Beauty and the Beast if Disney writers wrote it like the French fairy tale :) It isn't exactly like the original story either because Gaston was added by will also have a few OC's because some characters were cut (and added) for the the fairy tale, Belle has sisters, whom I like to think look like the silly girls (tripletes obsessed with Gaston) , but with brown hair. So I guess this is a hybrid of the original tale and the Disney movie. Ahh! I'm rambling, so please enjoy and review si vous plaite! :D

"Belle" starts playing and now we cut to when Belle comes back home and is in the basement with her father.

"Papa, do you think I'm odd?" Belle kindly asked her father while we was under his contraption.

Maurice suddenly popped up from his wood chopping machine with a puzzled look on his face. "My daughter odd?" the goggles on his face made his eyes look distorted and bubbly. "Where would you get an idea like that? Neither of my three beautiful daughters are odd!" he announced proudly as his two remaining offspring came down to the basement.

"Father! What's with all the noise?" the eldest daughter, Nanette, obnoxiously asked as she and her oldest younger sister, dressed in night clothes, coughed from the smoke that came out the room. "We're trying to get our beauty sleep!"

"Well, its not like we need it." the other sister, Georgette, commented as she bounced her long brown locks with her hand and gave Belle a disgusting smirk. "...unlike some people."

Maurice noticed that his jealous older daughters were about to start harrassing his youngest and kindest daughter again. "Now girls, all of you are the most beautiful in all of France!" he said while bringing them together for a group hug.

"Father! You stained my night gown!" Nanette complained as she forced herself out of the hug. "Ugh! Oil! It's going to take forever to clean out the stain!" she cried out while walking back to the main entrance of the small cottage. From a distance she cried out "Georgette! Come here and help me!"

Georgette who was hypnotized by a small bug on the floor came out of her trance and quickly pitter-pattered towards the location of her demanding older sister. Poor Maurice rubbed the temples on the side of his head. "Oh those sisters of yours, what am I going to do with them?" he thought aloud.

"Its just the way they are Papa. I think one of them would make a nice wife for Gaston." Belle said as she imagined what it would be like without Gaston and his little sidekick following her every step. She couldn't help but smile at the thought. After watching a demonstration of her father's wood chopping machine, he told her to gather up her sisters and meet him outside near the horse stable.

"Alright my dears, while I'm out for the inventors fair, is there anything you would like as a gift when I get back?" he kindly asked his daughters, suddenly feeling regret when he saw the grins that grew on the faces of his two eldest daughters.

"Silk! I desire fine silk dresses Father!" Nanette screeched while crumpling the fabric on her oil-stained night gown. "The finest silk dresses in all of France!"

"I want jewels!I want diamonds, rubies, and emeralds beautifully placed around my neck as a gift father dearest!" Georgette gasped while feeling her throught with her hands.

"Remember girls, we aren't as wealthy as the other villagers!" Maurice gasped using his hands to motion them to calm down.

The girls heard nothing and they kept calling out what they wanted. "Silk!"




"Alright! Alright!" the poor inventor rubbed his forehead once more. He noticed that his youngest, and much more modest, daughter had not asked for a gift yet. "What about you, Belle? What would you like?"

Belle brushed away the stray hairs from her face and looked down at the ground. "I think I would like a simple rose Papa. They aren't a lot of them around these parts." she requested.

Maurice, relieved with her modest request, he took off on the family horse, Phillipe, and rode away into the forest. "Goodbye my dears!" he called out from the distance.

:D so what do you think? Review pwease! :3 I promise to make upcoming chapters longer