I. Am. BACK! Yes!

Disclaimer: I think the closest thing to me owning Fruits Basket was that one time when I woke up screaming with joy because Natsuki Takaya had traded me FB for a pack of Stride gum. Then I cried when I realized it was a dream.

Ayame sent a wink to Shigure on the other side of the classroom, receiving a thumbs-up in response. Discreetly, Ayame transferred the tape recorder from his pocket to the inside of his desk. Then, he stood up, his long hair covering his eyes as he gripped the table.

"Ayame…?" the teacher questioned. She was new to the school, and this was the first time that her class had taken an exam with her.

"Sensei," Ayame began, dramatic passion already seeping into his voice. "This test…"

"Ayame…?" his Sensei asked again, a bit more urgently. Somewhere near the back of the classroom, you could hear Hatori sigh in annoyance. Ayame ignored it, though, throwing his gaze up to meet the teacher's.

"This test is absolutely unacceptable!" he declared, melodramatic as always. "The science is all wrong! You!" he thrust a finger forward, pointing accusatorily at the flustered teacher. "You have angered the gods that created this world!"

Under the table, he pressed the 'play' button on the table recorder.

"We must flee!" With that statement, Ayame took off running out of the room. The teacher stared after him, her jaw dropped in shock.

Because after all, this was her first time giving Ayame an exam.

Shortly after the snake's departure, a loud, booming noise erupted, seemingly from nowhere, shattering the stunned silence. Several people jumped, some yelped in surprise, and when it didn't stop, Shigure got up, running out the door, yelling all the while.

Shortly after he exited the classroom, a few other students ran out of the room in panicked states. However, they all began laughing when they were a good distance away from the room, all of them knowing how Ayame and Shigure were.

Speaking of the two troublemakers, they were sitting around a nearby corner, waiting to see if anyone else decided to take advantage of the "gods'" rage.

No one else followed, but they could hear the Teacher freaking out, letting out distraught yelps at every clap of thunder.

Eventually, she screamed, madly, running out of the classroom with tears in her eyes.

Ayame and Shigure collapsed into laughter. They hardly noticed when Hatori walked out of the room and up to them, grabbing the snake and dog by their shirt collars. He proceeded to drag them away, grumbling.

"…you idiots…"

Okay, so maybe it's not the greatest, but I'm going to make another one soon, so hopefully, nobody hates me too bad X3.

And guess who the next one's gonna be on…