Hmm, where do I begin with this small update of my whereabouts? Well, I'll put it like this; Hello everyone, it's KD14..or well, now KD20 since I'm 20 years old now(in 3 days of course lol) I want to apologize for the long... VERY LONG hiatus on 3 current stories I was supposed to update almost every often. But yeah know..finishing school was important and now that I'm a year graduate, I've been doing real world situations like, finding jobs, taking care of other business...cosplay and all hurr hurr XD But now that I have the ability to come back to my old workshop of Fanfiction, I'm going to continue what I started 5 years ago; writing stories for you lovely viewers. But there are going to be changes around here. I might update every late of the weekend due to getting hired soon this month, new stories may come sometime in the future but that's if I put to the challenge. Yes, the story of Little Ikus will still be set to 2 years after reuniting her with Ike and Samus. I will still do outlines of the current 3 stories I am working on and will be a little more active like how I used to be 5 years ago. Things change and so does people. But I hope you viewers understand about me and my whereabouts. I will make it up to you by next week and we'll see then. Thank you and I love you. Until then..
Laterz Smasherz ;)