Ok so this is my first chipmunk story like EVER so please no flames! Reviews and thoughts are welcome though so don't be afraid to ask and stuff.

I love Alvin and Brittany so yeah this story will mostly be about them, if you don't like don't read.

Any way read on.

Brittany' pov.

" What's the point in going to school any way? I mean we're major rock stars there's no point!" Alvin rambled as we walked through the halls of West Eastman High; Simon rolled his eyes and headed for his science class.

" I agree for once," I chipped in making Alvin raise an eyebrow, I merely shrugged " We're famous and will probably remain famous forever so there's really no point in learning math and stuff if we're just going to be on stage," I explained.

" Britt our career might not last forever, something could happen and we wouldn't be able to perform or something then what are you going to do?" Jeanette asked softly from my right, Eleanor nodded causing her blond pigtails to bounce.

" Nothing's going to happen," I assured them rolling my eyes as we all began to go our separate ways.

Boy was I dead wrong

A light breeze ruffled my bangs making me scowl and brush them back into place, " No homework!" Alvin cheered up at the sky as he jumped into a old rain puddle, Simon jumped back to avoid the spray that his older immature brother caused.

" You shouldn't be reckless Alvin," he said sighing, Alvin stuck his tongue out like a five year old before scampering ahead.

" Recklessness is fun!" he yelled, I frowned and looked over at Jeanette, " Is that even a word?" I asked curiously.

" Yes," she answered simply as she returned to her conversation with Eleanor, I turned my attention back to the red clad chipmunk ahead only to see nothing.

" Uh where's Alvin?" I asked confused, Theodore's dark green eyes widened and he began to panic.

" Do you think he got hurt!" he cried worriedly as he looked around for his older sibling, " RAWR!" we all screamed and jumped five feet in the air.

I spun around and saw him lying on his back clutching his stomach as he struggled to breathe between laughs, " Alvin you jerk!" I yelled furiously as I glared daggers at him.

" Y-you sh-should see y-your faces!" he managed to gasp out as he continued to laugh, "You're such a jerk Alvin this is the fifth time this week! When will you grow up!" I snapped before storming off with my sisters, Eleanor was shaking and her eyes were filled with scared tears.

Jeanette and I wrapped our arms around our little sister in comfort; he made Ellie cry that freaking jerk!

" I hope he dies," I growled out making Jeanette and Eleanor gasp startled, " Brittany! Don't ever say that!" Jeanette cried her violet eyes wide in shock.

" Fine then I hope he can't perform ever again," I sneered sticking my nose in the air as we reached the front door, " You don't have to be so mean," Eleanor mumbled quietly as we slipped through the cat door.

Alvin's pov.

" How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" I asked as I lagged behind my brothers, Theodore sniffed quietly as Simon rubbed his shoulder.

" Oh Theo I didn't mean to make you cry," I told him softly as I tried to catch up, they both ignored me making me glare at them.

I jogged ahead and walked backwards so I could face them, " I really am sorry guys, but you should've seen you're faces!" I cried helplessly making Simon's already dark blue eyes darken a shade.

He lifted his head to yell at me most likely but nothing came out, his eyes widened and he stopped dead in his tracks causing Theodore and I to stop.

I smiled hopefully when Theodore's eyes also widened I raised an eyebrow and turned around to see what had gotten them so scared.

My body froze as I watched the mangy wolf sniff the air a few times before rooting through the garbage, " Crap," I grumbled noticing that the beast was blocking our path.

It's head snapped up and it's hungry desperate eyes landed on us, it's huge tongue ran over it's teeth as it took a few steps towards us.

" Ok I'm going to distract him, you two run home," I ordered quietly as the beast drew closer, " Alvin don't be stupid," Simon hissed making me smirk.

" But that's what I do best, be stupid," I said before bolting under the creature's belly, it growled loudly and gave chase.

My paws thumped loudly against the ground as it gained on me, I glanced back and cursed inside my head.

He was gaining on me! I was the fastest out of the six of us and I can't even outrun a stupid fleabag! I thought as I turned sharply heading away from the sidewalk and our house I could hear Simon and Theodore yelling at me but my mind was fixed on outrunning him.

Pain raced up my spine as his teeth closed around my tail, I was suspended in the air for a few seconds as he shook me around like a rag doll, I heard a painful ripping sound and I fell hard on my back.

I gasped in air and scrambled to my hind paws but he was on me in split second, whenever we watched Animal Planet I'd roll my eyes and say that it was all boring and not that scary. Theodore thought that being hunted was scary and being torn to pieces was painful, of course I claimed that I wouldn't be scared and I wouldn't even get caught.

Man I lie a lot, I screamed as the wolf ripped open my stomach and my chest; I struggled under him trying in vain to escape its sharp teeth.

I scrambled across the ground on my back ignoring the way that my skin hung off my body and the amount of blood that was staining the grass. The wolf looked around in vain trying to find me; I managed a weak smile when I saw its glassy eyes.

Ok if I can get far away maybe it'll give up, I thought as I struggled to stand up. The wolf must've caught my scent, I screamed again as I felt its teeth sink into my back and my neck.

I'm going to die here, I thought as it slowly added pressure, I couldn't tell what was hurting and what wasn't it was all too much.

I didn't even scream when I heard the sickening crunch of my bones, "ALVIN!" I lifted my head limply at the sound of my name.

" Do-," blood spewed out of my mouth as I struggled to speak, " Run," I coughed as I tried to stay awake.

Dark spots danced in front of my eyes and I couldn't feel my body or the wolf's teeth, this must be what it feels like to die I thought sadly as I closed my eyes.

I hope the first chapter was good! If I get some good reviews I'll think about staying with this story, R&R!