Chapter One

"I wonder how much longer Clark is going to be out there," Martha Kent asked her husband, Jonathan, while looking out at the barn. Her son had been up there for three days. Ever since the death of his girlfriend, Alicia Baker, Clark had not eaten, slept, nor talked to anyone at all.

"I do not know, Sweetheart. I am all out of ideas of what to say or do to help him."

Suddenly, Martha had an idea. She went over to the telephone, picked it up, and dialed Lois Lane's cell phone number. After a few seconds, Lois answered.


"Hey, Lois. This is Martha."

Martha, what is up?

"I was wondering if you would do Jonathan and I a huge favor." A smile crept up on Martha's lips, as her idea filled her head.

Sure, I will do what ever I can to help you.

"Well, you know how messed up Clark was, when he found Alicia, right?"


"Well, he has been in his loft for the last three days now. He will not eat, sleep, or talk to anyone. I do not know what else to do. Can you possibly come over and try to get some kind of reaction out of him? I am getting worried about him.

Sure. I will see what I can do. I will be there in about half an hour. Okay?

"Okay, Lois. We will see you, then."

Okay, bye.

A.N.: This was written for fun, so please, no flames. Oh, and this story will alternate from season four on. If something is wrong, please let me know. However, this is my fanfiction story, so I guess I can tell it the way I want.

Disclaimer: See my bio page for disclaimers.