Author's Note: I appreciate all the nice reviews and feedback up until this point! If I've pleased at least one person with this fic, I feel accomplished. Charik forever!

Erik gripped the doorknob and exhaled simultaneously. This wasn't going to be easy. Also, given that it was the middle of the night, this wasn't necessarily the perfect timing.

As he pushed the door open, he was surprised to see that Charles wasn't sleeping, but sitting at his desk that was literally flooded in papers, a single lamp the only source of light in the entire room. Charles looked up upon hearing the sound of the door opening.


"Charles, I need to talk to you." He said as stoically as he could, despite the fact that his heart was beating so rapidly against his ribcage, he thought it might burst.

Charles removed himself from his work and walked over to Erik, gesturing for him to sit down upon Charles' bad adjacent to him. Erik silently understood and sat down beside Charles.

"What's troubling you, my friend?" There was something so distant in the way Charles uttered the word "friend". Erik also could help but notice he seemed a bit grayer than his usual self. Guilt sank down into the pit of his stomach as if he'd swallowed a brick.

Charles offered a polite smile, "Well?"

Erik sighed, "Your sister has me pegged pretty well, as much as I hate to admit it."

Charles merely raised an eyebrow in puzzlement.

"I'm afraid of my own feelings, Charles. The feelings I have for you. I've never been so passionate about something in my whole life. You move me, Charles. I greatly admire the way you see the good and the potential in even the darkest of people. I love the way you've brought together a group of people who all considered themselves to be alone and offered them a home, gave them a family. I love the way you light up when you talk about mutations, the way you smile when someone's had a breakthrough with their powers…all of it. I love everything about you, Charles Xavier. You are impeccably beautiful. And yet, that is also what terrifies me so greatly."

Charles looked as though he'd magically come to life. His crystalline blue eyes were now alight, his smile grew warmer, his cheeks now had a slight blush to them. He seemed to be radiating. Yet, he was deeply considering Erik's words. He was almost certain that he knew what was coming next, he'd been thinking about it for days, but he decided that it was best to let Erik go on and open up to him.

"It terrifies me because, though I know you're beautiful, I realize I'm not the only one who thinks so. I've been at the point where I've lost everything I've ever held dear, it's the reason that I'm so cold and secluded from the rest of the world. But you, Charles Xavier, you broke through my shell. You've stirred feelings in me that I've thought to be long since dead. You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me…"

Charles didn't have to be a mind-reader to know where this was going. He bit his lip to prevent himself from choking up a sob that was welling up in his throat. The way Erik had talked about him was so loving, so beautiful…it truly touched him. All he wanted to do was tell him that nothing could hurt him anymore, that he'd love and protect him…

"Which is why I know that I'm not strong enough."

"Not strong enough?" Charles was playing into it a bit.

"I'm not strong enough to lose you. I wouldn't care if I had a damn thing in this world if it meant I could have you."

Charles nodded, "Erik, why exactly are you telling me this? Is it because…"

Erik cut in like he'd so hoped he would, "I want you, Charles. I can't let my fear of what happen ruin my chances with the best thing in my life. I'm tired of wallowing by myself and I know that it'd kill me if I never gave us a chance and you found someone else. Please, Charles, please forgive me. I've been acting like a fool."

Charles' heart literally did a back flip. He lunged forward and brought Erik into a rushed, slightly awkward kiss. Erik tensed at first from the spasmodic action, but gave into the kiss nonetheless.

Charles pulled away suddenly, "I love you, Erik Lensherr. And you don't ever have to worry about losing me. I'll love you until the day I stop breathing…and perhaps even longer."

Erik smiled. He pulled Charles against him, stroking the man's back in circles. Charles rested his head on the other man's shoulder.

"I want you to be mine, Charles. Forever." Erik whispered, his hot breath against the shell on Charles' ear causing him to gasp heatedly.

"Then take me, Erik. Make me yours." Charles wanted this so badly from the moment he saw the love flashing in Erik's eyes when he spoke of him. He barely had time to take in another breath before he was flipped over, his front side now pinned down against the mattress. It was when he felt Erik's hips grinding deliciously against him that he thought he might erupt right then and there. He grunted into the sheets.

Erik smirked; after removing Charles' pesky shirt, he placed a trail of fluttery kisses down the length of his back. His erection was pressing hard into Charles and, in turn, Charles could feel himself hardening. Erik locked his mouth upon Charles', their tongues engaging in a heated battle before he allowed Erik to explore his mouth freely. When Erik broke free, he found himself panting slightly. He looked down at Charles with a hint of uncertainty.

Charles beamed up at him, "Don't be afraid of hurting me. I want this, Erik. I'm all yours."

"All mine." Erik mused aloud. God, how he loved the sound of that.

He practically tore off the remainder of Charles' clothing, removing his in the process and casting them, uncaring, on the floor. Now nothing was concealing his prize that was the beautiful, lithe body below him. His hand fumbled with Charles' member, rubbing it gently and tugging.

Charles was whimpering, "Oh-oh God, Erik. Please…please…"

There was something so sensual about the way Charles moaned his name, Erik didn't want to stop. A moan resonated in the back of his throat from the very sound of it. However, seeing that Charles looked as though he was in sweet agony, he decided to stop toying with him. He kissed Charles' ear, muttered a soft "I love you", and then slowly pulled into Charles.

Charles gripped the covers tightly from the sudden pressure. However, when Erik began to thrust in and out slowly, he thought as though he was going to combust.

"Ah-aah, Erik. Please, Erik…faster." He grunted bucking himself upward.

Erik complied and began to thrust deeper and faster, moaning louder as he did so. Finally, he was able to reach that sweet spot. Sweat running down his forehead and a fire bubbling up in his stomach, he knew that he was about to climax and that Charles wasn't too far away. Erik pushed with all his might, his moans of pleasure meshing with Charles' as he came inside Charles. Charles released his own hot seed, covering the length of Erik's lower half.

Exhausted, Erik rolled off of Charles. He pulled Charles over to him and yanked the covers over their naked, sweat-covered bodies in one swift movement.

Charles, panting smiled radiantly at Erik. "I love you."

Erik stroked Charles' cheek with as much tenderness and love as he could muster. If nothing else, this moment was the most beautiful, sincere thing he'd ever done. And now Charles Xavier, the love of his life, was his and his alone.

"And I love you, my Charles."

-Epilogue, a few months afterwards

Charles was leaning nonchalantly against the kitchen counter, sipping a mug of coffee contently when Raven walked in. She met eyes with him and smiled.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning. Another good night with Erik, I take it?"

Charles blushed and choked mid-sip on his coffee. He still wasn't used to not only having a lover, but living with a group of teenagers who were all aware of his relationship.

"Honestly, Raven, are you ever going to get off my back about him?" He chuckled.

She raised her eyebrows, "Maybe if you stopped spending so much time on said back…"

Charles turned deep scarlet, absolutely mortified.

"Irregardless, I'm still very happy for the two of you." She'd never seen her brother so happy since she'd known him.

Charles grinned. "Someday, Raven, I really need to thank you. He and I may have never gotten together if you hadn't muddled and pushed us both."

"Well, you know, you could do it right now."

"…Maybe once the sex jokes stop."

"I never heard you deny a word of it, Charles Xavier."

The End

Author's Note: There it is! I hope you all liked it. I know the sex scene could have been a bit better, but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.