*** my fantasy about Regin and Sonea relationship, inspired by the second Canavan's trilogy "The Traitor Spy" r*o*m*a*n*c*e ***

You have never known how your life and heart can change..."

Sonea looked at the Clinic's corridor. It was crowded more than usual. What a day. One good thing that almost all Healers were at duty today, so she could end her shift at normal hour. In the morning she received a note from Regin about the Thief's meeting. It should be in the today's late evening. She didn't have hope that they catch Skellin today. It would be good enough if they confirm that he is in town, and find eventual unhidden magical powers of him. She took a glance at the window. It was almost the time when Regin would came here for her. Her heart beat a bit louder. Oh not again...! Sonea scolded herself. You're adult single woman with adult son! Sonea sighed deeply. Alone woman.. Bitter smile appeared at her face. Maybe Rothen was right about finding a husband...? Sudden sound made her almost jump. Turning around to it's direction she saw Regin.

- I'm sorry, did I scare you...? – asked Regin looking at her a bit confused. Sonea smiled.

- No... well, maybe a bit. I was deep in thoughts.

Regin smiled warmly. Sonea noticed that the corners of his lips rising up while smiling making him look younger and kind of cute. Ugh... again.. stop this stupid thoughts! Sonea irritated at herself.

Because of the cold rain streets were more empty than usual at this time a day. It wasn't good because they have to melt into the crowd of people to be unseen for all potential thief's guards. When they closed to the meeting place Sonea started to has some strange feeling. Something was wrong. She carefully looked around, noticing that some of people at the street acting strange. She closed to Regin and said quietly:

- Something is wrong here – he looked at her with astonishment. Sonea smiled remembering that he had never lived at the streets, so it was almost impossible for him to find such details. – I know how people here acting, even despite the fact that I'm not longer one of them. Some things never change... – Sonea looked around again – Do you see that old woman? That one sitting at the ground with a sleeping dog hugging to her.

- That one taking a nap? Yes – he replied right away.

- She's not sleeping at all – Sonea smiled – this woman is Observer. If someone suspicious appeared, she would inform the others... probably by some gesture or something like that. Somewhere above us, is the other person who keeps watching her.

- You're enjoying it Sonea... – Regin's unexpected comment made her stood in surprise. Sonea turned head looking him in the eyes. He was smiling. The first think which appeared in her mind was the memory of cold, cruel young Regin at their Novice's time. The memory made her shivered.

- What's wrong Sonea? - Sonea blinked and shock head to keep off those painful memories. Regin was looking at her with anxiousness.

- I'm sorry... I just remembered something... – Sonea stop talking and rapidly turned her head. – shit! We have company.

Regin cursed. The group of guards was walking fast in their direction. Their faces was tense and it was obvious that they were searching something.

- I guess we're not the one who knows about today's thief meeting... We have to hide immediately – whispered Regin looking around for any hideout. – there. Come Sonea.

Following his gaze Sonea saw broken wall, which probably have been one of the entrance to the thief's underground passageways. Fortunately, the old wooden doors looked like still working. Sonea run into the corridor, and stopped immediately. The way was closed by the old stones. The place was for one person. Shit. They know that it was too late to find another hideout. Sonea's back was pressed to the cold wall, Regin's to the wooden door when he managed to closed it with a bit of magic. They hold breaths when the guard's steps became closer. Sonea released it when the sound of steps disappeared.

-They passed – said Regin turning face to her direction. Their eyes met. Suddenly Sonea felt like the air around them disappeared, and time stopped. Only thing she was able to see, was his eyes, delicately sparkling in the darkness. That warm, exciting gaze made her heart beat like crazy. Their bodies were touching, almost pressed to each other. Sonea felt like his chest were moving fast along with hot breaths. Regins hands moved, touching delicately her waist, pressing their bodies even more. The hot shudder run down her spine. Some different, exciting need started to spread at her chest. The need of more emotions, touches, passion, feeling the hotness of the bodies... Regin closed his face to hers, almost touching her by lips. Warm, alluring, slightly opened lips. Their stood for few seconds like that, trying to take control of their own bodies. The rising tension was almost burning the air. Then, in the blink of the eye, their lips were together, hungrily tasting each other. Deepened the kiss, Regin pushed her to him even more. Sonea trembled feeling his strong, warm body pressing to her. Her hands were stroking his chest, arousing all senses. When she felt that he broke the kiss and started to kissing and nibbling her neck, the other hand squeezed her back, she couldn't control the growing desire. All she wanted now was to pull off all his robes, feel his body at hers, surrender to this passion, here and now...