A/N: New idea for a story…Uh oh!
Disclaimer: Riiiiiight…let's move on…
Chapter One: Aw shit…
Videl looked at the boy in front of her strangely. Their class just went to Capsule Corp., or to Gohan, 'Bulma's'. She thought that he was just trying to sound cool earlier when he said it, but now…he was talking to Bulma straight in the face, talking just like they were old friends and just catching up. Well not just catching up because they seemed to have last seen each other a month or two ago so… she was just plain confused and trying to keep up with their conversation!
"…and Goten is still driving me nuts! So not much of a difference there…Please don't make me watch Trunks again! Please Bulma! Please!" Watch Trunks? Gohan was a baby-sitter for Bulma's kid?! Videl saw that boy when they got here! He could smirked and did all of this scary stuff… and he kept calling all of the high school-ers weaklings! Sharpner, not caring if the kid was younger than him by a couple of years, decided he had to put this little chibi back into his place. All that you could really say was that it didn't last long.
Sharpner got a thousand dollars from Bulma Brief's as a 'sorry' gift for what her son…ahem…did.
He lost it though when he flaunted it around and the other high school students tried to get Trunks to throw them.
It was pathetic, and she went to school with these idiots!
She turned her attention back to Gohan. Other students were still in shock from when Bulma yelled at them for being greedy… Bulma was still talking to Gohan, but now about something a wee bit different from before.
"Gohan, I was wondering if you could go into my lab and grab this object that looks like a small card. It's a new invention and I promised that I'd show a new one…"
"New? Bulma you made that a few years ago! It's that flat tv, right?" She saw Bulma nod and laugh lightly at him.
"Yeah, but it's not on market yet and…so you see? Just go get it!" Before Gohan could walk away, Videl stopped him.
"Um, could I go with him? I'm getting a little-" But before she could finish her sentence, Bulma cut in and asked her something.
"Are you Videl?" Videl looked a little shocked and looked towards Gohan to see that he was slowly glowing an interesting tint of red. Videl nodded her head at the older woman. "Oh, go on then dear! I'm sure that Gohan won't mind! Will you Gohan?" Gohan glared at the woman and looked at Videl in sympathy, motioning with his hand for her to follow him.
"Where is it?! Bulma said that it would be right here!" Gohan said looking at her desk and seeing no signs of the small flat television. Videl shrugged her shoulders lightly to what he said and kept on looking around the lab.
That's when her eyes fell on it.
It was a dull gray colors and looked a little sloppy. It didn't look anything like a card as Bulma said so she knew that it couldn't be that. There were three small spots for numbers. Videl knew she shouldn't touch it but she couldn't help herself. She switched the first slot, which was at +, to a -. She tried to move the number on the other one but it didn't work. It must be jammed… she thought. She changed the last number to 15.
She played with the idea of hitting the green button at the bottom of the thing. It's mostly broke already…what could it hurt? She thought to herself. She lightly hit the button and her vision was suddenly turned to a bright white. She tried to look for Gohan and was relieved when she saw the boy looking back at her with a confused expression on his face. He mouthed over to her, 'What happened?'. Videl just answered, 'I don't know…exactly…' Gohan looked more confused when suddenly her vision went black and she was knocked out cold.
Gohan looked at the rocky climate that he and Videl landed on. What the hell happened? He thought to himself. A breeze blew threw, blowing dust, sand, and dirt over to them. Some of it got into the knocked out Videl, causing her to sneeze as she slowly gained conscience. She looked around and then over to Gohan.
"SON GOHAN! WHAT HAPPENED?" She demanded. Gohan winced lightly and glared a little back at the girl beside him.
"I don't know Videl, I didn't touch anything that I wasn't supposed to!" Videl blushed from being embarrassed and turned her head away from him. She heard Gohan sigh and felt his hand on her shoulder lightly. "Videl? What did you touch? I don't want to be rude or anything, but maybe I can figure out what happened you know?" Videl nodded her head at him and told him the basic looks of the machine. "I never heard of anything like that… What were the numbers in the slot Videl?" Videl tried to remember and told him. When she was done it looked like this - '- 11 15'. Gohan thought about it a little bit and his eyes glazed over a little bit, scaring Videl slightly.
"Um…Gohan? What is it? Do you know how we got here? Gohan? Gohan?! Son, Gohan! Answer me!" Gohan just kept on ignoring him and mumbled something Videl couldn't hear him and asked him to repeat it for her.
"…the past!"
Videl looked at him strangely. "What do you mean Gohan?" Gohan looked at her, a spooked look was on his face. He nodded his head no and grabbed her hand. He was going to fly but then remembered that Videl was there…
"Um…Videl? You're going to see a lot of weird stuff here more than likely…starting with this!" She looked at him confused and was ready to scream at him when he picked her up and…started to FLY???? She glared at him.
"Why didn't you tell me you could FLY??" Gohan looked at her sheepishly kind of.
"I didn't want you to get angry at me…" Videl breathed and looked down and screamed yet again. She hugged Gohan's neck tighter and kept looking at the ground.
"Shit…" She tried to distract herself from the, um… ground by talking to Gohan. "Um, so where are we going."
"To someplace to meet some friends…" He looked down at her. "It might take a while, you might want to see if you can sleep or something…" Videl shrugged and took his advice. Yawning, she snuggled closer to him and fell asleep.
Gohan was actually go at a slow speed. He could draw his ki up to protect both him and Videl but he wanted to think…
Were they really in the past? He felt out certain people's kis and was sort of shocked when he felt them. He brought in a deep breath. Here goes…
Goku brought his head up from talking to Mirai Trunks. The boy just told him who his parents were… Vegeta and Bulma?! You've got to be kidding me! M. Trunks brought his head up too when he felt the large ki.
One by one, all except Bulma, who couldn't feel ki, brought their heads up. Motioning for everyone to follow, Goku quickly flew upwards, followed by all of the others.
Gohan sat Videl down and laid down beside her. He knew that they were following his ki now so it wasn't that big of a problem if he went or not. He nudged Videl lightly. She stirred a little but didn't wake up. Gohan looked at her happily and sat up in the cave that he was able to find lodged in all of the cliffs. He got a little nervous when he felt all the ki's right outside the cave. He also heard the light bustle of some feet. He closed his eyes.
He caught the hand that tried to grab him in an instant. The shocked look of his father was right there. Gohan clutched his forehead in his hand quickly while everyone out of the cave looked on in shock at how this teenager could grab Goku's hand so quickly!
"Why did I have to be right?! WHY?! WHY?!" Goku looked at him confused and Videl woke up suddenly from Gohan's yells.
"Huh? G- who are THEY?!" She screeched, causing everyone with hearing to flinch. Gohan, err… teenage Gohan rubbed his ears slightly.
"Gee Videl…please stop that!" Goku nodded his head with him.
"Yeah! You sound just like Chi when she's really angry!" both Gohan's and Goku shivered a little bit at the image of an angry Chichi. "Hey, who are you anyway?" Goku asked the two of them who looked a little out of place with no fighting gi's on.
"Um…" Gohan said looking upwards, trying to think of what to say. Videl answered for him though, so he wasn't to sure if that was good or not…
"We asked first! Um…you know? When I yelled?" Gohan was clearly shock at how easily she said that…and sweetly too!
"Oh yeah! I'm Goku, that's Bulma, Vegeta, Krillin, Yamcha, oh and that's my son, Gohan-" Videl's eyes widened and she turned to stare at the 'other boy' named Gohan.
"You said we went to the past…so would that mean…" She was at a loss of words and decided to go for what she was used to, "SON GOHAN YOU TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW!!!!" Everyone was quiet as they looked at the younger Gohan. He looked confused.
"What are you looking at me for? I don't even know a Videl! How am I supposed to know what she's talking about?!" Videl shook her head at them.
"I'm not yelling at him!" She pointed to Gohan when he was younger. "I'm yelling at him!" She pointed to the one she knows. Gohan nodded his head lightly to everyone.
A/N: Hehe! Couldn't help it! I got a new idea lol!
Shameless Plug: B*tch Slap! Is of Gohan going to school and what happens, not when they find out he beat Cell…but just when they find out his father's Son Goku?!?!