A DeCe two-shooot! Hollaa...!

The campfire crackled as the six teenagers made their way over to the logs surrounding the fire.

"Hey! Why don't we play truth or dare?" asked Ty, looking all excited.

A sea of oks echoed throughout the campsite.

"Well, uhm, I don't know you guys. Someone always ends up getting their feelings hurt."

"Come on Rocky. Let loose. Summer of fun." CeCe replied, nudging Rocky in the ribs.

"Okay Deuce. Truth or dare?"

"Uhm, truth." He looked up at Ty, waiting for the question.

"If you had to pick one of these girls to kiss, who would you pick?"


"Dare." He looked at Ty again after glancing at each girl around the campfire. He knew why Ty would ask that. He knows who he likes.

"I dare you to answer that question."


"Yes really."

Deuce shook his head. "Nope. I'm not going to tell."

"Oh come on Deuce. It's summer. And we're playing truth or dare. You pick truth so..." CeCe said, leaning closer Deuce.

Laughter was heard CeCe stopped talking.

Everyone's eyes were placed on Ty, who was on the floor, laughing his heart out.

After a few minutes of screaming at Ty to shut up, he stopped laughing.

"Okay fine. CeCe."

CeCe's eyes widened as Rocky, Ty, and Tinka burst out laughing while Gunter tried to hide his by burying his face inside his hands. They could still hear his chuckling though.

As for Deuce, he was looking anywhere else besides the girl who he said he would kiss.

"Re-really? You would really kiss me?"

"Uhm." Deuce scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah."

"Me too."

This time, it was Deuce's eyes who widened.

Sooo. It didn't really go as I planned. Hope you enjoyed it though. J
