Woah, It's been a really long time hasn't it?

I have to say though, that I am terribly sorry for skipping out on all of you and not updating for the past year.

Some may think that that was selfish of me, and I know that a lot of people have been waiting for an update.

I originally wasn't planning on updating again; I really wanted to forget that I even had a fanfiction account. Over the past year I have received emails from the fan-fiction team, sending me notifications about new comments and such and I was just sending them into the trash bin.

I lost interest in my stories, at the time it was nothing personal, my stories no longer held the spark I so wanted it to have.

But now it has become personal.

I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't be a good author or fanfiction user if I didn't leave my readers with somethingā€¦ In a way, it's offensive to my readers.

Me not finishing my story, is like saying that I never appreciated my fans, and that to me seemed wrong.

Not updating had nothing to do with what my teacher told me in the 8th grade, I am completely over that, I can promise you.

So I'm hoping that you've all grasped the point of this letter.

I am not leaving you all high and dry.

I promise to update, I have come up with a schedule that I will stick to.

The thing is that I need your help, At this point I can't decide which story to update first.

I am leaving it all up to my readers.

So you have a choice, either "Home Is Where the Heart Is", "Revitalized", or "The Bucket List"

You can either message me or comment on my story, I'll tally up the votes and then announce it with the new chapter.

So thank you, to those who had faith in me and believed that I would come back.

Thank you all for reading my stories and sticking by my sideā€¦

See you all Saturday! ;))))

- ChickenNinja