Okay, I watched a Never Give Up Digimon Xros Wars AMV (it was the full version) and that's where I got the idea for this one. Also, this one has many scenes from the fic.

Never Give Up! [Digimon Xros Wars]


(Digimon Tamers Rumble Arena Championship Logo appears)

TAFU na HAATO! Nando demo tatakau to

(Similar to Xros Wars: Arisa and Impmon run through a field)

kimeta toki kara tomaranai MAI ROODO

(they get joined by Kenny with Terriermon on his shoulder)

Chiisana PURAIDO seotte

(they get joined by Rene and Renamon)

kobushi wo nigitte

(they get joined by Takuto and Guilmon)

mata ippo ippo GOORU wo

(they get joined by Taito and Shoutmon)

mezashi zenryoku shissou!

(they get joined by Hikaru and Elecmon, Calumon flies/jumps in front of the team)

Tama ni tsurai hi datte atte

(A thunder illuminates the grey sky in the Digiworld and it's raining)

omoidoori ni ikanakute

(we see the Hackers under a tree, Akari and BlackGatomon standing, Akira and BlackAgumon leaned on the tree and Ken, Wormmon, Akita, Dorumon, Dean and Veemon sitting under the tree)

sora ga namida de nijinde mietemo

(It stops raining and Akari steps forward with a satisfied smile)

Ashita wa kitto egao ni naru kara

(She turns around and gives the boy's the 'Everything's Alright' sign with her thumb)


(the boys and their Digimon are seen smiling)

Osoreru koto wa nani mo nai yo

(On the sky of the DigiWorld appears a firework)

"Ore wa tsuyoi" to shinjite

(Itsuki is seen with a mic announcing the DRA Tournament on a stand in the DigiWorld)

iza ikou ze

(The scene zooms backwards and many Tamers and Digimon are seen cheering)

"Mou shinpai nai yo omae nara!"

(Impmon preforms his Bada-Boom attack)

Sou sora ga waratteru ki ga shita

(Renamon preforms her Diamond Storm attack)

ase to namida no kazu kitto kagayakeru

(Terriermon preforms his Terrier-Tornado)

Moshi fuan ni natta toki datte

(Elecmon performs his Super Thunder Strike)

yareba dekiru to jibun shinjite

(Guilmon preforms his Pyro Sphere)

Ashiato ga oshietekureta zutto

(Shoutmon twirls his mic and performs his Hard Rock Damashi)


(Calumon performs it's Shining Digivolution attack-his Zero Unit shines)

"Itsumo dareka to kurabete shimau nda yo..."

(The Forest Area is seen from above with some Tamers and their Digimon fighting)

Ari no mama demo ii to wakatteitemo

(Paildramon falls on the ground as Beelzemon beat him)

Dareka no sei ni shite nigete konna jibun ga yurusenakute

(Terriermon bumps with Zudomon's Hammer Gorillamon's head, Beelzemon blasts Minotaurmon off with Gallantmon's Shield of the Just attack)

Kabe ni butsukatte shimatte hitori ja dou shiyou mo nakute

(Gargomon fires his Gargo Pellets at Gorillamon and then punches Gorillamon with his Bunny Pummel)

Demo tsurai toki ni soba ni ite sasaete kureru nakama ga ite

(Arisa, Rene, Kenny, Gargomon, Kyubimon and Beelzemon get encircled by Dokugumon, Arukenimon gestures the Dokugumon to attack)

Tomo ni waratte naite kureru kara

(Kyubimon burns down Arukenimon with her Dragon Wheel)

Kakegae no nai sonzai ga me ni mienai CHIKARA to yuuki

(LadyDevimon attacks Growlmon with her Evil Wing attack)

senaka ou shita!

(Growlmon faints and de-digivoluves to Guilmon)

Osoreru koto wa nani mo nai yo

(SaberLeomon cuts through Blossmons vines with his Twin Fang to free Beelzemon)

orera nakama dakara tomo ni ikou ze

(LadyDevimon uses her Black Wing attack to stab through Okuwamon who then gets deleted)

"Mou shinpai nai yo omae nara!"

(BlackGatomon jumps performs her Lighting Paw attack)

Sou sora ga waratteru ki ga shita

(Wormmon performs his Sticky Net attack)

ase to namida no kazu kitto kagayakeru

(BlackAgumon performs his Spitfire attack, Veemon performs his Vee-Headbutt attack)

Moshi fuan ni natta toki datte

(Dorumon performs his Dash Metal attack)

yareba dekiru to jibun shinjite

(A shadowed image of Milleniumon appears and it roars, Yung appears and trusts his Black D-Power)

Ashiato ga oshiete kureta zutto NEVER GIVE UP!

(Noah, Wizardmon and Nanami and DemiDevimon appear, both standing with their back turned to each other and with arms crossed on their chests)

Give up, give up, give up...

(Ami, Opossumon, Sam, MarineAngemon, Miko and Monodramon appear in a kind of row as the scene changes from left to right)

Ima ga funbari toki dattara chotto matte nanka nai de tatte

(The scene zooms into the Arena where Itsuki and Satoshi announce the begin of the Arena Battles)

Kokoro no HACHIMAKI maite kokora de hakui shibatte

(The competitors are seen in the lounge room)

Sou surya kitto ippo RIIDO

(IceLeomon slashes with his sword at Paildramon)

nareru kitto hitori no

(Rapidmon fires his Rapid Fire at DoruGreymon)

HIIROO ouo yeah, yeah!

(BlackWarGreymon fires his Terra Destroyer at Justimon)

"Shouganai" tte itte seitouka

(Shoutmon attacks with Hard Rock Damashi Wormmon)

suru amai jibun nara kettobasu

(MarineAngemon attacks Renamon with his Kahuna Wave attack)

BIBIttenaide heppiriyou ni hi tsukeru chakka! Ugokanakuccha!

(BlackGatomon jumps and punches Opossumon with her Lighting Paw attack)

CHACCHACCHA to chaban wa shuuryou

(DemiDevimon attacks Guilmon with Evil Whisper)

tomattenaide mata RE:SUTAATO!

(Gallantmon and Grani fire an Unsion Attack blast at MaloMyotismon)

KEEP ON itsumo no egao de iku ZONE

(Wizardmon sends his Electro Squall at Impmon)


(Beelzemon beats Dynasmon with his Corona Destroyer attack)

Itsudemo hitori janai yo

(Arisa and Impmon meet Takuto and Guilmon in the park)

itsudemo akiramenaide

(Arisa and Takuto shake hands as they deceide to give their best at their battle)

sora wo miagete kobushi kakage

(Arisa and Impmon are seen in the Arena facing Takuto and Guilmon)

"Mou shinpai nai yo omae nara!"

(Beelzemon rushes over to Gallantmon who rises his shield)

Sou sora ga waratteru ki ga shita

(Beelzemon BM and Gallantmon on Grani fire their blast attacks)

ase to namida no kazu kitto kagayakeru

(The smoke clears, revealing Impmon with an fireball and Guilmon charging up his Pyro Sphere)

Moshi fuan ni natta toki datte

(Lilithmon rushes over to Beelzemon to stabb him with his Nazar Nail, he escapes the attack)

yareba dekiru to jibun shinjite

(Milleniumon appears with Yung, the Tamers battle Milleniumon and the Diaboromon)

Ashiato ga oshiete kureta zutto

(Every Digimon attacks Milleniumon deleting him)


(Arisa thrusts her D-Power (like Taiki))

Nebagiba! Nebagiba! Nebagiba!

(Arisa is shown talking with Akira, who then walks away)

-Instrumental Ending-

(The whole Tamers and Hackers team are shown, plus Ami, Opossumon, Noah, Wizardmon, Miko, Monodramon, Nanami, DemiDevimon, Satoshi and ExAgumon (like the Xros Wars ending))