Hello! This is a Shake It Up! fan fic, forever DeCe. No flames, please. :) Review, most definitely. I hope you like this.

DISCLAIMER: I most definitely do not own Shake It Up! or Adam Iriyogen/Deuce Martinez. I wish I did. :)

The rain crashed down on her hair, and hot tears stung her eyes. Cece Jones' long sleeve graphic tee, short sleeve leather jacket and faded blue jeans were all soaked from the raging thunderstorm. She had run all the way down to a busy road in the magnificent roads of Chicago. Cece sat down hugging her knees on the curb by a bus stop. What? Why? Just, why? Angrily, she looked sharply up at the cloudy sky. Cece yelled, " Why, big guy? Why do you have to do this to me! What did I ever do so badly?" She screamed, and her lungs screamed for air.

A businesswoman stood in the shed with the bench, angrily arguing with one of her colleagues. A college student was listening to music, tapping his toe on the pavement staring at Cece. His expression read, " What's wrong with her?" Cece's red hair stuck to her face, making her look like a wet dog like Mr. Needles from George Lopez. She shut her eyes tight, and thought of the scene she stormed away from.

Twenty minutes earlier in Cece's apartment…

Deuce, Rocky, and Ty were over. Ty was in the kitchen practicing dance moves, with Rocky and Deuce on the couch talking about school. Deuce looked handsome as…usual. With a purple sweatshirt, the classic leather jacket, headphones around his neck and faded blue jeans, Deuce smiled and stared at Rocky. Cece caught a glance of that, while she was about to ask Rocky what to wear. All her bottled up feelings just gushed out.

A tear fell from her eye, and Rocky and Deuce conveniently glanced in her direction. Rocky's bubbly but concerned voice rung in her ears, " Cece? Are you okay?" She got up, accompanied by Deuce.

Deuce's chocolate eyes then became deeper and more beautiful, and then Cece had ever seen them. He spoke dreamlike, " Yeah, chica, what's wrong?"

Cece plastered on a big fake smile, and shook her head violently, " No, I'm fine." She jutted her thumb in the direction behind her, and slowly backed away, her two friends troubled by her odd behavior. " I'm just going to change, okay?" Cece then turned right around, and sprinted to her funky colorful bedroom. She looked into the mirror, and saw what a hot mess she is.

Chuckling, she spoke to herself, " Cecelia Elizabeth Jones, you are a hot mess." She started pacing, and changing. What an awkward combination. Muttering, " Sure, you're in love with your guy best friend Deuce Martinez." She looked at herself in the mirror, after getting her jeans on and long sleeve yellow graphic tee. Putting on the finishing touch of a short sleeve leather jacket like Deuce, she looked in the mirror staring herself right in the eye.

" He doesn't love you, Cece. Give it up. You're just a dancer with red hair who's self centered and selfish at times. Give it up. He'll never go for you." Realizing the cold fact, she broke down onto the hardwood floor, slipping on the high top Converse sneakers. " Stupid, stupid, stupid Cece. Get out of it. Give up."

Sighing, and putting on sprits of perfume, she then strutted to the door, and opened it looking down. The first thing Cece saw was Rocky's boots, and Deuce's sneakers. Smacked together. She looked up, and what she saw shocked her, surprised her, and most of all? Broke her.

Deuce and Rocky were lip locked, Deuce's arms locked around her neck, and her arms around his. Rocky was the one who noticed she and him had company. They pulled apart, and separated by a few feet chuckling nervously. Cece was frozen, broken and just stunned. Didn't Rocky know she was in love with Deuce? Cece thought in the back of her head. Deuce spoke the first words, " Hey Cece." He scratched the back of his head. " I know, it might be a little awkward for you to see your two best friends kissing, but…"

Rocky's expression immediately became apologetic. " Cece, please…"

Cece sprouted up like a grenade feeling betrayed, " Oh, Rocky, shut up."

Deuce interrupted, " Chica, what's up with you?"

Cece looked at Deuce sharply, and slapped him in the face. " You, shut up too." She pointed under her bed, with a huge black shoebox peeking out labeled, " Please Don't Open This, Unless You're Deuce And It's Time." " Open it, Deuce. Read everything, and I mean everything." She shoulder checked Rocky, and muttered, " I'm out of here."

Deuce and Rocky yelled in unison, " Cece, wait!" Cece kept on walking, wiping her worthless tears.

The last thing she heard from Deuce was, " Rocky, what's wrong with her?"

Rocky whispered, " Love. That's what happened to Cece." Cece kept on going, with Ty looking at her funny, but allowing her to run out of the drama filled apartment. She ran out of the apartment building, out of the area, and into the street. Not being able to face the pain, she sat her butt down on the curb. Five minutes later, it started raining. Harder, then thunder, and lightning.

Cece laughed at the cruel insanity called her life. She pulled her hair back, looking down at the grate in the curb leading the Chicago's sewage. Cece, without warning, jumped up, wiping her face of tears and raindrops. She spat, " Get out, Deuce. Get out, Rocky. Stupid best friend." Without thinking, Cece ran into the street. Right into the path of a red pick up truck.

The last thing she heard was a familiar voice she all too recognized, " Cece, no!" Deuce.

The last thing she saw was the headlights of the truck, and the surprised, shocked and worried face of the driver. It was a man. He had a beard, wore a flannel shirt, and had a cup of coffee in the other hand.

She closed her eyes, and waited for the impact. Cece smelled hot dogs and the pungent smell of gasoline. Cece felt the soft smooth hood of the car, and then? The impact. She slammed in the top of the car, rolling over, and landed in the back of the truck. The world went black.