Hi everybody. For my first fan fiction ever, I went for a little weird crossover: Kung-Fu panda vs... Iron Man! I know it is very silly, but the goal of fan fiction is having fun writing it! Feel free to comment for I value your advice. English is not my first language so if you see any grammatical absurdities, don't be afraid to report them. This story is set after the movie Iron man 2 and between Kung–Fu panda 1 and 2. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of this story. Kung-Fu Panda is a property of Deamworks SKG and Iron man is a property of Marvel.

New revised edition! Thank a lot to kriseleven.

1 : Arrival

"I am detecting an increase in trans-dimensional activity." Jarvis's voice boomed thorough the Stark mansion. "I estimate that the rift will open within two minutes".

"Damn it!" Tony Stark dropped the Playboy magazine he was reading. "This is the third time this month!" He started running toward his lab.

"Jarvis, is the security system online?"

"Affirmative sir, tasers, tear gas, rubber bullets, nets and kitchen sink operational."

"Very funny, tin can. Better safe than sorry."

Tony cursed himself. He should never have helped Reed Richards test his dimensional gateway in his lab. Now the gateway was gone but had realized after that it had weakened the fabric of space time permanently in this spot. Things were still getting through and Richards was nowhere to be found. Probably away on some mission with the others Fantastics. He will definitely hear about it! Tony valued his privacy too much to ask for help anywhere (certainly not from those SHIELD losers), so he had dealt with it alone so far. But it was definitely getting annoying.

He arrived in his lab just in time to see the air start to shimmer about a foot above the 'X' he had painted on the floor. At least that part was consistent. No time to put on the armor this time. He put on his earplugs, grabbed his sonic disruptor and placed himself at a safe distance.

"Incoming!" Jarvis warned.

The rift suddenly expanded to a ten foot sphere, Tony felt a warm breeze fill the room as his universe and whatever was on the other side finally connected.

For a moment, nothing happened and he thought that he may get away with it this time.

Bang! Something was expelled through the gate and fell to the floor in front of him. His mind registered the event in a fraction of a second; the thing landed on all fours, there was a long tail, stripped fur... An animal! This should be easy.

"Nets!" Tony shouted.

Poof! The self-guided, rocket propelled net fired, deployed and... missed! The thing was twisting in the air just above the spot it was occupying not a second before!

Jarvis was smart enough not to wait for orders when the situation degenerated. It fired the taser darts at the still moving target.

Again, with blurring speed the target eluded capture and the darts went crackling on the wall not a foot beside Tony's head.

This is not going well, he thought. Better hold my breath and release the...

Ooof! He was knocked off his feet before he had a chance to think any further. He found himself pinned on the wall a good foot above the floor by an enormous orange paw.

"Who are you? What is this place?" the thing shouted in a definitely female voice.

Shit! It talks! Tony was running out of options. He was feeling the pinprick of claws trough his shirt and the creature's amber and red eyes looked very pissed off. He activated the sonic disruptor.

Both of them collapsed to the floor as the grip was suddenly released. Tony caught his breath as his visitor laid motionless on the floor, it's eyes wide open and mouth agape. He had been on the receiving end of the disruptor once, he knew exactly how distressing it was to be imprisoned in you own body while that awful noise was drilling your brain.

Behind them, the gateway collapsed with a bang. Too bad those things only work one-way, I almost had the time! He did not waste a second and proceeded to drag to body to the restraints he had installed on the wall.

God! That thing is heavy! It must possess remarkable muscular density, that would explain the amazing feats he had just witnessed.

He secured the limbs of the creature with adjustable Kevlar cuffs attached to one inch thick titanium chain. There! That should hold the Hulk himself! He did not like at all the idea of having such medieval devices in his home, that was totally uncivilized. But circumstances left him no choice.

He turned off the sonic disruptor...

Bang! The creature lunged at him, straining at the chains.

Whoa! That's a fast recovery! He backed up a little more.

"Release me at once! You do not know who you are dealing with! I am a kung-fu master from the Jade Palace!"

"And I am someone who can make your life miserable!" Tony dangled the disruptor under her nose. "Do you want another taste of this?"

The creature flinched noticeably.

"I thought not. Now you stay calm and quiet while I decide what I am going to do with you"

"How dare you..."

"Hey!" He displayed the device again.

His guest backed up slowly and sat against the wall, its eyes burning with anger.

"That's better." He walked to the other side of the lab, out of earshot.

"Jarvis," said Tony, "have you calculated the parameters of this incursion?"

"Affirmative sir. According to the readings, the wave function will collapse in approximately one week."

"One week! Are you sure this is correct?"

"Yes sir, I took the liberty of doing the calculations several times. The parameters of this incursion are highly unusual."

That made matters a little more complicated. Usually, the beings who had the misfortune of getting caught in the anomaly were in for a stay of a couple of hours at most. He sedated the animals and pushed them through when the time came. Dangerous looking peoples were restrained and disposed of in the same way. A couple have been relatively decent folks and were more than happy to cross back to their worlds after their stay.

But this was different. He could hardly keep his latest visitor chained to a wall for a week. Much less sedate it that long, that would be dangerous. He had no choice but to release it and hope it would be reasonable. Its animalistic aspect was a little unsettling. But then again, Hank McCoy was a pretty decent guy under all that fur.

"Jarvis, I am going to release our guest. If anything goes wrong release the gas."

"I am not sure this is very wise, sir."

"I didn't get that far by being wise! Stay put!"

The thing haven't move from it's spot but it's eyes followed Tony closely as he approached.

" I am going to release you, but you must promise me that you will not hurt me or try anything stupid."

"All right." it said, but the eyes didn't lose any of their hardness.

Tony had an inspiration : "You must swear on your kung-fu honor!"

There! he thought. Let's see how important that kung-fu master thing it mentioned earlier is.

The creature stayed silent but its eyes lost their focus for a moment, as if lost in deep thoughts.

That's a good sign, thought Tony.

"You have my word." it finally said with a sigh.

Here goes nothing. Tony pressed the release button.

The creature must have been unsure of his intentions because it rose slowly from the floor, never letting its eyes off him.

"First," said Tony "let me offer you my apologies for this rough welcome. This is not the way I receive my guests usually but your arrival was... a little unexpected. My name is Anthony Stark."

"I am Master Tigress."

"Well, Tigress, welcome to my home!"

"And what is that place exactly? Why did you bring me here?"

From the tone of her voice, Tony guessed that had better be convincing, and fast.

"You are in another universe."

"What? This is nonsense!"

"I know this sounds crazy, but listen carefully. Imagine a house of infinite size with an infinite number or rooms. Each room is a different universe, yours, mine and all the possibilities between and beyond them. Normally, we are not aware of what is happening in the other universes. But in some places, the wall is thin. A crack may appear and you may have a peek of what is on the other side. Sometimes, the wall just collapses. This is what happened here. This place-" he waved around "-is a weak spot. You fell through a crack. You are not the first one."

Tony carefully avoided mentioning his responsibility in the accident. Things were complicated enough already.

Tigress did not look convinced. She crossed her arms and looked at him suspiciously.

"Let's suppose for a moment that you are telling the truth-" she said. "How do I get back to my world?"

"The multiverse seeks balance. When a door opens somewhere, it will open again at the same place. The pendulum always swings back."

"You mean that the door or whatever will open again in this very place?"

"Exactly. You just have to wait and jump through!"

"And when would that be precisely?" she asked.

"Ah, hem, that's the annoying part..."

"Tell me now!"

"At least one week."

"One week! You mean I will be imprisoned here for a full week!"

"I case you haven't noticed yet," Tony said calmly "you are no longer my prisoner, but my guest. But let's take a look at the specifics of your arrival here."

Tony typed a command on a nearby keyboard. A holographic projection of the parameters of the gateway materialized in the air before him.

Tigress jumped at the apparition and instantly switched to fight mode. "What is this new devilry?"

"Do not be afraid! This is just light, nothing real. See?" Tony waved his hand trough the projection "This is just a way we use here to display pictures."

Tigress relaxed a little. Tony took good notice of her reaction, for this was also a test. Nobody coming from a world with at least a 20th century technological level would be alarmed by a projection, holographic or not. That meant that Tigress came from a less advanced society; he had to keep that in mind.

"What are you trying to show me?" she said.

"See those lines here? This the time-line of your universe." he said pointing to a blue wave. "This is mine." He pointed to a red wave. "Now look here, you see that they collide. The time-line of your world make a small loop before colliding with mine at the very same spot, which is a good thing."

"How so?" she asked.

"That means that when you will cross back to your universe, not a moment will have passed. You will return at the very moment you have departed and no one will have noticed your absence."

"How is that possible? You said I will stay here one week!"

"I know this hard to understand. But I am afraid that time and space do not care about the limits of our minds; they do as they please. You will have to trust me on that one."

She looked at him suspiciously. "I still do not believe you."

"I thought so." he said. "Now if you would please follow me, I will show you something that should convince you."

He led her through the lab to the elevator. He noticed that her eyes darted back and forth, trying to take in everything at once. The wonders contained in Tony's lab should have been enough to convince anybody, but he decided to play the game.

"This will take us to the roof of the house. You should find the view to be quite interesting."

A moment later, the door opened to the roof. Tony decided to not say a word and observed Tigress as reality sunk in.

She walked to the ledge and started to look around. There was the sea on one side. The immediate surroundings where occupied by the sprawling mansion's estate. A little further, things started to get strange. Huge buildings were filling a good portion of the horizon, shining gold with the setting sun. She had never seen anything of such size and shapes. What seemed to be roads everywhere were devoid of peoples. Instead, strange carts rolled on their own with great speed. Her keen eyes spotted several things flying high above them. They were definitely not birds.

After a while, she turned to Tony.

"What do we do now?" she asked.

"Let's go back inside" he said.

Back in the house, Tony tried to be reassuring.

"I know this must be very distressing for you..."

"I am not distressed!" she snapped.

"All right then." he said. "I just wanted to tell you that you are safe here. I will be your host during your stay. I will try to answer you questions and teach you what I can about my world. For now, if you would follow me..."

He led her to one of the guest rooms and opened the door.

"This is where you are going to stay while you're here. I hope it will be adequate. If you need anything, ask Jarvis."

"Jarvis? Who is that?"

"Oh, that reminds me." Tony raised his voice. "Jarvis?"

"Yes sir?"

Tigress jumped and looked around her; nobody in sight. The voice was seemingly coming from everywhere at once.

"I will have a new guest for the week." continued Tony. "Her name is Tigress, give the usual privileges, level 2."

"Very well, sir."

"What was that?" asked Tigress.

"Jarvis is my butler. He is running the house."

"But I don't see anybody, where is he?"

"Nowhere... And everywhere! Jarvis is the house. He is part of it like the floor or the walls"

"Your house is alive?"

Tony laughed. "No! No. Do not worry about that! Things will get clearer as I have more time to explain. I assure you that you are perfectly safe here. Meanwhile, why don't you get comfortable and freshen up a little. Dinner will be served in an hour."

He smiled and walked away.

Tigress looked at the open door, uncertain. She entered.

This place was huge. At first sight, it looked as spacious as the living quarters of all the furious five combined. The far wall seemed to be made entirely of ...glass! Tigress had never seen anything like it. The whole thing was just a huge window. She started to get closer...

There is someone else here!

She jumped and instantly assumed a defensive stance. She came face to face with... herself! It took her several seconds to realize that a good portion of the left wall of the room was a huge mirror. She walked to the wall and pressed a paw against the smooth, cool surface. At home, mirrors were small, hand-held things. She never knew they could be made so big.

She took a couple of steps back and looked at herself. Not bad. She never had a chance to see herself from head to toe. The polished walls of the Hall of Warriors were no match for this. She placed herself in attack position and admired the result. Looking good! She ended up spending the next five minutes sparring with the mirror and checking the accuracy of her moves. If only we had theses in the training hall! That would be, as Po says it... awesome!

She decided to take a look at the rest of the room. The bed was enormous, nothing like the small cot they were used to at the Jade palace. The rest of the room was furnished with a variety of couches, chairs and tables. There were many strange objects with uses she could not fathom for the moment. There was a closet the size of a small room, filled with a variety of weird clothes.

A door was ajar at the other side of the room. She went in. Inside were more mirrors and what looked like a washbasin with a hole in the bottom. That thing in the corner was definitely a bath. She could not find the water pitcher anywhere. How is she supposed to 'refresh' herself then?

Oh, wait. She cleared her throat.

"Hemm... Jarvis?"

"Yes, Miss Tigress?"

She couldn't help to be startled a little. Talking to an invisible, omnipresent person would need getting used to.

"How do I get some water in the basin?"

"Beneath the round mirror you are facing is what is called a faucet. Turning the handle on your right will make cold water flow. The one on the left is for hot water. You can combine both for tepid water. Moving the little rod in the middle will plug or unplug the drain."

Easy enough, thought Tigress. She proceeded to wash the dust of her face and cleaned her paws. A towel from a big pile on a shelf took care of the rest. I could get used to that, she thought. Especially since the bath seemed to work on the same principles. She still felt a little uneasy from such a strange place but a bath would definitely feel good. Maybe later. She needed to clear up one last thing.


"Yes, Miss Tigress?"

"What is that big porcelain bowl in the corner with water at the bottom?"

Next : An Awkward dinner