Hey guys! Ahh, I feel terrible! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in like FOREVER. You can blame that on school! But thanks for all the story favorites/alerts! I really do appreciate it! And from now on, I promise to try and update whenever I can! Thanks guys! Hope you like it! (:

**DISCLAIMER- I DONT own anything in this story except the idea.

~~Annabeth P.O.V~~

Percy kissed my cheek. He just kissed MY cheek.

'Okay, I definitely like Percy.' There's no point to keep hiding that from myself. His smile, his eyes, his personality. Everything about him just makes me smile.

I walked upstairs, feeling like some princess. Tomorrow would be Sunday, the day before my first day of school. Luckily, Percy, Grover, Juniper, Thalia, Percy and I were all going to the same school. We were all attending Goode High School. As excited as I was, I fell asleep quickly.

(The Next Day)

When I woke up, it was about 7:30. I got up, showered, put on some new clothes, and went downstairs to grab some breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie," My mother smiled at me.

"Good morning," I smiled at everyone. Ever since last night, I've been in a really good mood.

"How was last night?" My dad asked me.

"It was really fun, Matthew and Bobby should go skating there sometime. They'd like it." I told my dad.

"I'll let them know that." My dad laughed.

"Where are they anyways?" I asked.

"They're down at their new friend's house. They spent the night there last night."

"Oh, okay." I finished up my breakfast and walked up to my room. My phone was beeping. I looked down at it and smiled

From: Seaweed Brain

Msg: hey wise girl :) u up yet?

I smiled and replied.

To: Seaweed Brain

Msg: yea, im up (:

I put my phone in my shorts pocket and waited for him to text back. I walked over to my balcony and went outside to sit down. Being on the second floor, I had an amazing view of the ocean. In the distance, I could see tons of people out on the beach. I relaxed, feeling the ocean breeze through my hair. My phone started to beep.

From: Seaweed Brain

Msg: wanna go tubing? Grover's taking all of us :)

I smiled and immediately wanted to go. I had never been tubing before, but it sounded like fun.

To: Seaweed Brain

Msg: sure, sounds like fun (:

I walked inside and grabbed my swimsuit. My phone started beeping again.

From: Seaweed Brain

Msg: k cool, be here in ten minutes! Cya soon wise girl :)

I quickly got ready, grabbed a towel, and walked downstairs. I told my parents where I was going and they smiled. They seemed to like Percy a lot. I walked outside and headed to Percy's house.

~~Percy P.O.V~~

From: Wise Girl

Msg: sure, sounds like fun (:

I smiled as I replied to Annabeth. After last night, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. She was beautiful, smart, funny, and just perfect. Clearing my mind, I got ready and headed downstairs to eat something before Annabeth got here. My parents had left earlier this morning to go to the store. I left them a note to tell them where I was going. Just then, my doorbell rang.

I ran to the door and as I opened it, Annabeth stood there smiling looking as beautiful as ever.

"Hey Wise Girl," I smiled at her. "You ready to go?"

"Yea, I'm ready," She smiled at me. "So, whose house are we going to?"

"Were staying here," I told her. "Were taking my boat. Everyone's already here. They're all outside on my dock."

"Alright," She smiled.

I grabbed her hand and led her outside. I hoped I wasn't blushing.

"So, have you been tubing before?" I asked her.

"Nope. This will officially be my first time tubing!" She laughed.

"Well then you'll be glad to know you've got a master teaching you," I told her sarcastically. She laughed at me.

"Well someone's full of pride," She giggled.

When we reached the dock, Grover, Thalia, Juniper, and Nico were all there waiting for me and Annabeth.

"Well it's about time you guys got here!" Thalia told us.

"We've been waiting for what? Like ten days?" Nico added sarcastically.

"Then let's go!" I declared.

~~Annabeth P.O.V~~

I'll admit, I was a little bit nervous to go tubing. I've never gone before and I had a feeling that I was going to fail.

Grover started the boat and we headed off into the ocean. We all sat down and talked, enjoying the boat ride. Grover stopped the boat.

"Who wants to go first?" He asked us.

"We will!" Percy and Nico shouted.

Thalia and I threw them life jackets while Grover threw the tube into the water. I watched Percy and Nico carefully, so I would know what to do. The tube had a flat surface on top with handles to hold onto to.

Grover pushed Nico and Percy into the water once they got onto the tube. Grover started up the boat while Thalia, Juniper, and I watched them. When the boat started going fast, Nico and Percy started doing tricks. They stood up on top of the tube, and they tried to sit. Percy was able to do it all, but Nico fell. Grover turned the boat around to get Nico. Thalia threw the rope out to pull him in.

"Percy pushed me!" Nico complained. "Jerk!" He yelled at Percy.

Percy just smiled and laughed.

"Who wants to get on with Percy?" Grover called at us.

"Annabeth wants to!" Percy yelled.

Thalia and Juniper giggled.

"He so likes her!" Juniper giggled.

I sighed and started laughing.

"Whatever you say Seaweed Brain," I laughed. I grabbed a life jacket and made my way onto the tube. Percy showed me how to stay on.

"Start off slow," Percy yelled at Grover.

Grover nodded and then started the boat.

"Do you know what your doing?" Percy smiled.

"Kind of, but don't laugh at me!" I smiled at Percy.

He smiled and laughed. "Don't worry, I've got you."

He put his arm around my waist. I really hoped he couldn't see me blush. Right as we started going fast, we hit a huge wave. I screamed and Percy started laughing. Eventually, I started laughing too. I was having a lot of fun. Until we hit another huge wave. Percy flipped off of the tube, causing me to fall off too.

We both started laughing. We were floating in the middle of the water waiting for Grover to turn around. Percy pulled me into a hug.

"That was pretty good Annabeth. Of course, since I'm the Master, I doubt you can do better than me." He smirked.

I just laughed. "You're on!" I smiled at him. When Grover finally reached us, Percy helped me onto the boat. Nico winked at Percy, and Percy blushed.

Percy wrapped a towel around me, and we both sat down. Everyone smiled at us.

Grover stopped the boat, and turned to face us with a smile on his face.

"So, who wants to go next?"

What did you guys think? I know it's not my best, but I hope that you guys liked it! Also, it'd be really cool if some of you guys would send me some ideas for my next chapter(: I'll make sure to give you a shout out! So review, favorite and subscribe(: you know you wanna(: Thanks to everyone who already has! Cyaa later (: