It happened. We were caught. By no other than Stan Alto. My teacher/arch-nemeses. In the past "arch-nemeses" might have been a little dramatic- but not anymore.
Dimitri and I had been replaying our cabin scene when Stan walked in;
We were laying in the bed wrapped up in the cotton sheets. The fire burning in the fireplace gave us extra heat to mingle with the heat from our own bodies so close to each other.
"I love you Roza. Only a few more months until you graduate," Dimitri said with a smile.
"Then we can be together without restraints," I finished for him. He grabbed my chin and brought my face up to his for a kiss.
It was then Stan chose to walk in.
"What the hell is going on in here Belikov?" Stan's face was bright red with anger. He hadn't yet noticed that I was…me. He just knew Dimitri was engaging in "sexual acts on school property," is how he put it. Dimitri had a look of horror on his face and I was just hoping Stan wouldn't realize it was me. I tried to hide my face with my hair. A little too late.
Stan looked at me. "Is that Rose?," He screamed at/asked Dimitri.
Dimitri looked down. Stan ran over to me, grabbed my hair and forced me too look at him to prove it was me.
"Both of you better get dressed. Your in a lot of trouble." We complied. Once dressed we followed him to Kirova's office which was a good half a mile away. Dimitri and I kept glancing at each other the whole way.
Stan threw open Kirova's door and urged both me and Dimitri in the room. We sat down while Stan paced in front of us and finally stopped in front of Kirova.
"While on my night shift I was doing rounds of all the cabins. In one of them I found these two. In bed. Together. Naked. Kis-," Kirova cut him off. "I get it," she said. "Thank you Guardian Alto. You may go back to your shift now. I'll handle these two." Stan nodded and walked out. The door slammed.
The Head Bitch herself glared at Dimitri and I.
"I think both of you know how serious this is. For you especially Guardian Belikov."
Dimitri nodded. "I know."
"Taking advantage of someone under eighteen is illegal. Even more so when said underage girl is your student," Kirova said harshly.
"He didn't take adva-," I started but Dimitri cut me off with a hard look.
Again, Dimitri nodded. "I know."
"Then why would you take part in such a foolish act? I never thought of you as the stupid type."
Dimitri flinched a little at those words. "I know how bad this looks, but I really do love Rose. I know it's wrong and shameful but I can't help it. She's amazing. It's hard not to love her."
Kirova stiffened. "Yes, well you should have waited a few more months to 'express your love.' Act's like these are illegal and WILL NOT be tolerated. I have to report you Belikov."
"No! Please Don't!," I pleaded.
"I'm sorry Rosemarie, but I must. It's my job as the headmistress."
"You don't understand," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek, "I love him."
"Yes, well we all feel that way at some point in our lives. It will pass," the cold, emotionless bitch told me.
Dimitri just shook his head.
"Rose. You are a student, therefore you are considered a 'rape" victim. I can not punish you according to the Mori law. You, Guardian Belikov, on the other hand- are an adult and will be tried as such by the court of law. They shall decide your ultimate fate. Not me. Pack your stuff. Your fired."
"Yes, ma'am." He said with his guardian mask on and left the room to unpack. I went to get up and leave but Kirova stopped me. "I'm sorry Rose. I had to. No matter how much I like you- or Guardian Belikov for that matter- it's school policies. You are allowed to be put on the stand when he is tried, if you'd like, I can arrange that. But I can't just turn my head as if I saw nothing. Guardian Alto caught you in a bad situation and I have had numerous other reports from other staff members. It's too much for me to ignore anymore. I'm sorry."
I nodded with a tear in my eye and walked out.