was about to put on a face of protest when he looked at me. "You are not walking out of here Ienzo." I sighed and frowned looking away. 'Fine' I huffed.

Finally home Even wheeled me in to the house and I smiled looking around at the familiar surroundings. I yawned a little and ran a hand through my lavender blue hair. "Glad to be home?"

I looked up as Even spoke and I nodded with a smile. I looked at the stairs, longing for my bedroom. Even sighed "Fine, but take it slowly alright?" I nodded and smiled in thanks, slowly pushing myself towards the edge of the chair seat, slowly and carefully standing up. My legs wobbled after lack of use from being in hospital and I leaned on the kitchen table to steady myself. I made my way carefully over to the stairs and proceeded to climb them, making my way to my bedroom, Even following behind me. I pushed open my door and smiled, making my way over to my bed and sitting on it. I let out a sigh of relief and lean back into the comfortable pillows. Even smiles "Do you want anything?" he asked. I nodded and quickly wrote a note saying that I would like some milk and toast. He nodded and went to get it. "I'll be right back." he said as he left. I sat waiting looking at a comic-book. He came back a moment later and I smiled, quickly eating and drinking. He chuckled "I'll let you get settled back in." he said leaving the room. I watch him leave then look at my phone, deciding to text Myde. Myde and I text for the night until I fall asleep.

Thanks for reading guys! As always please Review and give some Love 3

Thanks again,
