Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia. If I did, Netherlands would have been in the anime in the first episode!

A/N: This fic was written as a dare because me and my boyfriend have fun like that. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy writing it! I like this pairing because I rp-ed it with a fem!Romano on Twitter so yeah…enjoy you guys. :)

Monotony and curiosity caused Willem to walk into the neighborhood's new café one dull afternoon. The place was called "Antonio's" and sat in an artsy part of town, which just happened to be Willem's stomping grounds. Bored from working in his art studio all day, Willem thought that visiting the new café would be a refreshing change of pace for him. His life had been bland like plain rice and maybe he could find that spice in something or someone in the shop.

The spicy aroma of coffee stimulated Willem's senses as he walked into Antonio's. The restaurant was small and humble but sported great detail in neatness and décor, which Willem admired. Paintings were hung on the wall, ferns were placed perfectly in corners, and soft jazz was playing in the background. There weren't many people there but he didn't mind, the place was great.

Willem walked up to the counter and looked at the menu to contemplate what he wanted to order. When his decision was made, Willem looked at the server and stopped breathing. She was literally breathtaking; olive skin, soft looking pink lips, hazel eyes, and coffee brown waves falling to her shoulder with a wild strand of hair coming out of the side. She had a different and exotic look to her, which made her even more attractive to Willem.

Wait…Was she talking to him? Willem was so busy staring at her, he had spaced out for a second.

"What did you say?" he managed to choke out.

The server sighed and rolled her eyes before putting her hands on her hips in an exaggerated manner. "I said…What. Do. You. Fucking. Want?"


"Oh, sorry…Ah, I'll have a medium espresso."

"Would that be all?"

Willem nodded and the girl typed something into the cash register. "Total is $4.00." He dug into his wallet and gave her a five; she gave him his change. "Your drink will be ready in a sec."

Willem thanked the girl before finding a seat near the window. She walked to the back and muttered something that, to Willem, sounded like "bastard". He didn't mind it at all. He thought her attitude was sexy, electrifying, and strangely addictive. It wasn't often a girl other than his younger sisters stood up to him. Most other women were scared shitless by his very existence but this one…she was different. She had toughness, audacity, and…

"Here's your shit, sir."

He looked up. "Dank je," Willem said, taking the drink from her. She nodded and walked to her station up front. The man tried hard to not look at her when she walked off, but that proved to be difficult. Even as he slowly sipped on his drink, Willem surreptitiously glanced at her as she cleaned up the café.

Looking at his almost empty cup, Willem sighed. In a minute, he would have to head home and he couldn't admire the stunning waitress any longer. Willem took another sip and glanced around the café, trying to find his server but she was nowhere in sight. He sat forward in his seat and she was there. His heart neared jumped out of his chest.

"Are you fucking finished? You've been drinking that thing for like a damn hour. I'm tired and we're about to close."

"Why are you so vulgar?" It was such a random thing to ask the lady but he really didn't want to leave. It would be fantastic to be in her presence even if she was pissed at him.

"None of your business, dammit!" She frowned and folded her arms. Cute, he thought.

"It's not ladylike."

"Fuck ladylike."

A small smirk graced Willem's features. "You're so lovely, yet your mouth is the complete opposite."

Her cheeks colored from light tan to a hue of red and she looked away from him. "Finish the damn drink," she mumbled.

And he did.

The next day, Willem found himself waltzing into Antonio's Café once again. He didn't see the waitress at that moment so the man decided that he would take a seat at his spot by the window. Maybe she would come over to greet him. Ah, that idea was so silly.

To waste time, Willem pulled out his sketchbook and trusty pipe and began to simultaneously draw and smoke. The substance he puffed on helped Willem think clearer but his true inspiration came from elsewhere. Within minutes, the sketch was completed and the portrait that was on the page resembled a certain waitress. Speaking of, Willem looked up from his work and saw her stomping towards him.

Her face was displeased, yet still radiant. "What the fuck are you smoking?" She waved away the smoke that accumulated by her face. "That has to be illegal in every country."

"My bad," he mumbled and put out the pipe before stuffing it into his coat pocket.

"Ah, I can breathe! What can I get for you?" She took out a pad and pen to take down his order.

"Espresso." She scribbled something onto the pad and looked back up to him. "Will that be it?"


The waitress put her pad and pen away and was about to depart but she stopped and smiled softly. "That bastard Antonio would be happy to see we have a regular."

Maybe it was the atmosphere, the people, the food, the wonderful espressos or the enchanting waitress but whatever it was, Antonio's was Willem's favorite coffee house. After his first experience there, Willem began visiting the place every day for a few months. He grew closer to the owner, Antonio and to the waitress, known as Lovina.

Willem and Lovina would sit in the café hours after it closed, drinking caffeinated beverages and just talking like the best of friends. She was different than most girls because she talked like a man and liked manly things. But she was still female, of course, so Willem's innocent toying made her blush. Her blushes made Willem go nuts.

It was another one of those evenings; Lovina was cleaning up the café after closing time and she and Willem were talking about some random matter. Tonight, it was their bothersome siblings.

Lovina emerged from the back room with her jacket and bag. "Well, that's all done. I don't see why the tomato bastard won't stay to clean his own shop," she complained, walking over to the other side of the counter near Willem.

"He's done it once."

"Yeah, once! I'd like a break once in a while, dammit."

Willem chucked slightly and pinched Lovina's cheek playfully. "Stop whining so much."

"Fuck you," she blushed and swatted his hand away. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Watching the football game. World Cup is tonight."

"Are you shitting me? I don't even have the channel!" Lovina groaned in annoyance.

"Come over then. My sisters will be gone. They're going to a sleepover or something."

Lovina shrugged. "Fine. Just don't try to rape me or something."

Willem gave the other a mocking smirk. "No promises."