October 14, 2011

7:30 AM

Dear Diary,

Hi, my name is Annie Catalano. I decided to start writing in a journal. It helps let out my thoughts that I don't speak.

So now I'm back at school. Yay (note the sarcasm). Justin is sitting in the desk next to me, snoring soundlessly and we are waiting for homeroom to begin.

Lennox said he would see me soon and keep in contact with me. Mirage promised to visit once in a while, but I don't expect him around much. As Optimus's best spy, I think he would be too vital to give up.

After Sideswipe, briskly, drove me back to the hospital. I must say, he has given me a new definition of fast.

I never really decided who to "pick". On one hand Optimus is powerful and leader like, with a caring personality. His voice is always so soothing, yet strong and sexy all together. However, there is Mirage, who's gentle and stealthy. His accent always gives me chills.

It's weird. Two weeks ago I was just a nerd. The biggest nerd. I had a fairly normal life, good family, good education; normal. Now I never go anywhere without the pin Optimus gave me. It's like a reminder of the adventure I had, but can never tell.

I hear someone let out a low whistle and temporarily look up. Brad.

"Well well well, look who finally shows up," he says in a cocky tone. He takes the seat in front of me. Brad leans across my desk and whispers in my ear. "You look really hot today. Annie." He gently blows in my ear. I roll my eyes.

I really didn't have anything to wear today. I woke up late and just threw on whatever. I wore jeans, a red crop-top, black camisole, and red converse. Fiona forced me into the crop-top. It was that or the gladiator shoes which I can never walk in. I swear, my disappearance put her in a "fashion frenzy" mode.

I was forced to wear makeup because of all my bruises and cuts. I left my hair down. Instead of glasses I wore contacts (which I am very used to now). I put the necklace on again.

Optimus says I can keep it. The energy will slowly come back, but it all depends on me. I don't mind though. It can take it's time.

I feel Brad's hand connect to my arm and I push him away.

"Sorry. I left my heart in California," I say smirking. Hey, it's the truth. He chuckles thinking it's a joke.

"Nice one. Now on to more important matters. Wanna go out Saturday night after the game?" he asks.

"No, I'm good," I say very bluntly. He scowls.

"Fine, your lost," Brad huffs, and turns away. I roll my eyes and decide to wake up Justin. I poke him in the head with a pencil and he snores awake.

"Is school over yet?" I laugh at his obliviousness and hair. It's sticking up everywhere from his little "nap".

"Homeroom." I'm answered by a groan. The bell rings and we're off. Justin and I have all the same classes, which I'm happy about. So we walk down the hallway together.

Everyone keeps staring at me throughout the day. Including Brad, I've been asked out four times. It's really annoying. Girls keep glaring at me, boys keep staring at me. Seriously, I don't think I've changed much appearance wise.

On my way to my first class, I hear a truck horn. I look out the window, hoping to see my favorite red and blue Peterbilt. But sadly, it' just a regular red faded truck. I sigh and continue on with my day.

During lunch I show Justin my tree. My tree. Oh, how I've missed this tree! I immediately climb it and rest on my favorite branch. Justin comes up next to me and we just sit there, not speaking. We stare into the clouds and I am sucked back into the desert with Mirage.

Almost everything reminds me of the Autobots. The track team makes me think of Sideswipe. Science takes me back to Que. Health reminds me of Ratchet. Music draws my mind to Bumblebee. By the end of the day, I'm almost in tears.

At my locker at the end of the day, Emma decides to greet me for the first time. She's been avoiding me all day, not that I'm complaining.

"So the nerd's back, huh?" she says, and starts looking over my body. "And nerd got a costume change too." I don't say anything. "But still the nerd doesn't talk much."

"Look nerd, you might look better, but you will always be the nerd in this school," she threatens. "I rule the school, so don't you try messing it up. Got it?" I slam my locker and turn to her.

"For the past two weeks I've gone through so many more things than you can ever imagine. I can tell you everything that happened, but you still wouldn't know the feeling. I know what it's like to fight for what I believe in and fight for myself. But, you really aren't worth telling all those tales too." I walk away.

I meet up with Justin outside and we wait for Fiona and Lucas. We lounge next to a tree. It looks like it's going to rain.

"You didn't warn me that your school is full of boy-crazy-girls," he says. I giggle.

"Well my day hasn't been the best either. Who knew? Change your clothes, throw on makeup, and you are all they look at in a twenty mile radius," I joke. I decide to finish my journal entry. So I sit at the foot of the tree and I start writing.

Megatron is still alive. He's out there somewhere, plotting against me and the rest of the human race. Whatever Decepticons are left, are recruiting and will take action against the humans. I can tell my life is going to be changing a lot now. But I think I'm prepared for it. For now, I close the book on my adventure. But remember, the story has only just begun.

-Annie C.

I would do my little thing where I answer your reviews, but I decided to change it up a bit...with a preview of the sequel The Popular Nerd.

It's been two years since Annie Catalano saved the world from the Decepticons. But the story's just begun. She's been hunted by the Decepticons for two years with no help from the Autobots or anyone else. Megatron is back and wants revenge and will do nothing to get Annie in his clutches. To top it off, Annie has to finally choose between Optimus Prime and Mirage, who will win the battle for her heart? And who will win the battle for Earth?

This is the extended preview for all my readers and now I really need to thank you all for helping me write this story, pushing me on. It's still my first TF story and usually being an anime writer, I think I've really done a good job with Just A Nerd.

Just thank you all, you've all been great helps!

This is Mel-chan signing off. See you all December 1st for the premiere of The Popular Nerd