EDIT: I would just like to say to all that start this story that I wrote this chapter in like 30 minutes and that my writing in the later chapters is much better, in my opinion anyway XD

DISCLAIMER: All characters are owned by DC Comics.

Robin was finally getting some much needed rest when his communicator started beeping.

It had been Three o'clock at night when Robin and his teammates had returned to mount justice, after a long and exhausting mission and all Robin wanted to do was sleep ,he knew he had school the next day and that Batman was not going to be happy that he had stayed at Mount Justice instead of returning to the manor, but Robin didn't care because at that moment all he wanted to do was drift off to dreamland, where there were no worries, no school,no villains,no planetary crisis's just blissful peace, in less of course its a nightmare in which case its a bloodbath.
Which is why when Robin's communicator started beeping irritatingly he felt like grabbing the nearest object and smashing it silencing the repetitive beeping.

Groaning Robin sat up and looked at the clock ,three fifteen he had been asleep fifteen lousy minutes, he pushed off his covers still fully clothed in his Robin uniform minus his boots, cape, and mask.

Walking over to the desk where the communicator lay, he picked it up and pressed the touch screen where the Batman insignia was blinking rapidly.

The Batman insignia disappeared and in its place was a fractured text message DCK FSH WREHOSE2 2F HELP DK.

Kid Flash bolted upright in his bed as he heard loud thumps coming from the hallway, he got up and peeked his head around the door "wha's going on." he mumbled at Aqualad and Superboy who had apparently also been woken up by the racket making its way down the boys' sleeping corridor.

"I assumed it was you" Aqualad responded

Superboy rubbing his eyes sleepily before grumbling "Where's Robin."

Kid Flash and Aqualad looked at each other frantically before rushing down the corridor.

Kid Flash running ahead of the other two arrived first.

Only to find Robin's door open and his normally clean room a mess.

"Rob!" Kid Flash called ,tentatively walking into the room.

"Behind you,Wally"

"Dude!" Kid Flash yelled clutching his chest and looking behind him at the Boy Wonder, who was attempting to put on his left boot while typing rapidly on the keypad attached to his glove.

"What's wrong?" Aqualad asked walking over to Robin, and steadying him as Robin continued to tug on his boot.

Robin grunted and put his foot down finally succeeding in pulling on the irritating footwear. "Batman's in trouble"

"What? how do you know?" Kid Flash asked, rushing to his friends side.

"I got this." he answered pulling up the text as Superboy,Aqualad,and Kid Flash leaned over to look at the screen.

"DCK FSH WREHOSE2 2F HELP DK, what the hell does that mean?" Superman growled still grumpy about being woken up.

"Batman is clearly calling for help" Robin snapped at the clone.

"Not to us" Aqualad said placing a hand on Robin's shoulder trying to defuse the situation before it got violent.

"I don't have time to explain." he said slipping out of Aqualad's hold and running down the hall.

Wally was the first to react, he ran in front of Robin, as Aqualad and Superboy flanked him ,caging Robin in.

"Get out of my way, Wally" Robin growled, glaring at the speedster.

"You're not going anywhere till you explain" Wally stated, matching Robin's glare.

"Guys, what's going on?" a voice asked making all four boys jump and look for the source, Miss Martian and Artemis were standing behind Wally.

"M'gann here" Artemis said coming out from behind Miss Martian and pointing at her "sensed great turmoil coming from one of you" she told them putting her hands on her hips "so who here has great turmoil?" she snapped looking one by one at the boys.

"Robin got a text, and he thinks Batman's in trouble."Aquaman stepped forward answering the angry archer.

"I don't think, I know "he retorted, once again bringing up the text on his computer, " It clearly says HELP here" he remarked pointing at the word on the screen "and this" he said moving his finger over to the right now hovering over the DK "This is Batman's secret code name it stands for The Dark Knight, I haven't figured out the rest, but I have to go, I could already be too late" he said quietly looking down at his boots.

"You have to let me go" he pleaded looking up his teammates "Kaldur, please" he said turning towards their leader.

"Move out of his way guys" Aquaman instructed Superboy and Kid Flash, giving Kid Flash a stern look before he could open his mouth to protest, finally turning towards Robin "But there is no way you're going without us."

"No it's too dangerous" Robin protested "and I don't even know where I'm going yet."

"We can help you figure it out on the way there." Miss Martian countered, stepping towards the boy "come on we can get to Gotham a lot faster in my ship then on your motorcycle."

"Fine."Robin grumbled, defeated "but.. if it gets to dangerous you guys are leaving, you don't know what it's like in Gotham, andno talking while I riddle out the message," he finished glaring at Wally.

"Okay." He relinquished raising his hands above his head "I surrender,just put away the Bat glare."

"Let's go" Robin ordered , punching Kid Flash as he passed him.

"ow" Kid Flash groaned rubbing his arm "Got it too soon for Daddybats jokes"

"Idiot." Artemis mocked, as she and the rest followed Robin to the hanger.

To be continued