Hello dear readers! Aeryn and I are so sorry for the long wait! But here's the next chapter! As always we'd really love reviews, they help motivate us to write!

The kiss started soft but passionate, the two just taking each other in. Star dropped the lock of hair that she had been twirling and moved her hand into the boys mane, pushing his face closer to hers, her other hand resting on his chest, holding on to a piece of his dress robes. George had an arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her up to him, and the other resting on her bare thigh just above the knee. As the kiss deepened, Star could feel the hunger burning inside her. She wanted him.

The girl pushed her tongue into the Gryffindors mouth, surprising him a bit. She could feel the same hunger coming from the boy as their tongues danced. The couples breathing became ragged as George pulled away and looked into his girlfriend's eyes, they were heavy lidded and full of longing, much like his own. He moved to Star's pale neck and placed sweet, soft kisses, unknowingly sending shivers down the girls spine and causing her breath to hitch. Every kiss was like a lightning bolt running through her.

The ginger smiled against her skin at her reaction before lightly nibbling and sucking, leaving little love bites. Star detached the boy from her neck, crashing her lips onto his, biting and sucking his bottom lip as she pulled at his dress robes. She pulled away, receiving a confused look from George before flashing him a seductive smile, getting off his lap and pulling him up with her.

"It's a little warm in here don't you think?" She said, grabbing the collar of his robes and pulling them off his shoulders and letting them fall to the ground. "You look like you need to be more comfortable." She giggled, undoing his tie and pulling it off.

"I quite agree, love." George replied breathlessly, pulling at the buttons on his vest and tearing the fabric off his person. The couple giggled and kissed as they unbuttoned the boys white dress shirt and let it drop to the floor, revealing his toned upper body.

"Oh, I do love Quidditch." Star mused, taking in the sight of his tight chest and broad arms, no doubt from all the Beater training. The girl bit her lip, running her hands along his chest and biceps.

"Like what you see VonTussle?" George laughed, putting his arms around her and pulling her to his chest. It was Stars turn to leave love bites on the gingers chest and neck, receiving a throaty moan as she did. After a few moments of this, George pulled the girl off him, leaning to whisper in her year.

"What about you? Here I am half naked and you're still fully dressed! That doesn't seem fair." Giving a cheeky grin, he moved his hand to glide along the bare skin of her stomach.

"Oh, but I'm too enthralled in you my darling." The Slytherin said playfully, sticking her fingers through his belt loops and closing the distance between them. Starting at her belly button, the boy ran his hand up the opening of Stars dress, nibbling on her neck as he went. Up her stomach, her breathing became labored, in between her breasts, her breath hitched, "Oh George." She purred, running her hand through his hair. The boys hand found its way to the back of her dress and tugged down the zipper.

George took both his hands and lightly touched her now bare back, following the edge of her dress up to her shoulders. The boy went to move her dress off her shoulders as Star closed her eyes.

'"Stop lying to yourself."'

She saw a flash of Brenden's face, making her jump and push George away slightly. The boy looked down to her with a confused look plastered on his face. With her arms placed firmly on the boys chest, she looked down to the ground, holding back the tears she suppressed earlier.

"Star, what's wrong?" The Gryffindor asked, concerned.

Star closed her eyes again, trying to calm herself.

'"This is happening whether you like it or not."' The Ravenclaws malicious smile popped into her head again.

The tears broke from their dam as she stumbled away from the ginger, falling to the couch. She sobbed, '"..I won't be gentle."'

George was taken aback, not sure what had happened. He approached the crying girl cautiously, kneeling down in front of her. "Star, love, what happened? Did I do something?" Taking her hands into his, "I'm sorry, Star."

"No. No, George. It's not you." She said weakly, in between sobs.

"Then what is it? Are you sure I wasn't pushing you?" He said sadly, eyes downcast.

Star grabbed the boys face in her small hands and turned it to look at her, "This is in no way your fault." She paused, fresh tears forming, "It's just…" She looked into his eyes, "What happened before…in the dungeon…"

Realization came across Georges face, "Oh Star! I'm so sorry!" He pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry." He repeated. "I promise, until you're ready we don't have to do anything."

"That's the thing! I am ready. Oh boy am I ready." She said, longing dripping from her every word. "I just..every time I close my eyes, I see his face and hear his voice…" She whipped a tear away.

"I wish I knew what to tell you to make you feel better.."

"Oh Georgie, I think it will only take time. Just give me a bit of time, okay?" The girl asked sweetly.

"Of course. As long as you need. I'm not going anywhere." George gave her a sweet, loving smile.

"Thank you my love." She mused, placing a light kiss on his lips.

"It's been a long night, how about we turn in?" The ginger asked, pulling them both to their feet. "We look like a bloody mess." He laughed, looking at their missing clothes and disheveled hair.

"You worse than me." Star teased, "Though I do love you without your shirt on." She bit her lip, taking him in once more.

"Well I guess I'll just have to take my shirt off more often." He responded saucily, throwing her a wink.

"I don't think Snape would approve of that." She giggled, taking one last look before throwing the discarded button up at her laughing boyfriend. "Mind zipping me up?" She asked, turning her back to him and moving her hair out of the way. She felt the fabric of the dress tighten around her once more as George placed a light kiss on the back of her neck. "Thank you my love."

"Anytime. Though, I'd much rather be unzipping it." He whispered flirtatiously.

"Soon enough, love." She responded playfully.

George finished redressing and offering an arm to the girl, who took it with a smile. The couple walked out of the door and stepped out to the empty corridor.

"I'll walk you down." The boy said, leading the small girl towards the staircase. He was stopped when she wouldn't budge, "What's the matter?"

"Isn't Gryffindor Tower on this floor?" She asked, looking down the corridor.

"It is indeed." George responded cheekily with a grin, pulling her again.

"Well wouldn't it make more sense for you to go to your dormitory and I go down to the dungeon?"

"Probably," Pulling her again.

"George, just stay here. I can get myself there on my own." She smiled, holding up one of her Transportation Taffies. "Wouldn't want my boyfriend to have to walk all the way down to the dungeons for no reason."

"Prideful girl." He said with a laugh, pulling her into a hug. "Though, I do love it when you call me your boyfriend."

"Well, you are my boyfriend. My wonderful, very attractive boyfriend." Star giggled, leaning up and kiss the boy. After a moment she pulled away and walking past him slightly, "Now, get going." She said, slapping his bum lightly.

"Oi, woman. Save that for the bedroom." George winked. "Good night Star."

"Good night George." She smiled, popping the taffy into her mouth.


Star was now standing in her dormitory. She looked around, checking for any of her dorm mates. Once she was sure that she was alone, she flung herself onto her bed and let the tears run freely.

Fred placed his hand on the small of her back and the fabric of her dress seemed electric. His partner placed her left hand in his right, trying not to notice how gently he held her. As her right hand went to his shoulder, Aeryn looked up through her eyelashes at the boy before her. He started their dance off slowly and carefully, his eyes narrowed at the ground and his mouth moving in a way that gave away his counting steps in his head. His grip tightened on her waist and Aeryn's heart stuttered for a moment as Fred's eyes finally locked on hers. Bodies were all around, pressing and swaying as the music swelled and enveloped the couple.

Aeryn Monroe was a rational girl. She knew that other people were around, students, teachers, and friends. She knew that they hadn't been dancing for an eternity, and she knew that, despite the presence of magic, the earth still rotated around the sun.

But in that moment, with her hand in Fred's and his eyes on her, none of that mattered. They swirled and swayed and his touch was just right, like something she couldn't live without, and she knew things were different now. There was something between them, something that kept him from locking eyes with her all night, that kept all the practical jokes and teasing away, even if just for the night, for the moment. Blue eyes gazed into blue eyes as the dreamlike music dipped and rose along with the couples steps.

Aeryn vaguely noticed that the song was fading away. The music dipped one last time, signalling the end of the dance and those on the dance floor turned to clap for the song. For the first time, Aeryn noticed how close she was to her partner. Her chest was all but pressed against his, their faces only inches away thanks to Aeryn's heels. Her mind was still foggy and it felt as though the rational side of her had fallen asleep and was now attempting to wake up. She stared into Fred's eyes, knowing their moment would end soon. Her rational side, almost fully awake now, was telling her to move away and head back to the table. But Aeryn didn't let go of Fred's hand or his gaze, the deep blue of his eyes still pulling her in.

Before she knew what was happening, her lips were on his. It was just a touch, the most gentle of petal pink lips pressed to his. It was the touch that woke Aeryn up. She shot back, ripping herself away from him and looked into his surprised face. Her mind was screaming to run, to go somewhere quiet and hide until she ceased to exist, but her legs were frozen. Fred's face was bright red and his mouth was parted in a stunned silence. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, Fred spoke.

"Um...I'm here with Angelina..." he mumbled as he looked away. Scratching his head in confusion, he looked back to see the back of Aeryn's dress vanish through the crowd. The next song had started and it was the band's smash hit, the dance floor immediately becoming crowded again. Fred called out to Aeryn, trying to cut through the dancers, but his voice was lost in the music and the Slytherin was already long gone.

Aeryn found herself on a bench behind a wall of enchanted roses. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there or how long ago it had been when she stumbled through the mass of people inside to find herself out in the garden. It had been especially magicked for the Ball and was now her sanctuary. She looked up from her lap and rested her eyes on the red flowers slowly sparkling in the moonlight. This Christmas Eve was cold, it had been snowing up until the Ball began, and she had run outside without a thought. Realizing how cold she actually felt, Aeryn magicked a floating flame to warm her. The warmth of the flames reminded her of the warmth of Fred's hands as he held her.

'I'm here with Angelina...'

Aeryn waved her hand and let the flames fade out as she hugged herself in the cold night.

She wouldn't cry. She never did. Even now, she felt the emptiness of her heart and the heaviness of her breathing, but she knew no tears would come. He hadn't rejected her outright. Though how much more outright could it get...?

'I'm here with Angelina...'

"Aeryn?" A voice called out in the night.

"Aeryn? Oh, sorry, yikes." It wasn't too far now. It was male, but not a voice she could easily put a name to. A tall boy with dark brown hair passed her hiding spot. She only saw the black of his robes for a second before he passed on. A few moments later, he reappeared, this time, facing her. "Here you are." The warmth in his voice made Aeryn's heart twinge. It was usually Star who needed comforting, who ran away and needed to be found. The few times that Aeryn was upset, it was Star who came running. But with Star in the dorm with a stomach ache, Aeryn hadn't had any hope of anyone looking for her. Soren slid past the wall of roses and sat next to Aeryn on the cold bench.

"It's pretty cold out here," he stated cheerfully. Aeryn looked up at him, mind and heart blank. The dark haired boy alit with the realization that her dress didn't have sleeves and he stood up, quickly removing the robe from his broad shoulders and placing it over hers. "That's better isn't it?" he asked, grinning as he loosened his dark green tie. Aeryn sent him as much of a smile as she could manage, her embarrassment and heartache keeping it from seeming sincere. Soren sighed, and sat back down next to her. "So what did he say?" Aeryn looked up in alarm. His smile was apologetic now. "I was on the dance floor when you kissed him. I promise, I wasn't watching you!" He clarified, throwing his hands up defensively. "I just happened to see it happen." He leaned forward and rested his arms on top of his knees. Clasping his hands together tightly, he cast a sidelong glance at the silent girl. Aeryn sat silently for a few minutes, the warmth of Soren's robe and his body next to her spreading throughout her own.

"'I'm here with Angelina,'" she finally spoke. It was quiet, but she knew Soren had heard her. He frowned slightly.

"And so you ran?" he asked, not facing her. Aeryn nodded, then, realizing he probably hadn't seen, replied aloud.

"Yes." After a few moments of silence, Soren stood and turned back to face the redhead.

"It's far too cold out here." He held one of his hands out towards her. Aeryn looked up, bemused. "Care to dance?" he asked, a gentle smile gracing his tanned face.

Star pulled her face from her pillow, and wiped the tears from her eyes as she pushed herself into a sitting position. She looked around the room, she was still alone, everyone was still out with their dates. She pushed herself off of her bed and walked to the bathroom, looking in the mirror, she saw just how rough her night had been. Her make up had run all over her face, her eyes were red and puffy and she had a slight bruise on her cheek from where Brenden had slapped her. She turned her eyes away from the wreck before her and started herself a shower. Star unlaced her shoes, kicking them off, then unzipped the green dress, pulling it off her tired body. She turned back to the mirror and had to stop the tears from coming again; there was now a large bruise on her right side, going from her hip to her ribs, she must have fallen harder than she thought when the Ravenclaw had slapped her. She ran her fingers across the area, wincing slightly. The girl pulled her eyes and fingers from the bruise and turned to the shower. After pulling off her remaining clothing, she staggered into the shower, letting the warm water run over her.

'Why did this happen?' She continued to think as she washed away the sweat and dirt from her body and hair.

After what seemed like an hour, the girl turned off the water and stepped back out to the cold bathroom. Grabbing a towel she dried her body and hair lazily, not caring if she was still a bit wet. Avoiding her reflection, she went out to the still empty dormitory. She changed into some comfortable clothes, tossing her towel to the floor.

Star sighed and sat on her bed, staring at the wall in front of her. 'Can you obliviate your own mind?' She thought sadly. 'I could just erase the whole thing. Like it never happened.' She pushed herself up again and walked over to the mirror, staring into the sad eyes of the girl inside, not recognizing her own reflection. A few stray tears fell as she raised her wand to her temple.


"Here?" Aeryn asked, bewildered. Soren grinned, removing his cloak from around Aeryn's shoulders and placing it across the bench.

"Why not?" He reached out for her hand a second time.

"Well for one, it's freezing!"

"All the more reason to start moving," Soren stated with a grin.

"Didn't you come here with a date?"

"No. Did you?"

Aeryn stared at his hand. "I suppose not..."


"What if someone sees us?"

"Oh yes, 'what if?' Do you ever stop thinking and just let yourself have some fun?" Soren teased.

Aeryn looked down, holding back a smile and placed her hand in his. Music from the Great Hall flowed out the open doors, enchanting the garden with it's melody. Soren pulled Aeryn close with the sway of the music, grinning at the surprised look on her face. The music rose again, (this song is much more lighthearted than the one I danced with Fred to) and her partner spun her into an arc with grand, sweeping gestures, before pulling her back in close. The pair laughed as they faced each other again, both faces flushed with happiness. Aeryn opened her mouth to speak, but the way Soren was gazing at her made her decide against it.

The two continued their dance through the next two songs, laughing and spinning haphazardly through the music.

Finally, out of breath from laughter and extensive spinning, Aeryn gestured her need to sit. The two dropped onto the bench once more, watching their breath in the cold December air.

"So what do you think you'll do?" Soren inquired lightly. Aeryn stared off in the direction of the Great Hall, knowing he was talking about Fred. Couples were coming in and out of the doors less frequently now, which probably meant the ball was winding down. She sighed slightly.

"Well I really can't make my position any clearer," she stated, standing up suddenly. "I guess I'll go back to the dorms to see how Star is doing." She brushed off the back of her dress, absently walking towards the warmth that was the Great Hall. She turned back to see if Soren was still seated, and instead saw him plucking a rose from the wall they had been sitting behind. Aeryn turned her attention back towards her goal, pretending she hadn't seen, though her blush gave her away. Soren walked up beside her, and casually placed the flower in her hair.

"There! Knew it would match," he grinned, obviously proud of himself. Aeryn blushed even as she giggled at his childish flirting. "Your dormitory is in the dungeons, yeah?" Aeryn nodded as the two entered the main hall. "I'll walk you down."

"That's very kind of you." The Slytherin smiled up at her escort as the two turned a corner. At the end of the corridor, a couple was tenderly kissing in one of the doorways. Aeryn froze. The dark hair of the girl in the bright red dress and the boy's striking red hair made it all too clear who the couple was comprised of. Aeryn felt a pang in her heart, which was doubled when Soren suddenly pulled her into the staircase that led to the dungeons. Aeryn let herself be dragged along the passageway, reliving the scene she had just witnessed over and over again like it was a war flashback. They stopped at the end of the stairs, where students from all different houses were dropping their Slytherin dates off. Soren looking at Aeryn with concern. "I guess I have my answer now," the redhead joked lamely, scratching the back of her head. She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting against the tears that were pooling up. Soren glanced around the hall, and grabbed Aeryn's hand again, pulling her into what appeared to be an almost empty broom closet.

"You can cry here, everyone will just think we can't keep our hands to ourselves." Soren laughed, but is eyes gave away his concern.

"No way. I'm not going to cry over a boy. Crying is for deaths and other tragedies. The boy I like not liking me is not what I want to shed tears over." Aeryn was thinking back to all the times she had comforted Star. The girl was strong, but exploded easily into tears. Aeryn had to be strong for her. Star knew the signs of crying all too well, if she walked back into their room with even a hint of a runny nose, Star would threaten to kill whomever had hurt Aeryn, stomach ache or not. "Besides," Aeryn smiled up at Soren. "How can I be upset when I've had such a wonderful night?" Soren grinned, his face flushing in the dim light of the closet. "Are you blushing?" Aeryn grinned, leaning closer to see through the darkness.

Soren wasn't smiling now and Aeryn felt how close she was suddenly. Her first thought was to back up. It would be so easy to just turn around and go in to check on Star. But then...

'Do you ever stop thinking and just let yourself have some fun?'

Aeryn stayed where she was, staring up at Soren and silently daring him to kiss her. She glanced at his lips, and took another half-step forward. Her chest was pressed up against his now, and she felt a warm sensation fall into the pit of her stomach and spread through her entire body. Soren's green eyes were as dark as his hair and he stared down at her with an intensity that gave her chills. Suddenly, his mouth was on hers and her hands were in his dark hair. Aeryn wasn't sure who had taken the final step, but Soren's lips crashed against hers again, taking her breath and all her thoughts away with it. This was nothing like her kiss with Fred. That kiss had been timid and gentle, much like how she felt around Fred. With Soren...it was as if some force had lit a fire under her feet and in her stomach. The closet seemed much bigger as the space between them grew smaller. Aeryn turned her head to give him better access, but when he bit her lip, she gasped in surprise. He tore himself away.

"I'm so sorry!" His hair was messy and his face was red and looking at her worriedly. "I didn't hurt you did I? I just got carried away, I wasn't even thinking, I didn't mean..." Aeryn cut him off with another deep kiss.

"It's okay, it just...surprised me. That's all." Clearing her throat, Aeryn noted her relief that the closet was so dark Soren couldn't see how embarrassed she was. "I really should go check on Star though..." Aeryn turned towards the door, but Soren blocked her exit. He leaned down next to her face and kissed her on the cheek.

"Just remember...there's more than one guy out there." He removed his hand and gave Aeryn one last grin before opening the door for her. Aeryn blinked into the harsh light of the corridor and made herself walk as calmly as she could back to the portrait entrance of the dorms. Clasping her shaking hands, she muttered the password and climbed through the portrait hole before letting herself giggle out loud.

Thinking about her night and everything she would have to tell Star that night, she rushed to the girls shared room. She would be quiet until she knew if Star was awake, but even if she wasn't...'oh who am I kidding, surely I can wake her up for this!'

Aeryn slid into the room grinning broadly, but faltered when she saw Star's wand raised at her temple. The girls cheeks were stained with tears and mascara and her mouth was already moving...


Star's wand jumped from her hand and flew to the ground between her and Aeryn. The small girl looked around in confusion and found her friend standing in the doorway looking furious.

"What the hell are you doing?!"" Aeryn screeched, advancing on her friend.

"I just-I-"…"

"You what?!""

"I just want it to go away." Star practically whispered, hiding her face with her hair.

"You just want what to go away?" The red head said with confusion.

"Something bad happened." The small girl said, sitting on her bed.

"What happened Star?" Aeryn asked, following her friend.

"Brenden…-he-…" Star took a deep breath before she continued, telling her friend everything that happened.

"Where did he go," Aeryn's question fell as flat as a statement as she looked blankly at her friend's tear stained face.

"Well, after George found us and almost beat him to a pulp, he ran out of the dungeon." Star said, whiping the tears from her cheeks. "I assume he went back to his dormitory." She finished, a look of concern on her face as she watched her friend.

Aeryn started towards her dresser. She opened the top drawer, pulled out a handful of Transportation Taffy and turned back to Star, who was gazing in bewilderment at her best friends actions. With measured movements, Aeryn strode to the bed, unwrapping a taffy at the same time. She stuffed it in her mouth, grabbed Star's wand and turned her back in one swift movement. Before Star could blink, the redhead was gone.

Aeryn found herself in a cozy room lined with dark oak bookshelves. The fireplace was lit, giving the whole room a fiery glow, and a lone figure was silhouetted in one of the deep blue arm chairs. It was late enough that the Aeryn was surprised to find Brenden alone in the common room. Aeryn walked around the arm chairs, mind slightly buzzing. Star's tear streaked face popped into her head as she turned to look at the brunette boy, who was occupied nursing a slightly swollen cheek. It was a strange energy that propelled Aeryn forward. It felt much like the one that threatened to hex the gossiping girls in the library. It was dark and she had turned it off then. Now, the Slytherin welcomed it. She slid into the soft chair beside the lone Ravenclaw.

"Rough night?" The boy whipped his neck around, his surprise apparent on the small portion of his face that wasn't blue.

"How did you get in here?" he inquired, anxiously glancing around the empty room.

"How else? Magic." Aeryn winked and stretched, pulling one of her arms over her head. As she moved she felt Star's wand poking her side where she had secured it in one of the folds of her dress. "Now," Aeryn paused slightly, smiling and turning slowly to look at Brenden as she crossed her legs. "Do tell me how your night went."

Brenden broke eye contact, electing to inspect what little ice was left in the bag he had held to his face. "Nothing special to report. Star retired early. As did I." His accent broke ever so slightly at the mention of Star's name and Aeryn felt her eyes light with fire.

The girl stood, and turned her back towards the Ravenclaw, bending slightly to inspect the hem of her dress in the firelight. She knew she had him on the ropes. He was going to pay for what he had done, and he had to know it was coming. Smirking to herself, Aeryn turned back to see the Ravenclaw darting his eyes away from her. He had been staring. The fact that he still felt confident enough to sexualize her enraged Aeryn. 'Let him underestimate me. He'll come to regret it along with the rest of his miserable existence.' She leaned over Brenden and lightly rested her hands on the arms of his chair.

"Surely you know why I'm here," the redhead purred.

"I'm...not sure I do."

Aeryn laughed and stood up straight, turning back to face the flickering fireplace. The light reflected in her eyes as she drew her wand from its holster on her leg. Slowly, she turned, and lightly dragged the tip of her wand over Brenden's bruised face. He kept her eye contact this time, but Aeryn could see the hand holding the watery bag to his cheek shake ever so slightly.

"See, I think that you do know Brenden." The girl spoke calmly and quietly, though her mind was roaring in a white hot rage that heated her entire body from her very core. "I think you know exactly what you've done and I think that you know what I'm going to do." Brenden didn't have time to blink before the silent curse ripped through his body. His mouth opened ever so slightly and he looked down to see the roses of red blossoming on his crisp white shirt. Six in total. One stretched across his entire chest, Aeryn noted as she coldly looked on.

'Pretty good for the first time of a spell found in an extra Potions book.' Aeryn came out of her thoughts again as Brenden fell to the floor, the blood seeping out of his wounds and onto the dark wood floor in front of the fireplace. Aeryn knelt next to the boy whose mouth was gaping like a fish gasping for air, his hands clenching and unclenching on his torso as he tried to stop himself from bleeding out.

"I'd say you have about two minutes so listen up," Aeryn purred in the boy's left ear. "You would do well to stay away from Star from now on. I know the counter-curse for this terrible predicament you seem to have found yourself in, but I'm sure you know what a hassle it is to try and remember all the spells one learns in their time here." Aeryn pressed her hand against one of the nastier gashes and drew it along the blood soaked shirt. "You will change your habits, you will run the other direction. I don't care if she is standing between you and your dying mother, you will turn tail and run the instant you even get a whiff of her hair. Do we have an understanding?"

The boy looked up at her with tears staining his face, mouth still opened silently in shock, horror, fear, and pain. "I thought so," Aeryn retorted coldly. She stood and slowly began to mutter in a voice that came out as a quiet and chilling song. "Vulnera Sanentur," Aeryn moved her wand over the gashes and the blood flow began to slow. She whispered the incantation twice more as the wounds began to clear and knit themselves back together.

Star sighed as she looked at her now empty dormitory, she had never seen Aeryn so upset before. Without her wand she felt naked and vulnerable, she had never been without it since the day she first got it at Ollivanders. She grabbed her robe and wrapped it tightly around her, shoving on her slippers as she went. The girl walked out of her dormitory, through the common room and out into the halls of the dungeon. Star walked briskly out to the Entrance Hall, not caring if she were caught out of bed after hours. She walked up to the first landing of the Grand Staircase, pausing slightly, thinking about where the Ravenclaw common room might be. The girl turned to the right and made her way in that general direction, losing herself in her thoughts. She thought only about the good parts of her night: dancing with George and their time in the strange room on the 7th floor. She was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't take in her surroundings and walked right into someone on one of the staircases. Star quickly grabbed the banister to keep herself from falling down the flight of stairs.

"I'm so sorry." The girl said, looking up to find out who she crashed into. She was face to face with her boyfriend's twin. "Oh, it's you." She laughed.

"Hello Star, what are you doing wandering around the castle at this hour?" Fred smiled.

"I'm looking for the Ravenclaw common room actually." The girl said, looking at her surroundings.

"Why on Earth would you do that?" The twin said, confused.

"Well, something...bad..happened with Brenden and when I told Aeryn she didn't take it well and went after him using the Transportation Taffy. She took my wand and the last of the taffy with her." Star sighed.

"Oh, well good thing that I know where everything in this castle is." Fred smiled down at her. "Follow me." He gestured up the stairs.

They walked with each other in comfortable silence up stairs and through corridors. He finally stopped her in front of a handleless door next to a statue of the Ravenclaws founder, in the middle of the door was a knocker of bronze in the shape of an eagle.

"Here is your destination, future sister-in-law." Fred said with a wink. "I should get going, have a better night. Also, I wouldn't try to get in there if I were you, that eagle makes you answer a riddle to get in. Bloody weird." He said as he walked back down the corridor.

Star lowered herself to the ground and leaned against the wall. She made herself comfortable and let her thoughts drift to the future as they often did. She usually thought of opening her own bakery and candy business where she would sell her tasty creation to the wizarding masses. A new thought entered her mind though, a silly thought that all young girls in a new relationship have. She thought of marrying George and having two beautiful children with him; the boy took after his father, the signature Weasley characteristics, and the little baby girl obviously inherited her mothers metamorphmagus ability, changing her hair color uncontrollably. Star's heart yearned for a future as beautiful as that one and lost herself in those thoughts.

Aeryn stepped out of the common room, the portal swinging shut behind her. Star was sitting outside the corridor and leapt to her feet when the sound of the door closing awoke her from her thoughts.

"What happened? Did you talk to him? Where's my-?" Star stopped suddenly and her eyes widened. Aeryn grinned wearily. Even after all she had been through her best friend was still spitting fire like there wasn't a thing out of place. Aeryn carefully undid the ties holding Star's wand in her dress and held it out to the dark haired Slytherin. However, instead of taking the wand, Star grabbed the redheads blood covered hand.

"Aeryn...what did you do?" Star's voice shook as she looked at her best friend. Aeryn frowned and looked down at herself. Splotches of her pale dress was coated in a thick coat of blood that had dyed the fabric a darkish red that was almost black. Her hands and knees were covered in dried blood from where she had kneeled in the puddle of blood and healed Brenden's wounds. Her own wand had black handprints up and down the length. Star looked on, wide eyed and slightly fearful of Aeryn's answer.

"He's still alive if that's what you're worried about. He's never going to mess with you again. And I healed him. No one would even believe him if he tried to rat me out! It looks worse than it was. I knew what I was doing Star, you don't have to look at me like that!" Aeryn was screaming by the end of her sentence, her statement heavy with answers to questions Star hadn't even asked. 'Maybe the questions you should have asked yourself', a voice inside her accused. Aeryn looked at her hands, the reality of everything crashing down on her. "Oh Gods Star, what did I do?"

"I don't know Aeryn. I don't know!" Star said as she walked up to her blood covered friend. "Right now we need to get as far away from here as we can though. We can't stay here." She finished, looking around the corridor nervously.

Star wracked her brain of where they could go; they couldn't go back to their dorm, someone could over hear them. She got an idea suddenly, grabbed Aeryns arm, and scurried to the other side of the castle and up two flights of stairs. The girls didn't run into any problems on their way up to the 7th floor, presumably because the professors and Filch had about as much fun as the students had that night. The small girl found a corridor that looked like the one George had taken her to a few hours earlier. Star looked around, brow furrowed in confusion. Not knowing what else to do, she imitated her new boyfriend and paced in front of a blank wall. 'We need a quiet place to talk.' After her third pace in front of the wall, a small door suddenly appeared on the previously blank wall.

Aeryn seemed to have gone into a state of shock and was lost in her own thoughts, not noticing that there was now a door where there hadn't been a moment ago. Star grabbed her friend by the arm and pulled her into the newly formed room. The room was much smaller than it had been a few hours ago, it was a simple room with nothing in it but a squishy looking couch. The smaller girl pulled her Aeryn into the room and pushed her onto the couch. The two sat there in silence for a while, until Star couldn't handle it anymore.

"Aeryn, what happened back there?" She said quietly, looking at her friends sullen face cautiously. Aeryn just starred forward with a blank face. "Aeryn, please."

"Something in me just snapped..." The redhead said sadly. "Star, I could have killed him."

"You stopped yourself though." Her friend replied, rubbing the other girls back in comfort. "But what did you do to him?"

"A few years ago, I found an old copy of Advanced Potion Making in the Potions classroom. I wanted to see what kind of potions we could look forward to in the future. The book apparently belonged to a 'Half-blood Prince'. He wrote in the margins, hints to make the perfect potions. There was also this spell, 'for enemies', I had never used it before today. I didn't even know that I still remembered it until you told me about what that pig did to you." Aeryn said quickly.

"What does the spell do?" The brunette asked.

"I wasn't sure until I did it, but it basically sliced him open..." Aeryn trailed off. "There were these horrible deep cuts all across his chest." She said weakly, letting her tears fall freely.

"Oh Aeryn." Star said weakly, wrapping her arms around her friend and pulling her into a tight embrace. The small girl rubbed her friends back, letting her cry on her shoulder. "Shhh, shhh. It's alright. You stopped yourself. You fixed him. Everything will be alright."

The two girls sat like that for an hour, until Aeryn ran out of tears. She pulled back from Star and wiped away the tears from her cheeks.

"Let's just try to forget that this happened, okay?" Star said, continuing to rub her friends back.

"How are we supposed to forget this?!" Her friend replied hastily.

"The same way I'm going to forget what happened to me. We're going to move on with our lives and never think about what happened to us." The small girl stated with determination. Aeryn nodded blankly. "We have each other and this is all we can do short of erasing our memories. Which is not as option anymore." She added pointedly.

The redhead nodded quietly.

"We'll get through this." Star finished.

Wow, that was super intese! What will happen next? Again, reviews would be lovely!