Samantha Forster woke up grumbling. "Why can't my family be normal?" Sam asked at as she looked at the clock that read 5:00 o'clock. "Ugh." She said as she pulled on her faded work jeans and old t-shirt.

As Sam put her hair into a messy ponytail she walked into the kitchen to see her Dad, Grandmother, and Stepmom. Good mornings were exchanged.

"So why am I awake at 5 IN THE MORNING?" Sam asked.

"Ya need to learn to get up in the morning that's why." Bryanna answered as she sipped her coffee. "Everyone else on this ranch does so you can too."

"Fine. I'm going riding." Sam said as she headed for the door. But, her dad stopped her.

"No, you're not. Do your chores and get ready for school." Sam grumbled under her breath about being sleep deprived but, did as she was told.

The school bus pulled up at the stop and Sam and Jen got on and walked to their seat. "Hey Jen, what's up?"

"The sun, sky, me, you, that bird." Jan answered sarcastically.

"Ha-ha very funny. But, seriously."

"Nothing. Ryan offered to give me a ride but, I couldn't just ditch my best friend, could I?" Jen said with a small smile.

"No, you couldn't." Sam smiled.

"How 'bout you?" Jen asked her friend.

"I had to get up early this morning." Sam said as she looked out the window for the phantom. "5:00 clock can you believe that!"

"Sam I've been getting up at five sense I was 10 and if you think that's young to start getting up at five ask one of the Elys how young they were. It wouldn't surprise me if they were six when they started getting up then." Jen said to her friend as if her friend were very spoiled to get to sleep past 5.

"Fine, I'll ask Jake when I see him at school." Sam said as she grabbed her back-pack and headed off the bus.

It wasn't long before Sam saw an Ely, Seth to be exact. The second most shy Ely unlike Jake once he knew and liked a person he could talk their ear off. Sure he flirted with girls; he had to really like that girl though.

"Seth!" Sam called. Seth looked up from the girl he'd been flirting with, then smiled when he saw who it was. Sam was his favorite girl, well, favorite girl he didn't date, other than his mom.

"Hey S, what do you want?" Seth asked Sam using his favorite nickname for her S.

"Well, you see, Jen told me to ask you what time you and your brothers got up and what age you were when you started getting up that early." Sam said deciding it didn't matter which Ely she ask whether it be Seth or Jake she'd get the same answer.

"5:00 in the spring, summer, and fall. And 4:15 in the winter so we can shovel our way out to the barn and make sure none of the animals have frostbite." Seth said and then thought for a minute. "I started getting up at five when I turn six and didn't have to get up at 4:15 in the winter until I was eight. But Jake being momma's little boy didn't have to get up at five until he was eight. He did though. He doesn't get up at 4:15 in the winter unless we need him." Seth said then laughed at Sam's flabbergasted face.

"And to think, I was complaining about having to get up at five and I'm 13! Geez I am spoiled!" Sam said to Seth. Seth just laughed.

"You just realized you're spoiled, Brat?" Came the sarcastic voice of Jake Ely.

"Yea I just realized I'm a spoiled brat compared to your brothers, Jen and you But, defiantly not more than that snot Rachel." Sam said as she saw Rachel paying a 'nerd' for his homework.

"I don't think anyone's more spoiled than Rachel." Bryan said coming up behind Seth.

"Three Elys in hall way I'm surprised the hall can handle all the hotness." Rachel said flirting while throwing herself at Quinn then Seth but didn't get the chance to throw herself at Jake because Mrs. Ely showed up.

"Rachel, Dane just told me you tried to buy his homework. Is that true?" Mrs. Ely said.

"No, of course not. Dane must be crazy." Rachel said while shooting deathly glares at Dane. Quinn moved toward Dane.

"Dane, buddy, how you doing? Good?" Quinn said. "Good, now you're not crazy are you?" Dane shook his head. "He's not crazy."

"Rachel let me see your homework so we can clear this all up."Mrs. Ely said a smile threatening to break out on her face.

"Oh. Whatever how long do I have dentition!"

"Two day. Now go to class."Mrs. Ely said smugly. After Rachel left Mrs. Ely turned toward her sons and Sam. "If only that would put her in her place." She said shaking her said walking away.

"I love your mom!"Sam said to the three Elys.

"She's pretty cool, when she's in a good mood." Seth said. Quinn and Jake nodded their heads in agreement.