Summary: Xemnas, in a mad act of desire, has chosen thirteen new targets to turn into heartless. It's his belief that their hearts will finally complete Kingdom Hearts.

Characters: Olympian Gods and Organization XIII.

Universe: Game

Warnings: Mild violence and mild language.

Dedication: I dedicate this story to Apollo, for without him there would be no literature, and I would have no writing skills.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, nor do I own Percy Jackson.

Note: Here it is, the latest update. I've added a little bit to the other chapters, but not enough to warrant you rereading. Also, this chapter is probably going to be the last update for a while. I'm sorely unmotivated when it comes to writing this story, and don't see that changing at the moment.

I'd like to ask you readers if you think there should be undertones of relationships among the characters; in short, I'm asking you if there should, in some way, be one or two parings. Do you think it would aid the story, or hurt the plot?

Lastly, this story takes place after the Organization has carried out a similar invasion. In this previous invasion, they attacked, weekend the morale of the people, and then set loss a horde of heartless. Their goal, as here in this story, was to create more heartless, thusly adding more hearts to Kingdome Hearts. One side effect of this plan was the creation of additional Nobodies (Mostly dusks and the like.) However, there were also two new members added to the Organization, and they have a minor part in this chapter.

Falling Skys, Chapter 11

She stared down from her perch, waiting for something of value to happen. Her face was alight with wistful apathy, and her strangely formed hair shifted from a light breeze. She was ignoring the companions she had been forced to take with her, Xemnas deciding field training would be the best thing for them.

She knew that wasn't the only reason. The Superior didn't have faith that her power would beat her target. She knew she should have some sort of indignation towards Xemnas for doubting her skills, but she lacked a heart with which to feel. And she had to admit, when she thought of her opponent she airily remembered what it was like to be intimidated.

"Do you even know what we're looking for?" The question irritated her, though she knew it was only her façade that made her think she was annoyed. It was from one of the new "recruits" and she considered, not briefly, silencing him permanently. Not that she would, for killing another Nobody for anything less than treason was in it of itself an act of treason.

"Black hair, a neatly trimmed beard, sea-green eyes, and a nice tan." She said, shooting a glare at the male who had spoken.

"Well, how long do we have to wait?" Another asked, his lips curved into a smile.

"Just shut up." She grinned. "Or does the little toy wanna be played with?"

There was no reply, and she returns her attention to the ground below her. She was prepared to wait as long as it took, though she knew she would not wait long; Xemnas had worked with Zexion and Vexen for a long time one a series of complex equations that had allowed this invasion to take place. And because of those very equations, it could be predicted that her target would walk past where she had made her perch.

And sure enough, a tall man fitting the description she'd been given walked into her view far below. She stood immediately, and without turning around, asked, "You ready to be bad guys, and try to ravish the poor princess?"

"Sure thing."

"You're the boss"

She willed the shadows around her, traveling through the darkness with an ease gained from a mixture of experience and natural talent. She appeared just out of sight from her target, knowing that he would be heading this way. She looked up, and saw that one of her trainees had followed. The other, the newer of the two, seemed to have failed, and she decided to just leave him. She could pulled this off with just one of the neophytes.

"Help me! Oh, won't someone help me!" She cried, her voice raising an octave, acting as both bait for her target and a signal for her accomplice. Seconds later, in the distance, she saw her target running towards, surely intending to help.

As rehearsed, Ulsxa jumped from where he had appeared, his boomerang gripped readily in his hand. He plummeted down, growing closer and closer to her, and she smiled on reflex, desperately wanting to summon forth her knives and cut into the belly of the white haired boy pretending to attack her. She refrained from doing so, though, and instead she tensed her legs and propelled herself backwards, out of the range of a direct attack.

He landed, and sprung forward, slashing with his boomerang like it was a sword. He moved fast, but was nowhere near as fast as her, and to keep up the deception she had move in what felt like slow motion. It went on for a sort wile, dodging Ulsxa's attacks, and occasionally calling out for help.

And when her target was nearly upon them, she allowed the other Nobody to hit her, twice, once on the shoulder and once in the stomach. Then, for good measure, he landed a punch on here eye. That was all it took.

The black haired man, her target, glared at Ulsxa, and snapped his fingers. Ulsxa was engulfed in a pillar of water. She watched, uncaring, as her trainee was violently drowned. Not stopping the assault, the target turned to her.

"Are you alright, little girl?" He asked, seeming concerned.

"That man, he just attacked me!" She forced her voice to be high and shocked, forced her eyes to be wide and slightly frightened. She cowered before him, in part to act scared, and in part because he radiated power.

"What's your name? Who are you, and how did you end up here?"

"My name? My name is Larxene. I think," She paused for a moment, letting her face contort into a picture of confusion. "I don't know where I am." And then she started crying, the paramount of her act.

He stepped closer, his attention shifting to her. And because of that, the pillar of water vanished, leaving Ulsxa on the hard concrete, gasping for air. For a moment, it seemed as though the target, a god for sure, was going to show her concern, compassion. And it made her sick.

She was only a few feet away from him, and he towered above her. In a flash, she struck out with her foot, kicking his right leg hard. The injured leg wobbled a bit, but still supported his weight. She didn't stop with that, however. When her first foot was back on the ground, she pivoted in a circle, and struck out with the opposite foot.

She hooked her foot around his back, and used him as a center of gravity, pulling herself around him, and into a strange type of flip. She landed behind him, facing away from him. A shadowish energy pooled around her hands, slipping elegantly between her fingers. With a twitch of her hands, the shadows shattered, leaving Larxene gripping eight pointed throwing knives with her fingers.

From the core of her being she drew an electrical might, infusing her knives with energy, and twirled around, flicking one of her hands as she did so. Four of the knives flew forth, striking the dark hared man in the back.

And at the exact moment of contact, she called out "Thunder!" casting the spell. And four bolts of lightning lanced down from the sky, hammering into each of the four knives sticking out of her target's back.

When the lighting faded, he turned to face her, and said only one thing. "Do you really think I can be brought down with just a few little shocks?"

"But I don't want to take you down." Larxene said in as innocent a voice as she could muster. "I wanna be able to play with you for a long while before you brake. After all, it's so hard to find decent toys nowadays."

Larxene's battle with Poseidon began.