Spirited Away: Wind and Sand

Notes: Now in this chapter the ending might seem a little rushed but it was the most recent thing I had written and I really wanted to get this out. I may end up changing it and adding some things in so it may turn out a little different in the future. Finally we'll get to meet the next Element in this chapter and things will get a little complicated.

Chapter 8: What was Lost

The next day we didn't talk much and if I didn't know any better I would say he was avoiding me but he was always like that before, right? Even so, we had made it to Iwakagure which had put most things out of my mind. I could only marvel at the huge structures of stone. It was as if the village rose out of the ground a long time ago. The spires that surrounded the village where nothing to scoff at. They were a perfect natural wall to protect them. I even wondered how we would even get in at first but like most hidden villages it was not easy to find the entrance. If Gaara wasn't with me I would be lost for weeks. Okay, I'll admit it: I would have been lost for a lot longer than that.

At the stone gate we were grilled with questions before we were finally and reluctantly let in. The people here almost seemed like stone as well, most unwelcoming. The stares we received by some people we passed by were cold or neutral. I wondered if they really didn't like visitors or anyone for that matter.

As customary, we went to have an audience with the Tsuchikage of the village. When we were able to enter I noticed a small old man with a big nose. Honestly I didn't really know what to think of him. Meeting him in person like this I would have never thought this frail looking stern-faced man was the leader of a ninja village. Beside him, he had a black-haired woman who wore a face a pure confidence and a large man with a yellow scarf. The two men only made each other look smaller and larger by comparison.

"So we meet again young Kazekage," the old man greeted keeping eye contact with Gaara.

"Tsuchikage-dono," Gaara responded as the old man cracked a grin.

"So I assume this is the Wind Element you told me about," he then glanced over at me which instantly made me nervous.

"My name is Aura, sir, nice to meet you," I bowed respectfully.

He grunted a little as if amused by something.

Luckily Gaara spoke next, "You should already know why we are here. Has anything happened since he arrived?"

The old man's expression became serious again, "Nothing at all, although I wouldn't expect anything to get past our walls."

It's true that the village seemed to have impeccable defenses but I thought that the group out to get the Elements had sent someone here. Could they really not get past the gates or were they planning something else?

"Your companions and my guards have been watching him but he seems to be really quite. We haven't had any trouble at all."

Gaara kept his same level expression, "Is it possible to see him then?"

"Yes, but we still have a lot to discuss. You still need to explain all you know about these Elements or whatever they're called."

Gaara had went on to explain the bond we shared and what little we knew about the Elements. He also explained that there was some kind of group that wanted the Elements to create a new world by destroying our current one.

The Tsuchikage looked thoughtful as he absorbed this information, combining it with what he already knew from the messages we had sent.

"I see, it is best to keep him out of enemy hands. Even if his powers go out of control I don't think it's anything we can't handle. We've placed everyone we know without earth affinity near him. Luckily, the boy has been nothing but corporative since we found him wandering around."

"Can we see him?" I asked still curious as to what kind of person this Element was.

He seemed to consider it for a moment, "I suppose you may. If you follow me I'll show you where we keep him."

The girl had whispered something to him and left but the big man followed close behind as the Tsuchikage then led us through dark stone corridors deep into the earth. I found it awkward that he didn't say a word the whole time but just kept leading us deeper underground. It gave me weird chills thinking of catacombs or something under the village. All of it made me feel claustrophobic like I couldn't breathe anymore from the weight of my fear and the tons of earth above us. How was the big guy even faring in this small space? As I looked back I saw him barely fitting down the narrow passage but still comfortably so. I couldn't go back even if I wanted to, nothing but a sheet of paper could get past him. It made me wonder if they purposely had him walk behind so we couldn't get out. No, the villages were supposed to be on friendly terms but I guess that didn't mean that they still couldn't be guarded.

The paths remained narrow until we came to a bigger room where I saw a few people and two of which I was really happy to see.

"Temari! Kankuro!" I ran up and hugged Temari who was baffled by the action.

"A simple 'hello' would suffice," she said as she reluctantly accepted the hug while not hugging back.

Kankuro and Gaara exchanged a nod, "How have things been here?"

"Suspiciously normal," Kankuro replied.

After breaking from the hug I smiled, feeling relieved, "I'm glad to see you two are alright."

"We should be saying the same thing. We received the message about Suna. It's a wonder we didn't have any casualties. I also hear you performed well in the attack too, Aura," Temari said the last bit while adverting her eyes from me.

I suppose she was complimenting me but didn't want to really admit she was doing so. I just smiled knowingly.

"So where did you get the headband?" Kankuro asked pointing out the Suna forehead protector I wore on my left arm.

"Oh, um, everyone gave it to me before I left as a thank you gift."

"So the alien is an alien no more," Kankuro joked as I glared at him playfully.

Somehow being around them again was really refreshing. It definitely felt better than the strange tension Gaara and I have had around us lately. It really had me concerned.

"So where is the Earth Element by the way?" I asked, ignoring Kankuro's teasing.

Someone cleared their throat as we all turned our attention to the Tsuchikage who was completely forgotten in the reunion.

"You can meet him through here," his gaze pointed to a door just on the other side of the room.

We all went through it as I was amazed once again by this village because the room we entered had a vast high ceiling that tunneled up into the darkness. Spirals of guard posts and ledges lined the walls endlessly along with massive chains that snaked through every possible opening. Torches were set up everywhere, illuminating the arena-like area where a boy sat in the middle of it all like he was meditating. He had a comfortable bed there and table with some water placed on it but there wasn't much else. As the guards watched carefully from above it reminded me of how simple my room was when I first came here as well and when I was guarded nonstop. Still, my room wasn't this huge.

As we crossed the room the Tsuchikage explained things a little further, "This room was used for housing the Four Tails in the past so it is one of the highest security facilities we have. But like I have said before; we haven't had any problems since he arrived. Although, he was in some rough shape, it was almost like he was beaten often and starved. His clothes were also tattered and he is-"

"Aura?" the boy said looking up into the dark ceiling.

Everyone paused especially me. How did he know my name?

He stood up, faltering a little but soon had a firm stance on the ground, "You are Aura, aren't you?"

Everyone and everything was frozen while the silence balanced on held breath. The boy before me was really ordinary. He definitely was a skinny boy, seeing how his clothes hung off of him. He didn't feel threatening at all. How could a small boy who could barely hold himself up be an Element? And even more, how did he know me?

He smiled sadly feeling the tension in the room. Even the guards were on edge.

"I'm sorry," his eyes lowered to the ground, "I had a dream of you when I came here. You're like me aren't you? I could hear the wind when you entered the room. I thought you might know who I am too."

Struck, I didn't know what to say. Looking around I noticed that people were waiting for me to say something. This only made me feel way more pressured. What would I say?

"I, ah," I stumbled over what to say, "you're the Earth Element right?"

He looked a little sad. I must have said the wrong thing.

"I'm sorry," he apologized as he sat back down and seemed to meditate again keeping his eyes fixed and unfocused.

Something about this action made me feel almost guilty. Somehow I had disappointed him without knowing.

I couldn't just leave it at that so I walked up to him and knelt down to the ground. The pressure of a thousand eyes weighed on me but I tried to shake it off.

"I'm sorry I don't know you. I guess I'm just not used to this whole Element thing but I would really like to get to know you. Maybe we could be friends," I suggested while he didn't seem to look at me at all but smiled slightly.

"Friends?" he muttered softly with a strangely hurt expression.

"Yeah, you said we were the same right? That means we should stick together. I know it can be tough to be alone in a new place," I smiled only to notice that he seemed surprised or maybe shocked.

I didn't know why he seemed to react that way but I kept going. There was no stopping now after all, "So what's your name?"

It took him a moment to answer, "She called me Ritsu."

She? Did he mean his mother? Did he not know her very well?

"Nice to meet you Ritsu. My name is Aura. Well, I mean, you already knew that I suppose," I caught myself feeling awkward again.

Although, while I was trying to figure out why I was so stupid sometimes, his eyes moved upward, but he still never seemed to look at me, "Do you mind if I see you?"

"Sure," I said quickly but realized that I didn't know what he meant.

Couldn't he already see me? Or did it mean something else?

His hands moved along the ground toward me and I instinctively held my hands out as well but as his hands moved up my arms I began to realize what he meant. As soon as his hands met my face and I looked into his white vacant pupils it dawned on me that he was blind. I didn't even know how to react. I just felt like an idiot for not noticing earlier.

Around me I could hear the room stirring again but all I could concentrate on was the small boy in front of me beginning to smile again.

"You're just like what I saw in the dream," he said as his hands lowered.

"The dream?" is all I could get out.

"Yeah, if I concentrate enough, I can see you and a man with long hair. The other man isn't here but I think he is close by," the boy explained while smiling.

If he concentrated enough? Was this like the bond? It was amazing enough for him to see anything when he was blind.

"You mean, you can see in your mind right?" I asked to clarify.

For all I knew, he could have a power that I didn't know about.

He nodded.

"Can you show me as well?" If he was an Element then maybe he could share images with me as well.

The small boy gently placed his hand on mine as images of Ryuu and myself flashed in my head. I instinctively gasped. I had never shared images like this before. So it was like the bond, but what troubled me the most was that if the other man he was talking about was Ryuu then that meant he was close by. I looked back at Gaara who nodded. I suppose he had shared the vision as well.

Gaara had turned to the Tsuchikage, "I believe we have some things to discuss."

"Right, we do," the small old man agreed.

Before they left for more private settings, Gaara addressed his siblings, "Temari, Kankuro. Stay with Aura."

"Like we were going to leave her alone," Kankuro said under his breath.

The two Kages left together as the large man followed close behind.

So Ryuu really was close by. I felt nervous thinking about what he said before. Was he really going to meet with me? Plus, how could I see him alone? I was perfectly aware that there was someone around me all the time.

"Are you alright?" Ritsu asked as his hand tightened on mine.

Turning my attention back to him only to see that he looked worried. I wondered how he knew that I was troubled. Staring down at his hand on mine, maybe he could feel it.

"I'm fine," I smiled, hoping he could hear it in my voice.

This really didn't seemed to change his expression at all. Maybe I had to change the subject. Come to think of it, this was the first time I could talk to someone from another world like me. I wondered what life was like for him. What kind of world did he come from?

"If we're going to be friends, why don't you tell me about yourself? What was the world you're from like?" I questioned curiously but I kind of regretted asking when I saw the sullen expression it prompted on his face.

Although, he answered in a soft voice, "It was . . . cold and hard."

What did he mean by that? Maybe I should have asked something else. I suppose it was kind of a vague question.

"Do you have any family or friends that may be missing you?"

He was a child after all so maybe he felt a little strange being away from his parents.

"I . . . ," he seemed to think for a while but then tears welled up in his eyes as he broke down sobbing, "Ame."

At a loss for what to do, I only pulled him close into a hug. It must have been hard for a kid to be separated from everything he knew. I know it was hard for me so it had to be a lot worse for him. Whoever Ame was, he must have missed her. Well, at least I assumed it was a girl's name.

He had cried for a long time, all I could say is, "It's alright," but I didn't think it helped at all.

The longer it went on I wondered if this was normal or if I had missed something. He really did feel kind of small and skinny in my arms, abnormally thin. His skin had what looked like old scars. What had happened to this kid? There was something I was missing and I cursed myself for not being able to figure it out. Only one thing was for sure: whatever it was, it wasn't a pleasant experience.

When he had calmed down he still clung to me like a rock in a stormy ocean. Again I felt helpless. All I could do for him was hug him. I don't know how much comfort it gave him or if it did anything at all but I continued for in the hope that it helped.

After what seemed like forever, Temari had put a hand on my shoulder, "Aura, I'm sorry but we have to go."

I could tell in her apologetic tone that she didn't really want to say that, but I couldn't part from him. Luckily, he parted from me first.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"You don't need to apologize. It's alright," I tried to make my voice sound as cheery as possible though I was troubled by leaving him.

"Do you have to go?" he asked innocently which broke my heart. Okay, maybe it would be better to say that is utterly shattered my heart.

I hugged him tightly again hoping it would help my words sink in, "I'll be back. Plus, you can see me anytime in the dreams, right?"

I had parted from him and he nodded sadly.

"See you soon," I said before reluctantly getting up and following Temari. Our footsteps echoed in the vast room as we left and shut the door. Kankuro joined us as we were guided out of the tunnels and back into the light again. The woman that I had seen in the Tsuchikage's office greeted us.

"Hello," she greeted kindly, "I'll be your guide while you are here."

"Thank you," I said with a soft smile. I was used to being guided by now but Temari and Kankuro seemed annoyed.

"So what's your name?" I asked to lighten the mood.

"Kurotsuchi," she answered, "and you're Aura, the Wind Element."

I suppose I didn't need an introduction. It was strange to have people know who I was when I didn't even know them. It made me advert my eyes shyly.

"So is there anywhere you need to go?" she questioned in a light tone.

"I guess I need to replenish a few supplies," the trip here wasn't long so I had only used a few things.

"Then I'll take you to the market, follow me," she smiled and walked off.

I did my best to keep up while Temari and Kankuro followed beside me as well. It was strange to have a full entourage around me were nobody was talking. There was palpable tension between everyone. Even Kurotsuchi had a serious demeanor when walking the stone streets. There weren't too many people around but the market would have been troublesome if I didn't have someone to follow. I did my best to pick out my things quickly so we didn't have to stay long. I could have sworn I saw Kurotsuchi shift her vision every once and a while. Was she looking for something? Maybe I was just becoming too sensitive as a ninja.

"It's getting late, why don't I show you to where you will be staying?" our guide suggested with a friendly expression. Could I just be imagining the tension?

It wasn't that late but with the high peaks surrounding the village, the sun seemed to set earlier than normal. Also, I suppose I was a little tired from traveling but I was surprised that my stamina had gotten so much better than it used to be.

"Sure, that would be great," I told her as she nodded and walked in the direction of a large building near the Tsuchikage's office.

Climbing a few flights of stairs, she opened a door to a wide room with a few colorful draping fabrics. Besides the splash of color it was an ordinary room.

I turned and bowed out of respect and thanks, "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome but remember to not wonder too far without a guide, okay?" she warned.

"I won't," I assured her before she closed the door and left.

Kankuro scoffed and sat at the table, leaning back in a more relaxed position. Temari seemed agitated, staring at the door. Both of them had been oddly quite for some time. First Gaara had gone quieter than normal, now them. I wondered what was going on with everyone.

"So is something happening?" I finally asked, shifted my eyes between each of them.

Kankuro didn't look in my direction when answering seriously, "I suppose you wouldn't know because you haven't been here as long as we have."

He repositioned in his chair, "For as much as they like to brag about their walls, they are suspecting some conspiracy going on in the village."

"Because of recent events," Temari continued, "we all have reason to believe that they will make their move now that Gaara and you are in the village."

"What do you mean?" what exactly was going on? Was it Ryuu?

"It means," Kankuro said sharply, "That you need to stay on your guard. Whoever is in the village is great at hiding and their target is most likely Gaara and you. They most definitely have followers so don't trust anyone lightly and don't go anywhere by yourself."

"Right," I sighed, rubbing my arm sheepishly.

I wondered if they were talking about Ryuu. He was definitely close by but I didn't know exactly where. Darn it, how was I supposed to meet with him when everyone knew he was here? Still, would he have followers? The woman they meet before was able to control people so maybe she was doing that again. Was the whole thing a trap? I might be stupid but I needed to meet him. He could have killed me but he didn't. He didn't even kill anyone in the village. Was he really a bad person or not?

Time had passed quickly and Gaara had come back. It looked like for now we were staying in the village. Besides us, everyone had suspected that Ritsu would be the next target so we were only waiting for the enemy to reveal themselves. It was nerve-wracking to wait. I knew that I have to meet up with Ryuu but it was hard keeping it from everyone else. I was so sure that Gaara knew but he wasn't talking must lately. I mean, he was even more quiet than normal. Which of course is saying something for him.

I couldn't even eat that much later and Kankuro noticed. He asked me if something was wrong but I just brushed it off in what I could only hope was a casual way. I couldn't even enjoy the fact that we were all in the same room again when it was time to sleep. I should have been happy that we were all on track again but I was nervous. Gaara had taken the night shift like always; he never really slept. I couldn't sleep either so I wondered if I should talk to him.

I sat up in my bed. Searching the shadows of the room as best I could, I made sure that the others were asleep. Kankuro's soft snoring told me he was asleep. Temari hadn't moved for a while but it was always hard to tell if she was awake or not. I decided to take the chance and crept over to where Gaara was sitting. Luckily the moon was shining in the window, providing enough light to see where I was going.

He acknowledged that I was there but didn't say anything.

"Gaara," I whispered, "has something been on your mind?"

"It's nothing to worry about," he assured me calmly.

I sighed. So there was something on his mind but he didn't want to talk about it. This would go nowhere if I wasn't more direct.

"You know, it's funny," I began while staring at my palm, "I remember a night like this where I tried to read your mind through your palm, but now that we share a link it's like I know you less."

The palm I was looking at was the same one that the stone had sunk into. I curled my fingers over the spot. I didn't want to keep secrets anymore but there were a few I was forced to keep. Was it the same for him?

I looked up at him, "I just want you to know that I don't mind sharing your burdens. I know you have done a lot to put up with the troubles I've caused so I'd like to return the favor. Also, I know there may be some things that you can't share but I also want you to know that I still trust you."

In the darkness I couldn't tell what his expression was. Even the bond seemed to be blank. Just as I was about to give up and go back to bed, images of a place ran through my head and even a path to get there. This connection came from far away; it was a foreign feeling. Could it have been Ryuu? Was tonight the night? Who else besides the Elements and Gaara had access to my mind? Did Gaara see it too?

He didn't seem to move. Should I take the chance?

I got up, "I'll be back. I'm just going to the bathroom."

I can't believe I was going to play this again but I couldn't think of another way of leaving. Surely I was obvious. He had to have known yet he didn't say anything. Maybe he was disappointed. Even if I tried to see how he felt, it was like he was blocking me in his mind. I only wish he felt that I was sorry somehow through the bond.

When I had made it to the bathroom, I escaped through the window while being mindful of guards. Surprisingly there weren't that many or maybe I was just getting lucky. Knowing me, it was probably luck. Not to say I didn't have a few close run ins but they always were distracted by another noise. Perhaps someone was actually helping me get to my destination. Was it Ryuu or just luck? It could have been him, since I was following the directions he had shown me but it was hard to be sure.

I had finally made it to an outcropping just outside the village. Everything was made of stone so it all looked practically the same to me. I wondered if I would find my way back. I was really nervous now and having second thoughts. What was I thinking? I could be killed out here. My eyes shifted uncomfortably as I searched the shadows. This could have been a trap and here I was just risking my life for the chance that maybe Ryuu wasn't all bad.

I was so on edge that I practically jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice, "So you really came."

Out of the darkness from a distance I saw Ryuu appear. Even with his bright hair and clothes, he had blended in with the shadows nicely.

He walked over to where I was while saying, "I was banking on the fact that you would be stupid enough to listen. Humans are notorious for that after all."

I was frozen. I was alone and I really was stupid to come out here. No, no, no I needed to stay strong. They didn't want me dead. Although, I didn't know if Ryuu had another agenda. No, he wouldn't call me out here just to kill me when he could have easily done it before.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, "What do you want from me?"

He was close now. When he was only a few feet away you could really get a good idea of how tall he was.

He towered over me and crossed his arms, "I hate saying this to a weak human but I believe if anyone is capable of breaking this fate, it is you."

Huh? So he really was going to talk. My expression must had been dumbfounded because he became annoyed.

"Listen well Wind," he said almost threateningly, "If you really want to save this home of yours then you'll need to protect the bond you have or die."

"What do you mean?" I inquired. It was strange talking to someone like him.

He was even more annoyed, "Look, the woman you met before is a dimensional witch. She can bind and rearrange hearts and fates. Also, as far as I've seen, the jewel on her belt is object that can allow her to travel through space but I'm sure it has a limitation. You know about the bond shared with your familiar, the Sand ninja?"

"Sure," it was hard to follow what he was saying.

"That bond," he continued, "is connected in the heart. Those with the bond command the power of the Element. The people I am with now want that power. So human, if you put two and two together, a woman who can bind hearts to make bonds and travel dimensions to find Elements, means they have everything they need to make a new world."

"I don't understand," I admitted shamefully, "If what you say is true, then how can I help?"

He sighed in frustration, "I should have known that I had to be blunter with a human. Look, for some reason she cannot break the bond you have with your familiar but she is trying to weaken it enough to break on its own so she can steal it. Like I said before, it seems she has limitations with her power. If you really want to save your home, then you need to keep yourself or any of the Elements out of her grasp. If you keep your bond then she cannot reach you or the easy way is to die. She cannot take what is already gone."

"Wait, if that's the case then why haven't you killed me? What are you getting out of telling me this?" I still didn't know why he would go out of his way for me.

He smirked while looking at his sharp claws, "Believe me, I would love nothing more than to kill you," his expression saddened, "but I am already bound. I couldn't even kill myself if I wanted. It seems I have just went from one cage to another. If you want to know, human, the only thing I wish for is freedom."

This was the first time I ever saw his eyes soften. As I watched him open and close his hand it was like something he was trying to grasp but couldn't. For the first time I truly felt pity for his situation.

He scoffed, "My few minutes of freedom when I came here only left me open for her to bind me. Even that shapeshifter had marked me."

"Shapeshifter?" I questioned.

He smirked, "That's right, you know him as Kakan, but he can take on any form. He has his own magic using clumps of his blood to bind a person to his will, although it can only be used once."

Blood? That red stone, could that have been his blood?

He was annoyed again, "I'm not sure if you are easy to read or if it is because we are both Elements but it's irritating to even sense your stupid questions. Yes, I believe you are bound by that blood as well, although it has different parameters than mine. Be careful around your comrades, it could show up at any time."

What did that mean? Could he control me at any given time? The more I knew the more questions I had.

In that moment he winced and held his chest, "Dammit, it's already time."

"Time for what?" I asked but he growled at me.

"Just remember what I said Wind: keep that bond or die. You will no longer receive any help from me. The next time we meet I will be your enemy again. Got it?" he said as he took off without waiting for an answer.

I watched him nearly fly away toward the village. The village? What was he going to do there? I ran in that direction only to see a man standing in the path. Oh no, was he one of the guards? How was I supposed to explain being out here. Still, it was more important to help the village.

"Hey," I called out to him but he seemed rather stiff, "There's a threat on the way to the village. Please warn everyone."

I stopped when I felt something whiz past me. I've had enough training to know that it was probably a kunai. Maybe I was being too hasty just running like that.

I held my hands up to show I wasn't a threat, "I'm not an enemy. I'm from Suna, I came here with the Kazekage yesterday."

I'm not sure if this is how I should have handled it but the villages had an alliance. Surely they would just arrest me in the worst case scenario. Another kunai whipped past me but only because I deflected it with a wind barrier. If it had hit it's mark, it would have killed me.

My blood ran cold when I heard the harsh voice of a man, "I know who you are wind monster. How dare you tell me you aren't a threat."

He walked forward and when he was in view I could see a Suna symbol on his forehead protector. Why would he attack me? Why was he even here? He looked kind of young; he could have been my age for all I knew. He had brown hair and sharp eyes that bore into me with a hatred I couldn't fathom.

"Who are you?" I asked, nearly stunned as to why he called me a monster, "Why are you doing this?"

"Of course you wouldn't know who I am," he spat, "I bet you think yourself innocent. Other people may buy your act but I don't believe it."

I took a step back as the sound of an explosion echoed in across the stones from the village. Ryuu was already in the village yet who was this person in front of me? Why did he mark me as an enemy? Was he another puppet of that woman?

"If you're being controlled then please fight it. I'm not your enemy," I yelled to him but he only laughed.

"Controlled? No, you are my enemy. You were long before anyone called you friend. Tell me, do you remember what happened when you first arrived in Sunagakure?"

"I do," I said but honestly didn't know what he was talking about. When I first came here I was in a street at night and a few ninja's where going to arrest me but they were cut by an invisible force.

"Do you even remember the faces of the people killed?" he restrained lowly.

Killed? I hadn't killed anyone. Unless, did he mean those ninja when I first arrived here? Where they killed by me? A sinking feeling sickened and churned in my stomach. Those people had died. That invisible force, I haven't realized it then but it was me. That night was so confusing, it felt so long ago. Had I really killed those people without knowing? How could I have even forgotten about it? I didn't even remember what they looked like. I didn't remember.

He smirked at my dismay, "Of course you don't. How could a monster feel regret? My father was one of those people that you killed."

Tears began forming in my eyes. I killed people? I never meant to. It was an accident. I didn't know. But, that didn't matter to someone who lost a loved one. Nothing I could say would bring them back.

"I'm sorry," I breathed out, although I knew these feeble words couldn't fix anything. They couldn't bring his father back.

"I didn't come here for your apology," he growled as more sounds came from the village, "I came here to deliver your retribution. I see now that you are only the harbinger to a greater threat."

He spoke out loudly, addressing someone other than me, "We had seen you consorting with the Lightning Demon. You and your kind are not welcome here. We will end this before any more blood is shed."

Out of the cracks and spaces of the rocks I saw that people appeared almost from nowhere. These ninja happened to be a mix from the Stone and Sand villages. They were ready to attack if need be. There would be no way for me to escape this.

"You and your two Element friends will fade into history where you belong," the man stated.

Honestly, if he killed me here it would actually save this world. Without a Wind Element, they couldn't complete their plan or so Ryuu had told me. I didn't want to die but I didn't want to cause a problem for this world. Still, they didn't need to kill the others.

"You don't mean to tell me that you plan to kill Ritsu?" he was just a young boy. He didn't do anything.

"Well we can't let him go free. You Elements are nothing but trouble," he stated seriously.

"Please, everything will end of you just kill one of us. You don't need to kill Ritsu," I begged but he wasn't buying it.

"That's enough. You aren't in a position to bargain. Just accept your fate," he said while holding up his hand, "and die."

He brought down his arm as everyone attacked at once. To tell you the truth, I was scared. Everything in this world tested my courage. I wasn't ready to die but I suppose the people I killed weren't either. I could try to deflect them with my wind but I wasn't skilled enough to take on this many people. So this was the end. This is as far as I was going to go. At least the people of this world would be safe. Even if I never meant to be, I was a problem to this world.

I prepared to use my wind but I knew it was hopeless; there were too many.

The projectile weapons closed in.



This was it.

Sand erupted from the ground and I was encased. What? Gaara?

The sound of clashing metal rang out while the sand slowly fell. Wind, puppets and sand were everywhere. Gaara had appeared beside me somehow.

"Looks like we made it here in time," Kankuro called out while taking down a few people with his Sasori puppet.

"So this is what the conspirators had planned," Temari commented while wielding her large fan.

Gaara was facing down the man who looked livid, "Kazekage, of course you would be defending this monster. Birds of a feather."

"This won't fix anything Kaizen," Gaara said calmly, "Any ninja knows that death is a part of our lives. Killing will only breed hatred and more death."

"Says a person who's killed dozens of people," he shouted in rage as he charged at him but Gaara only restrained him with his sand.

He struggled against the sand while Gaara spoke in an almost sympathetic way, "It's because I've killed people that I know this isn't the way."

The man slumped in defeat. There was nothing more he could do now. Some reinforcements followed ending the struggle.

Back in the village they had informed me that Ritsu was taken. A huge hole was drilled into the ground where he was held. Ryuu was way more powerful than I thought. They had said that the boy didn't even put up a fight. I wonder what he was thinking as he was taken. He seemed to know me so he must have known Ryuu as well. He must have known that he was coming for him. They wouldn't kill him but that meant that he was going to be 'bound' and that they were one step closer to their goal.

The people that were trying to kill me were part of a conspiracy that Suna and Iwa had against one another. Originally Kaizen led the group against the Elements, saying that they would wipe everyone out. What Kaizen didn't know was that both sides saw this as an opportunity to get close to one another. I wasn't aware that Suna and Iwa had harbored ill feelings toward one another until Gaara explained it to me. Apparently factions within each village didn't like the current state of things so Suna thought they could infiltrate Iwa while Iwa thought they could eradicated their enemy on their home turf. To put it simply: After the Elements were dead, they were going to start another war with one another. Each person had their reasons but like what happened earlier, it was mostly revenge for something.

So killing really did breed more hatred and death.

Everyone was busy smoothing things over. Trying to get things back to normal and rounding up the people responsible. The Kazekage and Tsuchikage agreed that the people from each village would be judged by their own village. Those from Suna were imprisoned until they could be sent back. Luckily, because both villages were involved, with the group, there was no one to fully blame. Although, relations between villages would suffer.

Unfortunately there were a few casualties, mostly from the village when Ryuu attacked. The confusion from the conspirators left two threats to be addressed. Defenses suffered and everything nearly fell apart. Even if I didn't want to, I still felt responsible for the attack. At least I could have tried to stop Ryuu. I was just so confused about his position in all of this. He seemed to like killing but he might have been forced to do a lot of the things he had been doing lately. I couldn't help but feel sympathetic for his situation. He was an Element like me after all. Of course it would be nice if he called me by name instead of 'human' or 'Wind.' I hoped he didn't mean it when he said he was my enemy.

Because Gaara was busy, I spent a lot of time with Kankuro and Temari again. I mean, they were busy too but I ended up tagging along. They couldn't leave me alone for a second. I guess I really did cause trouble when I went off on my own. Speaking of which; Kankuro said that Gaara did let me leave. I guess they all knew that I left, some ninja I am. Gaara didn't want to go after me, instead they went out looking for the conspirators in the village. They had encountered them but Gaara took off at some point and they followed. He must have been watching for any danger the whole time. But, maybe if they stayed in the village, Ritsu wouldn't have been taken.

Gaara finally came back to the room looking exhausted. In fact, this would be the first time I talked to him in a while. So I wanted to make sure to apologize.

Kankuro and Temari were talking about what was going to happen now but it seemed uncertain and tomorrow would be another long day. I snuck up to them and felt shamefully shy.

"I'm sorry that I caused all this trouble and . . . that I didn't tell you where I was going. I didn't think it would turn out like this," I bit my lip and looked at the floor.

Surprisingly he put a hand on my head, making me look up at his tired half-smile, "It's alright to share your burden with me but if there are some things you can't tell me, I still trust you."

Did he just repeat what I told him before? Did he just smile? Why was his hand on my head? This was so confusing but at least I knew that I didn't need to worry. Temari and Kankuro looked slightly surprised at his actions as Gaara walked past me and stumbled at little. Kankuro caught him but Gaara insisted that he was alright. I suppose he really was tired. He helped his brother to sit down but he was nearly passing out.

Soon enough he fell asleep. Temari had checked him and told us it was just exhaustion. Seeing him sleep I was at ease. He was working so hard that he was actually sleeping. That's not something you see when it came to him. Also, I didn't know what that was before but thinking of his smile made me blush.

I decided that I wouldn't let myself die. I would keep the bond at all costs. That way we could stay together and keep the world from being destroyed. Or at least, that is, if what Ryuu told me was correct. I still had to worry about what the blood stone would do. What were they planning with something like that? And what . . . were they waiting for?

Ryuu dropped down into an old structure where vines and plants now consumed the walls.

He threw down the boy, "Here's what you asked for."

The woman in the red dress smiled in the shadows. She stepped forward into the light streaming in through the cracks in the structure. Her emerald eyes shown in contrast to the ruby on her belt.

A smile parted her red lips, "Wonderful."

Ryuu merely crossed his arms and looked away with a frown.

The boy appeared frightened as he sat on the ground. Even if he couldn't see, he could feel the person in front of him and it was unsettling.

The woman walked up to him and put a finger to his chin, raising the boy's face toward her.

She ginned maliciously with a red glowing string in her other hand, "Don't worry, this won't hurt much if you don't resist. You'll be a fine prize for my dear one."

Notes: So yeah, I ended up splitting the chapters. I don't know how I had made such a long chapter to begin with. I must have been feeling a little ambitious. Now there may be doubts as to whether Ryuu is good or not but who really knows with that guy. Aura isn't sure whether to trust him or not and who can blame her. Do you trust him? Now the group is showing themselves a little more, taking more action. There are still so many mysteries to be had. Gaara is acting strange and I was going to write what was going on with him but I find it more intriguing to not know exactly. I may explain it later if it seems necessary. Hopefully the end didn't seem rushed or anything, if it does I will add a few things but I really wanted to get this out so some casual conversation was cut for time and length; this chapter is quite long. Also, I apologize again that this had taken so long. I really felt guilty as I posted other chapters to other stories. This story has so much in it and so much to come. I guess it's hard for even me to keep up. Thank you again and hopefully see you soon but as always I can't make promises as to how soon.