Barnaby stared longingly out the window. Three hours had passed since he had remembered the face of the man who had killed his parents, and there was no way he was getting any sleep tonight.
The brilliant lights of the city contrasted with the dark night sky so beautifully and so peacefully, Barnaby couldn't help but be reminded of his partner, the one person he was sure would be there for him.
His heart was horribly conflicted, torn in two different directions. He had feelings of hatred directed at the man who killed his parents, the feelings stirred up by the vision of the man's face. He also had feelings of love and longing towards the vary man who had reminded him of his parent's murderer.
For a moment, the young super hero thought about dialing the familiar number for Wild Tiger. He knew the man would show up at a moments notice, even if a little reluctantly, but it wouldn't be what Barnaby wanted and he wasn't sure if he could handle the disappointment.
Barnaby wanted nothing more than to be held in the older man's arms. He wanted Kotetsu to whisper sweet nothings into his ear and to tell him everything would be okay. Mostly, though, he just wanted Kotetsu to be here, just to be in his presence, and that would be enough to lift Barnaby from the depression that was threatening to crash down on him.
As much as Barnaby longed for this, swallowing his pride was too hard. He didn't want the man he loved to look at him as anything but equal. He didn't want to be seen as weak, he didn't want Kotetsu to think he needed protection, even if he did.
Barnaby leaned his head against the cool glass of the window. The bottle of rose wine he was drinking from spilt out a little. "Tch. I'm going to have to clean that up later." He said quietly not really caring.
He took a long swig from the drink and then the bottle was mostly empty. He allowed it to fall from his hand as he once again gazed at the night sky.
"Kotetsu-san..." He said quietly somehow hoping the other man could hear him. "I love you."
Seconds later, as he was drifting off, he heard a knock at his door. He slowly got up to answer it. He really didn't want company at the moment, but he was already moving automatically and it was too late to turn back as the opened the door.
Kotetsu stood in the frame, not smiling like his usual self, but a very concerned look on his face, and in his hand was a bottle of rose wine.
"I brought this for you." Tiger said holding up the bottle. "I thought you could use a drink, and I know this is your favorite."
"Th-thanks..." Barnaby stood dumb founded. Had Kotetsu heard him? "Come in."
Kotetsu followed the young man into the dark room where Barnaby sat back against the window allowing for Kotetsu to sit in the lone chair, but Kotetsu didn't sit in the chair. He sat down next to Barnaby against the window.
Barnaby stared at him for a moment, and a single tear escaped his eye. This tear wasn't over the loss of his parents, he had already spilled all the tears possible for that. This tear was for the loss of something that could never be. The loss of a love that could only be unrequited... or so he thought.
Kotetsu leaned over to the overly quiet Bunny and placed a soft kiss on his forehead before wrapping his arms around him and whispering, "Everything's going to be okay."