I have no idea if anyone's even visited my stories or my page in the past three years, so maybe I'm just writing to myself. However, I just thought that ya'll (whoever you might be) would like to know, that because of this (shitty) fanfiction that I started when I was fourteen, and all of you wonderful people who reviewed and read and messaged me with death threats...I got my Bachelor of Arts in English, concentrating in Writing this past May.

I never thought when I was fourteen that writing would take me anywhere. Even when I declared my major in college, so many people told me that I was wasting time and money, because writing doesn't pay the bills. I am so happy that I was strong enough to say "screw you," to all of those people.

College was such an important part of my life, and I want to tell all of you, right now, to please follow your dreams. I know I'm not at the point in my life where I'm supposed to say that (like really bitch, make some money first and then preach), but even just going to college and doing what I love taught me so much.

I'm not going to bother with details, because like I said, I'm probably just talking to myself.

I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you so fucking much. For being encouraging, for the criticism, for the love, for just fucking clicking on the story. Thank you.

Even though it's been THREE years, my inbox, always and forever, is open. My heart is so full. Thank you.

ALSO, special shoutout to newsuperyoshi, who at one point, back in 2013 maybe, had me listed as a writing influence in their bio. Five years later and I still look at the screenshot of your bio with my name in it. I looked at it every time I felt like giving up. So thank you. I hope you see this.