Disclaimer: I do not own Queer as Folk or it's characters. They belong to Cowlip and whatnot and so forth. This is fanfic, just for fun and will not generate any money whatsoever.
REVIEWS! REVIEWS! REVIEWS! All are welcome! All Are welcome! Cheers AND Jeers encouraged! Anything! Let me know what you are thinking, esp the reader in Isreal! And Romania! And Libya! Yes, that's right, I see you too!
And now:
Chapter 20 Part 2
The Tale of a True Hero
And finally, they arrived at Town Hall.
Blake and Ted disengaged from each other. They rubbernecked out the window while they waited for the driver, astonished.
"It's packed! Almost as packed as the Inauguration!" gasped Ted.
"This can't be about what happened at the party! It just can't! Oh Teddy, I only…I mean I never asked for….I never meant for…"
Ted shrugged. "I don't know. But everything will turn out all right. I'll be right with you, every step of the way."
The driver opened the door. They got out. They had been driven right up in front of the steps and there was a red carpet leading up them. The red carpet was barricaded off on both sides all the way up with velvet ropes but people were crowded on both sides of the carpet. At the top there were chairs, a podium, and a drape along the top of the door.
As they got out, everyone turned to look at them. Every eye was upon them. Deliberately, Blake grabbed Ted's hand and held on for dear life. If there were any homophobes in the crowd, well that was just too bad. They'd been asked to come here, not the other way around. He wasn't going to conform for them now, especially now when he felt so nervous.
Everyone continued to eyeball them. Blake eyeballed them right back. There was a moment or two of total silence.
Then, everyone, all at once and all in one accord, burst out cheering and hollering. Confetti filled the air as if by magic. People jumped up and down and screamed. It was an outpouring of absolute joy and celebration and Blake looked upon it in total confusion. This STILL couldn't be about the party! Could it? Oh God! How much more of this could he take? Why wouldn't Brian leave him alone about that?
Well, maybe it wasn't. Maybe...He looked behind him and half expected to see his favourite celebrities, Gale Harold and Randy Harrison standing behind them in a 'people-are-cheering-for-someone-directly-behind-you' move. Maybe even Peter Paige. But there was no-one. There was only the driver leaning against the car, his cheery smile now combined with a liberal dose of smugness. 'I drove them here!' it said.
The cheering took on a steady roar, like an oncoming train, or the constant crash of huge ocean waves. Blake felt as if he needed to push against it as a physical force as he stepped forward. After all, there was only one way to go now, up the cleared carpet to the top. And that's where Blake marched now.
At the top was...well a bit more breathing room anyway. There was a podium and a stage-like area and off to the side but in clear view of everyone were two soft, leather armchairs. To the other side of the podium was a semicircle of a number of chairs, upholstered in purple velvet. The very center purple chair was half the size as the rest as if made for a very small person.
Just as they reached the very top the doors to Town Hall opened and Brian came out looking very smart in a black suit and a charcoal blue tie. He waved to the crowd and shook Blake's hand and then Ted's and said, "Blake, Ted, thanks for coming!"
"YOU!" Blake turned on him in a real rage, "It was you sending all those things for the last two days! Why? I've been a nervous wreck! I've begun to hate the sound of my own doorbell! Didn't I tell you that the year-long paid rent was too much! And now all those gifts! And this!" he said pointing at his collar, "I feel like I've been on a crime spree! How am I supposed to start paying you back! How...Why, Brian? Why did you do...?" Blake couldn't finish. He burst into tears, feeling like the neurotic mess that he was.
And then he felt himself being enfolded into Brian's larger frame. He hugged him fully and put his mouth next to his ear. The crown cheered even louder. Blake didn't understand how that was possible. They had been cheering throughout and had heard none of Blake's tirade.
"I did what I did do, because the light of my life had gone out. A flame brighter than the sun was snuffed out and my soul would have been as dark as the emptiness of space, as dark as the death that had claimed my Snowshine. You relit that flame and brought him back. Anything I give you...do for you...will never be enough. Never," Brian whispered in his ear. "However, the last two days were not my doing. Well...almost..."
"But if you didn't, who did? The clothes! The collar..."
"The cake..." Ted said reminiscently.
"I did!" said a voice behind them.
Blake whirled. Someone had come out of the doors of Town Hall.
Well, of course, it was Justin.
Snowshine had really dressed up to his name today.
His thick, white hair had been cut and waved and impeccably styled. His goatee was just long enough to cover the point of his chin and cut into a sharp point. He wore white everything, shoes, suit, tie. Like Blake, he was salt to Brian's pepper. He was so white and bright, the snow seemed dull.
Snowshine went to Brian first, who dipped him deep in a kiss. Everyone cheered their approval.
Then he came over to the podium gestured Blake over as well. He motioned for silence and eventually got enough quiet so that he could be heard.
"Of course it was me, Blake. I sent over the collars. I sent you food and clothes. And still it..."
"The cake was my idea!" Brian yelled joyfully, in interjection. Somehow his words were loud, too loud and they carried. Snowshine looked over at Brian indulgently and smiled a small smile.
"I thought it was," Blake said.
The crowd laughed and clapped.
"And still it is nothing," Justin continued, "They were simply gifts, diversions in preparation for the real gift, the real celebration for which we are gathered here today."
But why are you celebrating?" asked Blake, "I do not understand how I have earned such favor!"
"Blake...have you not yet guessed? I would always award someone the way I have...and celebrate...and honor that person...who saved my life!"
Justin gestured. Two footmen Blake had not noticed pulled on ropes and the drape on top of the doors fell away. Underneath was a banner stretching across that said in bold letters: TODAY WE HONOR AS TOWN HERO, BLAKE CARTER
Blake was appalled. His gentle, humble soul was cut to the heart. His eyes were wide with horror. He stumbled and grabbed for Ted. Ted was there. Thank God. He couldn't breathe. Things grew hazy around the edges of his vision. Passing out. He was going to pass out. With Herculean effort, he sucked in a huge breath and managed to stay upright.
"Justin! You must stop this! Stop it right now! I don't..."
"Why would we stop!" yelled Justin for the benefit of the crowd, "When we're just getting started!"
The crowd cheered madly.
And again, they (he) was swept away against his will and he and Ted were ensconced in those two leather armchairs to the right. At the same time people were coming out of Town Hall. There was:
Lindsay and a plus one, a woman with long, dark hair. Michael and Ben. Debbie and her plus one, (holy hell, was that Agent Horvath! When did that happen?) and finally Emmett with his plus one, a man as big as a linebacker. (When had that happened?) They all settled into their purple seats around the smaller seat with Lindsay and Melanie on either side of it.
When they were all seated, Justin went to the door, opened it, and beckoned. And out came Gus, dressed in an identical suit to Brian's, blue tie and everything. His shoes were glossed to a high polish. His hair was neat and he looked like Brian's Mini Me. He carried a single red rose.
He toddled over to Blake and offered him the rose.
"This is for you Blake, 'cuz you helped Justin to breathe again. Daddy says I get to call him Papa soon, so this is for you saving my other Papa!"
And he puckered prettily and leaned over and dutifully Blake leaned forward to receive a kiss on the cheek and took the rose from the 6 year old. He was so cute it hurt his eyes and broke his heart. He kissed Gus back on the cheek and said: "You're very welcome Gus," and was amazed when his voice didn't crack and lightning didn't strike him dead for impersonating an important person.
Everybody clapped and cheered dutifully.
Gus toddled back across the stage. He had just moved to the other side of the podium when he stopped and looked at everybody down below. He knew he'd never have another chance like this. He waved madly.
"Hi Everybody! I got to give Blake the first gift!" he announced as if nobody had just seen him doing it.
Everybody screamed with laughter and cheered and waved back at the adorable little boy.
Blake chuckled along with everybody else but inside, he wondered...the first gift?
Brian swooped him up and kissed his adorable baby face and then set him on his feet facing the chairs. "All right Sonny Boy, that's enough. Time to sit down now. Remember how we practiced." And he gave him a little pat on the butt toward his center chair.
"OK Daddy, don't worry, I 'member," And he toddled over and sat in the center seat that was just his size.
What followed was the most horrifying, uncomfortable, sycophantic two hours of Blake's life. One by one, the DWARVESZ (yes, even Ben) came forward and told a little story of his or her point of view during that terrible time of hiding and how Blake had protected the group as a whole and personally, then they gave a personal account of their point of view of the party and what Blake had done to save Snowshine. After, they came along with a local merchant and presented him with another gift. There was among others:
A round trip ticket and accommodations for two for seven days in Hawaii...lifetime passes to the local Opera and Classical music organization (here Ted perked up and a hungry look cam into his eyes)...a certificate for all new computer equipment, and spy stuff as well (microphone pens, a watch that would have made James Bond jealous and the like)...a huge basket containing an entire huge ham and bratwursts and other meats...a basket filled with all sizes of wheels of all different cheeses...a gift certificate for a soap store that would let them have a host of hand made soaps made out of milk and aloe and camomile and mint and all sorts of things and besides that, aftershave and creams other potions for the hair and skin...a certificate from a vitamin shop...until Blake's head was spinning. He watched everything with a wide-eyed fascinated horror. He felt split in two. Outside of himself, he could see himself dutifully nodding and smiling and saying thank-you for everything. Inside...he was screaming.
And then Snowshine got up and started his account and all the accolades started to slide all over Blake like oozing oil and stuck in his stomach and pinched it painfully with guilt and unworthiness. And the screaming in his head got louder and louder and joined itself with a great rushing sound in his ears until it drowned out Snowshine's speech entirely.
The screaming grew louder and louder and suddenly his two halves snapped together and he was foisting all the cards and gifts he was holding onto Ted and he was on his feet and he was screaming for real.
And finally, finally, everything and everyone stopped and looked over at him. Snowshine stopped and looked over at him. "Why Blake! Whatever is the matter!"
Blake strode over to the podium and still projecting for fear they stop listening to him again yelled: "EVERYTHING'S the matter! This whole thing! This should not be happening! I'm no hero! I'm just...just...nothing! Ladies and Gentlemen! These proceedings..." he slapped the podium forcefully, "...are a fraud! I am a fraud!"
The crowd gasped. Blake smiled grimly. NOW he had their attention!
. "But Blake, what are you talking about!" Brian popped up from his seat, "I was there. I saw you perform that technique. I watched you save Snowshine! How can you be a fraud?"
"Yes, of course I did it! I did it because it was my duty! I knew what to do, so I did it! I didn't think, I just acted! If Justin had needed CPR and someone knew it, wouldn't you have wanted that person to do it, without asking, without question? Would that person be any more or less special than he had been five minutes before!"
"Yes," Snowshine said quietly, "They would."
"ARRRRRGGGHH! You're not listening! Don't you understand! Don't you understand how I knew that technique? It was...It was because...Because, in my drug days, I overdosed and I needed someone to perform that technique on ME!"
There was total silence.
"NOW...Now you begin to see..." continued Blake into the microphone for everyone to hear, "Looking back on those days...the drugs I took...the things I did...I stole...I slept in basements so filthy you only see them in your nightmares...I woke up to rats chewing on my hair, and when I did sleep it was for days at a time because the drugs would keep me up for days as well! Looking back on those days...is like looking back on a dream...on a past life! This man...!" he pointed an accusing finger at Ted, "This man..."he said more gently as he went over and took Ted's hand and pulled him up. Envelopes scattered everywhere, but neither cared. Blake brought him over to the podium.
"This man...woke me up...got me help...let me die...and live again. My life with him was when my real life began and started again. Stockwell forced me to act...to flash back...to revisit a nightmare...so that thanks to a drug overdose...another person had to die and live again. This celebration is a celebration of that old life...of my degradation...of my crimes...we might as well be celebrating me using the crystal in the first place! That...is why this must not continue! I don't deserve any of this! Not this!" He ripped off the collar and dropped it onto the podium. "Not those certificates, not the cheese..."
"Pleasedon'tsaythetrip! Pleasedon'tsaythetrip!"whispered Ted furiously under his breath.
"And especially not that trip!" Blake roared.
"Dammit!" Ted deflated like a balloon with disappointment.
"I'm sorry. I guess I've ruined everything for you all now," Blake said with his eyes cast down. "But that's just how I feel. I didn't do what I did for personal gain. I never asked for a thing and I never would. I did it to save a life. That's it. That's all. I'm no hero. I'm sorry."
There was a moment of silence.
And then there was a burst of applause and whistling and stamping as if this was the most inspiring thing the crowd had ever heard. Blake stared. Hadn't they been listening to a word he'd said? Why were they cheering? Why weren't they throwing tomatoes?
He turned to Ted in consternation and started at the soft, doe-eyed shining eyes of his partner. "What? What is it?"
"I never knew you felt that way about me. I never knew I did that much. I love you so much," And Ted dipped him, right there and kissed him deeply in a kiss that curled Blake's toes.
The cheering and whistling turned into catcalls and bawdier whistles. Ted set him upright and Blake tried to figure out which way was up.
And when he did, he looked over at Justin whose wide, white smile rivalled his suit. His shining eyes were like two blue stars.
Then he came over and hugged Blake and kissed both his cheeks.
Then he said, "Blake, you saved my life. I can never thank you enough for that. And your humility and selflessness are truly inspiring. Don't you see? I don't care where you learned your remedy. Just that you learned it. That you knew it and cared for me to use it when you could have panicked and waited for officials who wouldn't have known and let me die. I'm so young Blake. I was to be the youngest detective on the Force before Stockwell started the chain reaction that threw us together. I am one of the youngest mayors if not the youngest, Pittsburgh has ever seen. You are young too. And now, thanks to you, we have so much more life to live! Life to love with our partners! With our Princes. With both our Princes."
Here a look of fierce joy lit up on Brian's face. "Snowshine! You've always…I mean, am I really, finally…?"
Snowshine turned to Brian. "Yes Brian. Ever since you lost me and gained me again, ever since you kissed me awake, you have been my Prince at last."
Snowshine turned back to Blake. "Blake, you turned grief into happiness! And you did not ask for anything! That is what makes you a hero most of all! If you had asked for a reward, believe me we would not be here, right now.
"We – we wouldn't?" asked Blake.
"No." A hardness came into Snowshine's eyes. "Selfishness, pride, greed, fortune hunting. That is Stockwell's way. I would have sent you away with nothing."
Blake gulped. For the first time, he realized who he'd been yelling at. Sure, Justin was his friend but he was also the mayor. He could crush him like a bug if he wanted to.
His mouth was dry and he stiffened his knees to keep them from knocking together. "Justin, I only...I didn't mean..."
"But you not only asked for nothing but rejected that which you were given. For these reasons, I am going to match everything that was given and you shall be given double! Which includes the trip, which will now be two weeks!"
The crowd screamed for joy.
Blake's heart was full but his tongue came up empty. He was simply struck dumb with amazement and happiness.
Justin retrieved something. He ceremoniously affixed his diamond collar back on his neck.
"This is yours. It is a gift, freely given whether you deserve it or not. I want you to have it. You may not be a hero...but you are my hero."
"All right Justin. Thank you. But no more gifts...And you do realize that was one of the corniest things I've ever heard."
Justin laughed and hugged and kissed him one more time. "True." He looked over at Brian who was holding Gus and went over to join them. "But I'm beginning to realize I'm beginning to like corn a whole lot." He lifted his face for a kiss and was met by Brian bending down to kiss him with fierce joy.
"Thank you very much for coming," said Blake into the microphone, "But I think that's it. There isn't any more."
"Wait! There's one more thing!" said a voice.
Blake turned wearily. What now?
It was Ted. "There is one more thing. That is...there could be. I mean...I too, have a gift."
"Oh really! Oh Ted, didn't you hear a word I said! I don't want anything! Not for this!"
Ted held up a small black box and flipped it open. Inside there was a pair of rings. "Marry me," he asked simply.
The crowd gasped. Everyone on stage gasped. But Blake did not gasp. He was overcome with a real rage.
"YOU! I thought you of all people would have listened to me! But you just sat there and looked and listened with your dick the entire time didn't you! Planning and plotting this...with them...the whole time!" He whirled on Brian and Justin.
"OK! Which of you put him up to this! Which of you gave him those rings? I won't take them! I won't marry anybody with gains gotten here!"
"Nice one Bri," said Justin.
"Not me. Waaaay too lesbianic a move for me. I was just going to congratulate you. It seemed the kind of ridiculously romantic thing you'd come up with."
"You both didn't do it?" Blake asked.
They shook their heads.
But if you didn't do it...Oh my God!...Then that means..." The thoughts game slowly, like a ticking clock counting out the seconds, compiling a simple picture in what seemed like hours. He turned back to Ted, who was the picture of sadness and rejection. "That means...this is for real!"
"Yes...well, it was. Why did you think it was fake? Did you really think I wouldn't pay for our own wedding rings?"
The crowd was on the edge of their seats. There was a large collective desire for popcorn.
"Ted, no! It was just this whole thing! This whole hero ceremony. I thought...I thought...I thought they pulled you into it!"
"I've wanted to ask you for a few weeks now. I was even..."
"You wanted to ask me this morning! That's why you dressed me! That's why you were acting so strangely!" Blake realized in a rush.
Ted nodded. "I was waiting for the perfect time. But it never seemed to come. And then we were in a hurry. I couldn't ask you then. But I can ask you now." He bent on one knee. "Blake, I love you so much, with so much of my heart that there is none of it left without you. I want to be with you always. Marry me...be my legal partner, whatever we need to do."
"But how did you afford rings! Oh my God! Are those platinum?"
"Six months salary...at my new job."
"Your new job? What new job?"
"Brian just hired me a few days ago. I'm chief CFO of Kinnetic."
"So this was you!" Blake accused Brian.
"Hey, I just gave him the job," Brian said breezily as if it were no big deal, "If he wants to turn around and go all lesbianic, I can't stop him."
"Oh Brian, you're terrible," chastised Justin lovingly. He called out to Blake, "He's just a big Yenta!"
"Oh boy, Yenta!" yelled out Gus, "I love Christmas! I want a bike Daddy!"
The laughter was deafening.
"So this proposal...is real? This is really real?" asked Blake again. He felt weird again like he was in a dream.
"Yes! This is really real! Now...will you marry me or not! We have a two week honeymoon waiting for us!" Ted found the plans for Hawaii.
Would he? Was he kidding? "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you! And be your legal partner! And whatever else there is! I already am! I think...I always have been." Blake framed his face and kissed him. "Sorry for the rocky start," he whispered. Then he pulled back and squealed like a girl. "Put it on me! Put it on me!" he squealed jumping up and down.
Ted steadied Blake's shaking hand and slid his ring on. He handed the other one to Blake. Blake put it on Ted's finger.
Ted grabbed him and kissed him in one of those deep dips again. There was a huge roar of appreciation from the crowd again. Blake was set on his feet and he leaned on Ted, their heads touching.
It was finally sinking in. It was real. Ted loved him. Justin loved him. Everybody loved him, not for who he had been, but for who he was, right now. He had saved Justin and in the process Brian and Gus. Blake looked over at all his friends, whose faces were shining with happiness and pride for him. Well, except for Debbie and Emmett who were both sobbing into hankies.
"Oh brother!" he thought, shrugging internally, "If they're like this now, what are they going to be like at the wedding!"
He shrugged a little and shook his head at their antics. A wide smile cracked his face in half and threatened to never stop. He looked at them and mused at how far they had come since that short time ago since Snowshine had entered their lives. He watched them, Brian and Justin and now with little Gus, making a pretty picture; Lindsay who had always been lone wolf holding hands with Melanie again. Michael, gone from Whiny to Winner and won his own Prince in Ben in the process. And even Debbie and Emmett had hooked up with love even if it was a boy de jour in Emmett's case as Blake suspected. Oh, but what a day...and night he was in for with that beefcake!
Blake`s arm tightened around Ted`s waist and he felt a returning squeeze. He couldn`t wait for Hawaii.
His heart overflowed and he leaned over and kissed Ted again deeply. Ted was a little surprised but he recovered quickly and returned it.
And in their kiss, he lived happily ever after.
And that's the end of our tale. Well, almost. There is one more thing but it's so anticlimactic, I thought I'd leave it till the end.
Stockwell had indeed suffered a complete psychotic break. He never spoke to anybody. Hey kept him strapped down or when he grew too tiresome, they'd put him in a rubber room and strap his hands in those giant ridiculous rubber blocks so he couldn't hurt himself.
The reason he'd grow tiresome was because although he never spoke, he laughed. Constantly.
From the night of the party until now, he laughed. From the moment he awoke and remembered, till he finally closed his eyes in sleep, he laughed. He chortled. He giggled. He tee-hee'd. He ho ho ho'ed. He laughed maniacally; like Bwa ha-ha-ha-ha...like that! For hours at a time. Then he'd switch again. On and on, he never stopped.
He wouldn't talk to the police. He wouldn't talk to his court appointed lawyer. He wouldn't talk during his visits to the psychiatrist. He just laughed and laughed and laughed.
Eventually everybody just left him alone and the psychiatrist prescribed a mild sedative that left him in a suspended animation sleep until the trial whereupon he could be pronounced officially insane.
On the day of the trial, he was brought into the courtroom with his lawyer and under heavy guard. He was still laughing.
His lawyer had strenuously impressed upon him the importance and solemnity of being in a courtroom and before a judge and somehow he had gotten through to Stockwell a little. He only tittered and giggled and would hold his breath and let the laughter build and before letting out a few loud HAW HAW's before covering his mouth with both hands and letting it build again.
Eventually, the gallery filled up and the DWARVESZ came in, taking seats near the front to show their support.
Stockwell laughed and waved at them. He remembered them. His lawyer pulled and held his arms down and looked apologetic. The DWARVESZ just gave them both looks of disgust and utter loathing.
Brian and Horvath came in and sat at the top of the court on the side of the Prosecution. Brian had been apprised of Stockwell's condition. He too took one look at Stockwell, one of contempt and disgust, as one might look at one of those exceptionally large cockroaches before crushing it beneath your heel. Then he looked forward again and never looked at him again.
The judge came in. Everyone stood and the lawyer pulled Stockwell to his feet. Stockwell clamped both his hands over his mouth and his face went slowly red as he tried to contain himself.
"Please be seated. Ahh yes, I'm aware of this case. Counselor, advise your client he has one minute, starting now."
But Stockwell needed no advisement since although he was stuck in this terrible, hilarious limbo, he could still hear. He immediately let loose and began a series of side splitting laughs, real belly laughs as if he were letting loose a hour's worth of laughter in a minute. It was as if he had been watching a professor do something particularly embarrassing like bending over showing his whole ass to the class and had to suppress the laughter for the rest of the class. It was as if he had been watching Seinfeld. (Uh...well, if you were into that sort of thing, I for one never saw the humor in that.)
Anyway, he laughed for his entire minute and the gallery supporting the prosecution (which was full) and the DWARVESZ looked on in utter disgust. Brian looked forward, his cheeks dry, his face impassive.
Finally, the minute was up and the judge banged the gavel and Stockwell took a deep breath and stifled himself. He let out the occasional quiet chortle but otherwise was quiet. Everyone ignored him utterly from then on.
The judge asked to hear the charges. The Prosecution attorney began a long list: murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, embezzlement, illegal gambling, fraud, loan sharking, police brutality, income tax fraud and evasion, and many other crimes that went on for at least a minute.
"Who are these gentlemen with you?"
'This is Agent Horvath of Internal Affairs. He was the agent assigned to the case and heard firsthand the defendant's taped confession. This is Brian Kinney. He went through numerous risks and considerable peril to bring Stockwell to justice. His partner was also Stockwell's last and most recent victim of attempted murder. We thought he had earned a place up in front here."
At the words, "attempted murder" Stockwell's laughter faltered a bit as if he was saying "Wait! What the fuck?" but then returned to normal chorts and chuffs. He figured he had heard wrong.
"You thought wrong," the judge said, hard assily, "Sorry young man. Into the gallery with you."
Stockwell gave a burst of brief, shrill, mocking laughter.
Brian shrugged non-committally and then silently and as expressionlessly as if his face was carved in stone, got up and joined the DWARVESZ, sitting beside Debbie.
"Now...what do you have to show me?" the judge asked.
"First, are the financial logs and records that the defendant kept detailing his amassed ill-gotten wealth and exactly where all of it came from," said the attorney. The bailiff approached with a sheaf of papers at least a ream of paper thick. "We have highlighted a few transactions of the first three pages specifying deposits gotten from loan sharking, embezzlement, or downright blackmail and coercion on a one-on-one level."
The judge perused these pages and then put them down wearily. "Yes, everything seems in order. Bailiff, please take these to my chambers where I'll look over everything in detail later. Thank you."
The bailiff bowed, took the papers and left for the judge's chambers.
"Second we have the taped confession of the defendant actually confessing to several crimes and beating a young boy he was holding in unlawful imprisonment."
The terrible tape of when Brian and Guido were locked in that basement cell was played back. Everyone was sickened. Stockwell giggled as if to say "Whoops se doodle!"
"The judge looked over at the defence attorney and scowled, "I'm aware of your client's condition but advise him he should keep as quiet as possible. This is incredibly incriminating and very serious for your client!"
"Yes Your Honor! Sorry Your Honor!" the defence council apologised.
"Do you have anything else?" the judge asked.
"Yes Your Honor. Our star witness is outside waiting. We felt it best to keep him out of sight of the defendant until it was extremely necessary."
"I understand. Please call him in."
So a bailiff went to the door and beckoned and called someone in. Everyone turned to look.
Snowshine walked in. He wore a white suit and a sky-blue tie. His hair was gleaming white and shiny and soft and coiffed perfectly to a part to the right.
He walked up the aisle and moved to enter the front of the court and the witness stand.
However, that's where the trial was ended and won.
For as Snowshine entered and walked up the aisle, Stockwell glanced over. He did an exaggerated double take. The laughter that had never left his lips died in his throat. His face grew red and slowly blackened with rage. A feral growling began deep in his throat.
As Snowshine reached the front of the court, Stockwell broke completely. He jumped to his feet.
"NO! NO! You're dead! YOU'RE DEAD! I KILLED YOU! I KILLED YOU! You can't be alive!" He jumped over the barrier. "I KILLED YOU ONCE, I CAN DO IT AGAIN! I'LL KILL YOU UNTIL YOU STAY DEAD! STAY DEAD! STAY DEAD! STAY DEAD!" He seemed stuck like a macabre broken record He rushed forwards, he hands curved into talons for squeezing.
Of course he never got anywhere near Snowshine. He was tasered, sedated, handcuffed, strapped, wrapped and bundled off to the Grimmsly Bros. Asylum for the Criminally Insane. He was pronounced guilty then and there on all charges.
When he woke, he had definitely changed his tune. He still never talked again. Only instead of laughing, now, he never stopped screaming. In anger, in pain and in fear. He screamed the scream of one who has awoken from an especially terrifying and realistic nightmare. Only continuously.
And there he spent the rest of his life, most decidedly, UNhappily ever after.
And so, the Liberty Diner gang grew in love, happiness and prosperity.
They all felt better after having closure with Stockwell and his evil. As well, it was decided that after the IRS had taken a healthy chunk, Stockwell's ill-gotten fortune was to be split between all the DWARVESZ for their instrumental role in Stockwell's unmasking and capture. They were ecstatic. Of course, all of them gave a portion of their share to charity but even after that, it still left each of them multi-millionaires.
Double G's share, of course, went into an educational trust for university. Of course, he was ready for university when he was 12 so he didn't have long to wait. He was accepted into Harvard and became a famous heart surgeon.
Winner quit his job at the hateful Q-Mart after coming out and blasting his boss about letting such blatant homophobia rule the workplace and making it such a toxic environment. He also told off several of the most offensive co-workers and then left that place forever. He sold his comic book and with the money bought a small store space and opened Red Cape Comix. He and Ben invested their share of the reward money which they lived on for the rest of their lives after getting married.
Vixen and Melanie got re-acquainted, remarried and generally re-everything-ed. Hey lived quietly and happily part time with Gus until he went off to university.
Red and Horvath got married. Red never lost the desire to work though. She used her share of the money to buy out and renovate the Liberty Diner. She kept it Diner style but made improvements, expanded it, and got two new stoves...and a dishwasher. Now twice as many fags could order their burgers, fries, onion rings, and pink plate specials, or just have a safe haven to hang out on Liberty Avenue. Red was thrown into a more managerial role but she never lost the love of serving her boys and they'd never know when she'd bust out in her loud glory with her frizzy red hair and vest full of buttons as waitress, not to mention judge and jury, smashing her water glass before she got ready to crack some skulls. And so, everybody learned to mind their P's and Q's.
Luigi and Guido used their share to help finance a new restaurant. The new space needed to be renovated and made over a bit but when it was, it was more fabulous than the old one had been. A large portion of the booths all had those privacy curtains and Luigi and Guido made sure a Rainbow decal was on the door and that it was very evident that it was a gay friendly restaurant.
As promised, Luigi and Guido were full partners and developed a close father/son relationship from then on. Luigi never called Guido stupido again and moreover Guido kept him in check to make sure he didn't call any of the staff that as well. The mayor came to dine on the Grand Opening. Soon after that a food critic came who gave them rave reviews. Fame and fortune never stopped following them after that, for the rest of their lives.
Swish Stick's boy de jour turned out to be a bit more than that. They lasted about a week whereupon they broke up for a while due to Drew (the beefcake) being unhappily married and in the closet. However, they remained friends, made up, matured, grew, broke up, made up, broke up, made up again and generally had their own messy romance, which lasted several years, and I won't get into here. But that's how it goes sometimes. The path of true love is not always smooth, but rocky and full of bumps.
Blake and Ted got married, became legal partners (and everything else) and went on their Hawaiian honeymoon where all day they lounged on the beach or went sightseeing and all night they fucked like bunnies. Well, you know, those gay ones.
At last they got home and lived out their year in their rent free but now somehow impossibly small apartment. After that they bought a big loft like Brian's, only different. They too had their ups and downs and the trappings of wealth did not always sit well with Blake. But they both never wavered in their love and lived together in peace for the rest of their days.
And Brian and Justin. They went back to the mayor's mansion and found the rest of the rooms and fucked in every single one. Brian put up his loft for sublet and moved in with Justin where they lived happily until Justin's term as mayor was over.
Justin did everything he promised and more. Equality became the norm in the town of Pittsburgh. Gay marriage was legalized. Justin, as mayor, performed many of them himself, especially those of his friends. For gay rights, for equal pay and treatment, Pittsburgh indeed became a shining jewel. Whether or not, other cities, states, Washington, DC, followed their example and became shining jewels themselves, I cannot say. I'm still waiting.
And afterwards, they moved back into Brian's loft…well both of theirs as they had gotten hitched a year or two after Stockwell was put away. They had Gus over regularly as they petitioned for joint custody. And then, all too soon, Gus was off to college.
However, that wasn't the end of our boys. Brian remained highly sexual and Justin matched his stamina with ease. As for Justin, he just enjoyed being in the loft with the sun coming through the windows and relished never having to go underground again. One day he sat down and started sketching again by the wonderful windows. He'd always been good as a police sketch artist but this was the first time he did it for fun. It wasn't long before Brian noticed and brought home paints and brushes. Justin graduated to paints and took off. His talent was amazing. Eventually his art career took off and…
Well that's another story to be told another time. Perhaps you even know it. (Wink.)
I guess what I'm trying to say (at last) is that all of them, in their own way, in their own time, lived happily ever after.