First attempt at SVU-verse, but will keep trying. I appreciate any feedback, so thanks in advance for any reviews. If there's interest, I'll definitely keep it going.

(We all know this belongs to the Law & Order gurus and Dick Wolf.)

"Want to grab a drink?"

Olivia raised her head from the file that held her attention, its contents splayed across the surface of her desk. She smiled as the blonde attorney looked down at her, one hand resting on her hip. "One drink?" the detective asked, raising an eyebrow.

Alex laughed softly. "I promise. One drink."

Olivia nodded her head. "One drink, then," she replied, watching as the lithe attorney gave an assertive nod before turning toward the hallway. Alex flipped her hand up and gave a backwards wave. "See you in a few, Olivia."

Olivia sighed, leaning back into her chair. She couldn't help but smirk. One drink, she thought, is all we can handle lately before heading to Alex's apartment.

"Hey Olivia," Elliot called, walking into the precinct. "I'm headed out." He looked at the file contents strewn upon her desk as he picked up his coat jacket from the back of his chair. "You staying?"

"No," Olivia shook her head, placing the papers carefully into the file folder. "I was just finishing up the paperwork from that Hill Street case. I'll leave with you."

"Got a date?" Elliot asked, hiding a smile.

Olivia gave him a sly look as she flicked her computer off. "What makes you think that?"

"I just saw Cabot leave, too. With a smile on her face."

"We're grabbing a drink," Olivia responded nonchalantly, grabbing her coat and slipping it on.

Elliot nodded. "Right," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I know how that'll end."

Olivia rolled her eyes at him and gave him a playful punch on the shoulder as she whisked past him. He grinned and followed her out into the hallway. "At least you'll be in a good mood tomorrow!" he called.

"See," Alex said, huskily, as her fingers delved underneath Olivia's sweater to graze the taut skin underneath. "I told you, one drink."

"Yes," Olivia breathed, her lips grazing Alex's neck. "You're a very cheap date."

Alex's hand reached up and grasped Olivia's short, dark locks, pulling lightly, tilting her head up. "I believe I paid for the drinks tonight," she said, curling her lips into a grin.

Olivia placed her hands on the attorney's hips and lifted her onto the kitchen counter, sliding in between her legs and running her hand down the blonde's thigh and underneath her skirt. "Then I guess I owe you one," she said, using her free hand to pop open the first several buttons on Alex's blouse. She ran her thumb lightly across one nipple.

Alex pushed her hands softly against Olivia's shoulders, causing the brunette to look up at her. "Why is it we never get past the kitchen?" she asked. Olivia let out a small laugh.

Alex slid gracefully off the counter and leaned into the detective, placing a lingering kiss on her lips. "Let me give you a formal tour," she whispered, taking Olivia by the hand and leading her through a small hallway into the living room. "Living room," she gave an exaggerated flourish, as she flipped on a low lamp.

"Wow, Alex, I like." Olivia took a seat on the couch and took a look around the room. Her eyes lingered on several pictures that sat on a nearby end table, one of Alex and her parents standing on an overlook, probably somewhere in Greece. Olivia gawked at the next picture. "Is that Liz Donnelly?" she asked.

Alex nodded. "Her and my mother, yeah. They were close."

"I had no idea," Olivia said. "Is that why she's always riding you harder than any of the other ADAs?"

Alex nodded again. "Probably because she's used to how stubborn I can be. And, after my mother died, she's been helpful."

Olivia nodded. "Still doesn't mean she rides you any less."

Alex chuckled. "No, it doesn't." She reached for Olivia's hand. "Tour's not over," she said, with a smile, pulling her up.

Olivia stood, placing another kiss on Alex's lips. "With a place this large, this tour could take awhile," she said, her lips moving closer to Alex's ear.

"Ahh," Alex murmured, as Olivia's lips traveled down her neck. "That's why I'll be expediting your tour." She grasped Olivia's hand. "Follow me."

Olivia walked slowly behind the taller woman, taking in the sculptures and artwork that adorned the attorney's home. The place was immaculate, from what Olivia could tell. She glanced into what she assumed was Alex's office, gleamed from the open law volumes and folders scattered across the desk. Alex pulled her into a bedroom at the end of the hallway. "Last stop," she said, turning around to face the brunette.

"Lovely tour," Olivia said, sliding the button-up blouse off of Alex's shoulders. It fell to the floor and Alex wasted little time in fumbling with the belt buckle on Olivia's pants. The detective wrapped her arms around the blonde and unclasped her bra effortlessly, skimming her fingers over Alex's shoulders as she let the garment fall to the floor on top of the blouse. As Alex jerked down the zipper to the detective's slacks, Olivia felt her phone vibrate violently against her hip. Olivia paused and sighed heavily, resting her forehead against Alex's. The blonde moaned and placed a quick kiss on the crown of Olivia's head. "Duty calls," she sighed, plucking Olivia's phone out of its holster and handing it over.

Olivia answered and the vibrations ceased. "Benson," she said, leaning away from the blonde, but keeping a firm hand on her back, keeping her in place. "Yeah. They taking her in? I'll head to the hospital. I got it." She clicked her phone off and looked up at Alex. "I gotta catch this," she said, apologetically.

"Go," Alex said, placing a kiss on the detectives pursed lips. "I'll see you tomorrow. Be careful."

Olivia nodded, and she gave Alex's hip a squeeze before heading for the bedroom door. "Thanks for the drink," she said. Alex smiled after her. "You owe me one!" she called as she heard the detective slide out the apartment door..

Olivia walked into the emergency room and flashed her badge at the night nurse that sat behind an intake window. "Special Victims Unit, I'm looking for a middle-aged woman who was brought in about twenty minutes ago."

The nurse nodded, and pointed down the hallway. "She's in the operating room at the moment, but you can wait down the hallway. There are a couple of officers there."

Olivia nodded her thanks and pocketed her badge, walking briskly down the hallway. She spotted two blue uniforms leaning against a counter. They straightened as they saw Olivia. The taller one straightened as Olivia approached them, and he extended his hand. "Oliver," he said.

Benson grasped his hand and gave him a firm shake. "Benson, SVU. What do we got?"

Oliver crossed his arms across his chest. "My partner Sullivan and I got the call around 10:05, neighbor called in a disturbance, directing us to 2nd and 7th, the Westbury Apartments."

Olivia nodded. "Right, on the East Side."

"We got there, knocked, no answer, heard sounds of a struggle. We hit our way in, found a woman in the bedroom, beaten within an inch of her life. Window was open, we figure the perp entered and fled through there."

"Was she conscious?" Olivia asked.

"No," answered the shorter cop, Sullivan. "She was naked, blood was everywhere. Definitely a struggle in there before we got there."

Olivia nodded again. "Her name?"

"Jessica Flanagan," the shorter partner responded.

Surprise flashed through Olivia's eyes. "Jessica Flanagan?" she confirmed.

"Yeah. That's what her drivers license said." He looked at Olivia. "Why? You know her?"

Olivia shook her head. "Not personally, no. She's a spokeswoman for the ACLU. I've seen her in the paper once or twice."

"Huh," the taller one replied, then took a look at his watch. "If you got this, Benson, we'll head over and file our reports."

"Yeah, yeah," Olivia said. "I'll wait for the doc and the rape kit. Thanks, guys."

The two cops nodded and walked slowly back down the hallway. Olivia waited for a moment, then sat in a nearby chair. She waited, then pecked her phone out of her pocket. She tapped in a text message to Alex. Caught a 261, female. See you tomorrow. She pocketed her phone and stood as she noticed a doctor coming towards her.

"You're here about the victim?" he asked.

Olivia flashed her badge. "Special Victims, Olivia Benson."

The doctor extended his hand. "I'm Mark Rubin."

Olivia nodded. "Rape and assault?"

The doctor nodded. "She was brought in with multiple contusions, a broken wrist, broken ribs, and what looked like stab wounds, but turned out they were very deep cuts, mostly along her torso and thighs."

"She was raped?"

"Yes, but no fluids. We did find signs of sexual trauma, however, which leads me to believe she was raped by a foreign object."

"Is she conscious?"

"Barely," the doctor warned. "Not conscious enough for me to let you see her right now, Ms. Benson."

"Do you have photos from the rape kit?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes, I'll have the nurse show them to you. This is her field." Olivia nodded, and he turned and walked briskly down the hallway, his white coat fluttering behind him. Olivia felt a buzz in her pocket and reached for her phone. Sorry to hear that, Olivia. Take care, we'll talk tomorrow.

"Ms. Benson?"

Olivia pocketed her phone once more as a nurse carrying a file folder walked towards her. "Yes," she replied, extending her hand. "Olivia Benson, Special Victims Unit."

"Rhonda Marx," the nurse replied, running a hand through her curly black hair. "You may need to sit down for this one."

"That's okay," Olivia assured her. "What do you have for me?"

"Well," Ms. Marx responded, setting the file on a nearby counter and opening it up. "The pictures speak for themselves. We weren't able to get any fluids. Whoever did this was pretty clean. But, once we cleaned up the cuts on her chest and torso, we saw this." She slid several photos over to Olivia, whose face grimaced when she saw the cuts on the victim's chest. "What's that spell?" she asked the nurse.

"Doesn't spell anything in my dictionary," the woman responded. "It looks like hash marks."

Olivia peered closer, running her eyes over the jagged red marks, which were cut into the skin above the woman's right breast. "Like roman numerals?"

"Mmm hmm. Roman numeral two."

Olivia paused, thinking a moment. "And there are no fluids to be found? Any hairs, fingernail clippings, anything?"

The nurse shook her head, pursing her lips. "Unfortunately, Detective, we found nothing."

"But cops said there was a sign of a struggle," Olivia protested. "You mean there was nothing on her body? Under her fingernails?"

The nurse shook her head again. "Whoever did this knew exactly what he was doing."

"Did you contact any family for her?"

The nurse nodded. "I sure did. I called her partner about an hour ago. She was in New Jersey for the night, said she's be here as soon as possible."

"When can I talk to Ms. Flanagan?" Olivia asked.

The nurse pursed her lips again. "She's on a heavy sedative at the moment," she responded. "She's out, hopefully for the night. For her sake." Olivia pursed her lips, but nodded. "Be back in about twelve hours, Detective, and she'll be able to talk."

Olivia nodded, dread filling her stomach at the thought of heading back to her own empty apartment, the pictures of the victim still fresh in her mind.