A/N: Hey guys! :D I FINALLY updated! :D I can't believe I've put this off for so long! I apologize greatly! I've wanted to update so bad in the past, but with school and projects, and my busy schedule, and me just being flat out lazy, I've never got around to updating. DX I started writing the chapter like...2-4 months ago, and today thought "You know what? Imma crack down and finish this! :D" Soooo I DID! :D But anyways, without a much longer stall, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 16:

Too Far

Roy opened his eyes then quickly shut them again, shielding them against the light seeping through the crack of the curtains. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and noticed that no one else was awake yet. The alarm hadn't even gone off. Deciding he had about twenty minutes to kill, Roy pulled on a jacket and some shoes, and left their room. He headed down the hallway, wrapped in his thoughts. How can she ask me to burn her tattoo off her back? Does she not know what that does to me? I couldn't live with knowing that I harmed her, especially if it's for my own selfish reasons. I wish she knew how I am looking for another way to do it...but there is no other way. No one else can know the secret; no one else, other than me. That is why I have to do it, but...I just can't-

"Roy!" A cheeky voice called from down the hallway. Roy stopped and turned to see someone running towards him.

"Ashley? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I figured that you guys would be up this early, so I thought that I'd walk to the base with Maes," Ashley answered, smiling brightly. "Is he up yet?"

"No, he's not. Sorry." Roy scratched his head. "But he might be in a little bit. He likes to sleep in when he can."

"Cool. I'll just wait, then. Or I can go with you?" Ashley suggested. "Where are you going, anyways?"

"Well," Roy started, looking down the hallway in the direction he was walking in. "I don't really know...I was just going to go for a walk. Yesterday was eventful, so I just need to clear my head."

"Oh...anything I can help you with?"

Roy flinched, realizing what he had just unintentionally said, and quickly turned back to his friend. "No!" he coughed. "I mean, uh, no thanks. I can handle it."

"Whatever you say, Roy." The brunette shoved her hands down her pockets. "Well, before you go on your walk, can I ask you something?"

"Um, sure. What is it?"*

"Well," Ashley mumbled nervously, looking down and shuffling her feet a bit. "I was wondering if Maes has said anything about me?"

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Like, has he talked about me in a nice way, or even mentioned anything about possibly liking me at all?" Ashley finally met Roy's gaze, blushing a bit. "I really like him, so I was just curious."

"Oh, I see," Roy chuckled. "Yeah, actually, he has. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I do know that he likes you. I think, if I recall this correctly, he said something about asking you to a party of some sort?"

"Really?" Ashley's blue-green eyes shone. "He must mean the party that's going on at the club near the military base!"

"There's a club by the base? Why does that signal a red flag?" Roy joked.

"No one catches us, but technically, we're not really supposed to be in there. But who cares?" Ashley clapped her hands together. "Now I can't wait!" She began to run back towards the direction she came from. "Thanks, Roy! See you later!"

"Maes, what are you getting yourself into?" Roy said to himself as he watched the girl he was just talking to. Turning around he headed down different flights of stairs, then out of the hotel doors and into the brisk morning air. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, feeling refreshed. He looked down both ways of the sidewalk, and eventually chose to just cross the street and head towards a small park about a block down the road.

Party, huh? He thought, walking slowly down the light path of the park. The greenery was beautiful at this early hour; a dark green and covered with dew. He stared at a small bush with little berries as he continued walking, lost in thought. Maybe…Riza would like to go…Yeah, I'll ask her. Roy smiled to himself, shoving his hands in his pocket. Hopefully she'll want to go…with me nonetheless. I've known her forever, why wouldn't she say "yes"? But…perhaps I'll be asking her as more of a date than just friends…

Roy looked at the ground as he walked, his feet sluggish from lack of sleep as he dragged his shoes over the dirt. A few rocks kicked away from him here and there as he kept thinking. No one else can know… he repeated in his head, now thinking about last night again. "Dammit!" he yelled out loud, no one else around him to hear. His mind was completely torn apart with over-thinking the scenario that happened last night. He knew he'd have to memorize the pattern eventually, since that's what his goal has been for so long. He never thought there would be a cost for doing so…

He sat on a large rock, looking over at their motel across the street. "Riza…" he whispered, before leaning forward and putting his face in his hands, rubbing it somewhat aggressively, almost as if he could erase what he'd learned last night. He sighed heavily, sitting up to lean back against a small tree. It was too late; he already knew the secret, and now had to fix it.

I'm not being fair, Roy thought, sitting up with a pensive expression. All our lives, she's been there for me, and has hardly asked for anything. I was the one asking her and Maes for help with my goal to become a mastered Flame Alchemist, and Riza has done exactly that. She gave me more than I could have imagined, in fact… He ran a hand through his hair and stood up slowly, staring intently at the motel. And now that she has asked me for one thing…I refuse to do it for her… "How ridiculous," Roy said aloud to himself, mentally smacking himself across the head for being selfish. Yes, he didn't want to harm Riza, but this would protect her, too. If anyone knew about the secret, they could harm Riza to get it from her, if it wasn't properly taken care of...burning it was the only option.

Fixing the collar on his jacket, he walked hurriedly back to the motel, walking up the stairs. Passing Maes and Ashely on the way, he smiled, saying "See you guys in a bit," before continuing on his way to their room. He opened the door and walked inside, seeing Riza sitting on the bed as she put on her combat boots. "Roy?"

The brunette stared at her, his ebony eyes certain and promising. He closed the door and sat down next to Riza, resting his hand on her thigh in reassurance. "Okay…" he said softly, looking up into her chocolate eyes. "I'll do it."

Roy and Riza walked down the hallway together, laughing and talking like they had when they were younger. It was easy being with her; he could really be himself, as cheesy as it sounds. They turned into the room that had all the beginning alchemists, as well as other new military members, and the room was filled with the buzz of conversation about the party that night.

"Roy!" Alex shouted upon seeing his dark-haired friend entering the room. "You're going to the party, right?"

"What, this guy?" Maes interrupted, putting an arm around Roy's shoulder. "This guy is a party animal. Of course he's going to the party."

Roy laughed, and patted Maes' chest. "Party animal? Giving me labels already?" He looked over at Alex. "Sure, I'll go. We all could use a bit of relaxation right? We've been working hard!"

Rolling her eyes, Riza smiled and walked over to talk to her friend Maria. "Hey, you going?"

Maria smiled. "Of course I am! I'm going with Alex and Jean, actually."

"You're going with them both?" Rebecca asked, walking up to stand by the other two ladies in the room. "Maria, why didn't you ask Jean?"

"Because he's my friend! It'd be awkward if I asked him to go with me…"

Riza just laughed, folding her arms as she watched Rebecca slightly interrogate Maria.

"Oh pfft, don't give me that bull crap," Rebecca teased, putting an arm around Maria's shoulder. "You like him more than friends, yeah? Ask him."

"What? More than friends? No…well…I guess kinda, but still!" Maria put her hands up defensively. "I can't ask him. Fraternization, remember?"

Riza looked at Maria. That's right… she thought. I forgot about that rule… "Well, if you're going as friends, it'll be fine, right?"

"As friends, though? I mean she likes him," Rebecca encouraged, looking back at Maria. "You guys aren't gonna like make out and get married or something. It's totally fine just going on a date." She smiled and patted Maria's back before walking away. "If you don't, I will!"

Maria pouted slightly at Rebecca, folding her arms in protest. "I guess what she's saying does make sense…"she said, looking at the ground. "Just don't let it go too far." She smiled and looked up at Riza. "I…I think I'll ask him." Smiling widely still, she turned to go talk to Jean.

Riza smiled at her friend and watched her talk to the taller blonde. He smiled in return while talking to Maria, and after a bit of their conversation, it was obvious that Maria was asking him to go with her, due to her nervous behavior and fidgety motions. Jean smiled wider, agreeing to go with her. Smiling to herself still, Riza was happy that she was able to go with Jean. Feeling a body next to her, she jumped slightly, and looked to her right to see it was Roy.

"Are you going to go?" He asked, smiling gently.

Riza rubbed the back of her neck, looking at the ground. "I'm not sure…parties aren't exactly my thing…" she reminded, laughing quietly.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Roy patted her back as he reassured her. "Go with me."

Riza sat up and looked at Roy, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

Roy blushed slightly and rubbed his own neck, as he repeated, but in a question, "Go with me?" He stared at her nervously. "To the party."

After a moment of thinking it over, she smiled and leaned against him, bumping shoulders. "Sure." She looked up to Roy through her brown lashes, their gazes meeting. He felt her face flush a bit and she looked back at the ground, still smiling. "Sounds like fun."

Is he asking me on a date…? Riza asked herself, fidgeting her hands nervously. I mean… She glanced up at him. I…I do like him…so much, but it can't happen…fraternization… She frowned slightly, looking over at the opposite wall as she thought. Eventually, she smiled again with reassurance set in her mind and heart. It'll be fine. Just…don't let it go too far.

A/N: Well?! :D Did you guys like it? Sorry it's a bit shorter; I really wanted to make a longer chapter as an apology for my absence and lack of updating, but I wanted to save the excitement of the party for the NEXT chapter. :3 So yeah! Next chatper=party! WOO!

What did you guys think? :D Review and let me know! Thanks for liking my story!
