Authors note: hey everybody... thanks for reading this far XD glad I've kept your interest. Just so you know, there's going to be a lot of different sides to keep up with in this fic. Now... enjoy this chapter... OR DIE TRYING!
Somewhere in the Demon Realm...
"You let an 18 year old boy DEFEAT YOU!" A red-eyed holographic like shadow of a man screamed at a kneeling Mizuki
"I didn't expect him to have the power of a B-Rank Daemon" Mizuki said
"YOU'RE AN A-RANK DAEMON!" The shadow yelled
"I wasn't using my familiar. I underestimated him. Now that I know what he's capable of it wont happen again, Vague-sama"
"You better make sure of that... I can't believe that boy managed a full body possession" Vague said
"Um... t was just a partial body possession that he used. Only his arm" Mzuki said
"WHAT?" Vague shouted before holding his hand towards Mizuki and lifting him off the ground "He beat you with only a partial possession?"
"Arrggh" Mizuki choked as white and black energy crackled around him and his right arm began to fade away "Pl-please... don't..." agony filled his body
"Why shouldn't I? I'm not even in the same realm as you and I can erase you from reality! You get one more chance to redeem yourself. If you fail that miserably again I'll kill you with just a thought"
"Yes sir-please just give me arm back" He begged in agony
Vague disappeared and the energy around Mizuki faded, his arm fading back into existence as if nothing happened. He then fell to the ground and landed on his feet
The former dark saint panted heavily "I'll make that Bastard Naruto pay for this..." He growled furiously
"Hahahaha, haven't even been here a month and you're already on the chopping block" He Heard a males voice from behind him and he turned to see white haired man in light armor
"Who the hell are you?" Mizuki stood up and turned to him
"My name is Mao..." He replied "I'm just another humble soldier like you"
"You're a daemon?" Mizuki asked
"... yeah, you could say that..."
"Did you just come here to insult me?" Mizuki asked
"No I just wanted to meet one of the Dark Saints... I didn't think you'd be so lack-luster in the face of Vague-sama... but then again not much compares to him anyways" Mao said
"Do you know him personally?" Mizuki questioned
"No... just the shadow he sends... all I know is Vague isn't his real name, but that's obvious" Mao explained
"Then what good are you..." Mizuki said as he walked out of the dark chamber "Leave me alone..."
"hmph... all I'm concerned about is my job..." He said to himself with a smirk before vanishing in a glare
Meanwhile on earth...
Naruto sucked down the last of the two noodle cups, and drank the broth
"Hungry huh?" Hinata chuckled
"My healing consumes a lot of calories... I'm still hungry..." Naruto said
"So how did that debriefing with your dad go today?" the blonde asked
"okay... I guess..." Hinata said looking down
"Sorry about your cousin..." Naruto said
"Thanks... but he always knew he was gonna die fighting..." Hinata replied
"You hate us don't you?" Naruto asked
"Of course I do... I can never forgive your kind... I've lost my mother, my brother, my cousin and a lot of friends..." Hinata said
"It must confuse you... why we do what we do" Naruto said
"Yes it confuses me... why?" Hinata asked
"You know the story... 997 years ago the 9 Bijuu ordered that earth and the demon realm be merged together to create a single powerful realm filled with nothing but almighty creatures. creating a perfect race." He explained
"That doesn't justify forcing your belief on us and starting a war that's lasted 997 years..." Hinata said
"Don't tell me this this... I never really was a religious person" Naruto smirked "It seems you humans were a bit more resilient than they thought. You managed to slow the the worlds merger with that Tower..."
"The Tower of Scriptures... What once was just a library" Hinata said "The greatest sorcerers of the tower Sacrificed them selves to turn the Tower into one large Seal. But they say its power is eroding and growing weaker"
"I guess it's only fair I warn you that soon, when the seal is weak enough my father the Hokage was planning with the other Kage's to finish merging the worlds" Naruto explained
Hinata's eye's widened "You're the Hokage's son!" she asked in shock
"Easy there fire cracker..." Naruto said "I'm not gonna hurt you I promise"
"That's not the problem... it's just shocking that your the Hokage's son, and you're planing the complete the merger process ..." Hinata explained
Naruto shrugged "I don't care, I'd rather not just be known as the son of the Hokage... I want to exceed even the Jikage(Hell Shadow)" he said
"Isn't the Jikage the title given to strongest daemon currently alive?" Hinata asked
"Yeah" the daemon answered
Naruto turned and sat up out of the bed "Well... I got to go, my friends are probably wondering what the hell happened to me" He said, picking up his jacket
Hinata stood up and looked at him "W-Will I ever see you again?" she asked with a slightly red face
The blonde looked at the girl with a slight bit of confusion "... do you.. want too?"
She blushed harder and looked away "M-Maybe... you don't seem like the o-others..." She stammered "I w-would... like that..."
"Well... I suppose I could visit again..." Naruto said "Thanks for helping me"
"No, thank you for helping me" Hinata said with a bow
They went out side and Naruto pulled out a dimension ripped and held it in front of himself and it flew out and tore open and realm scar before flying back to his hand "The only way I can easily come back to where you are is if I give you this dimension ripper. If I do you'll be able to gain a nice advantage for the battles to come"
"But, doesn't it need demonic energy to work?" Hinata asked
"No, it just needs energy of any kind to power it. Just push energy into and it does the rest. to close a scar point it at the scar and focus energy through it" Naruto said as he grabbed her wrist to put the dimension ripper in her hand.
"But isn't this betraying your kind?" Hinata asked
"No. As far as they need to know you guys scavenged it from a dead daemon. It's not uncommon"
"Okay" She nodded
"I can communicate with you through that with a new one" Naruto said
"Alright. I guess I will see you later" Hinata said
"Yeah, I'll be in touch" Naruto waved before jumping into the realm scar "see ya"
"Bye!" She waved. Moments later the scar closed
Hinata closed her eyes and put her hand on her chest, her heart fluttering...
In the Demon realm...
Mao stood in the rain with his arms crossed and his back against a tree. He heard the tell tale cracking of branches underfoot. He turned his head to the right, a woman walked out of the brush beside him, she had light purple hair and a black cloak with red clouds on it "Took you long enough Konan..." He said
"So what's the world?" She sked
"Mizuki is still alive... I still don't know who Vague is, without blowing my cover and it seems that the daemons under the Hokage have begun to move. I'm concerned about those Exorcists all over Earth too... they are getting more gutsy all the time. But I suppose its desperation... they know the end is approaching" He explained
"I wanted info on Vague's plan... not your random observations" Konan stated
"Vague is using Mizuki and countless demons to cause unrest and chaos in both the realms, the more chaos he causes the less stable the worlds are, the less stable they are the easier they are to merge them and overthrow the Daemon empire so he can then bend the new world into his own image... you know-typical god complex stuff" Mao explained nonchalantly "There might be a bit more to it than that but I'm not done diggin' yet"
"That arrogant bastard..." Konan cursed
"Oh and like what The Akatsuki is planning ISN'T arrogant, foolish and probably a one way trip to death with a double-punched train ticket?" Mao asked, again nonchalantly
"Quiet... we're just fixing the mistakes of morons past" Konan glared
"Listen... Vague isn't to be fucked with... if he knows where you are he can disintegrate you from another realm... If I didn't know any better... I'd say he was an Itazura... or as the humans called it; a Trickster"
"Hah... that's funny, they've been extinct for centuries..." Konan said with a smirk "The Itazura have become nothing more than a fairy tale for small daemons. Vague isn't an Itazura. He's either a human or a daemon with too much power. Power he doesn't deserve"
"Hey, I'm just relaying the level of power you might be dealing with. All I'm saying is he's not someone to trifle with" Mao said
"It doesn't matter we have you, your brother and your sister helping... I'm sure Vague doesn't stand a chance" Konan said
"If he turns out to really be an Itazura, I'm not risking my ass for you"
"But Houkou... you're the 3rd most powerful Bijuu... what do you have to fear?" Konan questioned
"And the Itazura are on par with the Bijuu, maybe stronger..." Mao explained
"Hmph... I guess its a good thing its not an Itazura then" Konan said
"Yeah, yeah..." He said "You might want to get out of here before another of Vague's faithful minions finds us"
Konan didn't say another word and vanished in a blur
Mao sighed and looked into the sky "Why did we get ourselves in this situation? Kyuubi-Nii-san, where the hell are you?" Mao thought to himself
On Earth...
Minato was in his office, looking out the window at the town when a knock rang out before the door opened. The Hokage turned to see His son "So, you live..."
"Of course I live..." Naruto said "Nothing's gonna stop me" He grinned
"STOP GRINNING! Minatao yelled "What the hell happened to you?"
"My tussle with Mizuki kept bouncing in and out of realm scars. I eventually lost him" Naruto lied through his teeth "and my dimension ripper too... Had to walk, find medical supplies AND a realm scar to get back to here... I've been on a fucking ADVENTURE okay?"
"Hmph... whatever, I have got the other Dark Saints looking for the traitor as we speak" Minato said "You are on call, do whatever you want but be ready to report for duty on a moments notice"
"Yes sir" Naruto mockingly saluted his father
"Get the hell outta here smart ass..." Minato said with a smirk
Naruto walked out of the room
Naruto walked down the street of his village as if he was looking for something. He kept an eye on the shops to his right until he came to a shop whose sign read; Artifacts and Sigils. "There it is..."
He walked in through the entrance of the store approached the counter "Hey, I need another Dimension Ripper" He said as he slapped some money down
"Very well..." the woman behind the counter turned and grabbed a Dimension Ripper off the shelf and handed it to him "Anything else Naruto?"
"Nope that's all, thanks" He said as he picked up the Dimension Ripper and left the money "See ya"
The blonde daemon walked out into the road and looked to see the hustle and bustle. He slipped the Dimension Ripper in his pocket as he noticed a sign that read Combat Gear" He looked down at his tattered clothes then back at the sign "Yeah, I DO need new clothes..."
About thirty minutes later he walked out of the shop in brand new gear. He had a Thin black over throw jacket with short sleeves, that went down to just below his knees with blue flame-like designs on its lower half. A lightly armored long sleeve brown under shirt. Black pants with a black pouch on each hip. Fingerless gloves with black metal plates on the backs of the hands
He tied a black head band around his head and pulled the hood of his jacket over his head then examined his flexible armored forearms. "Nice... This is great, I look good, its flexible, comfortable, combat ready. It's a good day and I got a date in a few days. Perfect Day" He grinned before continuing down the road while the sun radiated its heat fiercely
Five Minutes Later
Naruto dragged himself across the scorching hot ground...
"So hot... Need water... Clothing... Suffocating... me" Naruto gasped
Chibi Kyuubi was walking next to him "Really? Really? Are you kidding me?" He complained
"No... I Haven't fully healed... I'm using the last bits of hydration" Naruto gasped "need Calories and water..."
Kyuubi shook his head
Five Minutes Later... again
Naruto was gobbling down a bowl of ramen at a shop called Ichiraku Ramen
He picked up a large glass of juice and drank it gone in 3 gulps before chugging the broth of the noodles. Kyuubi sat on the counter with his legs crossed with a darkling familiar sized bowl and tiny chop sticks as he politely sucked down his noodles
"Aahhh" Naruto sighed with content and patted his not fat belly "Good stuff Teuchi-san... good stuff"
"Heheheh I know I can always count on your business Naruto" The man behind the counter said
"There's no food better..." Naruto grinned with stupefied satisfaction
"There you are!" Naruto heard Sakura's voice from behind him and he turned only in time for a fist to collide with his face sending him to the ground
Kyuubi was unaffected by this and continued to eat as though nothing happened
Naruto sat up and saw Sakura and Ino standing there "What... the... hell WAS THAT FOR?" He yelled
"You vanish with out a word and then I hear you came back and you can't some see us?" Sakura barked
"Well jeeze... I had to go shopping and I was hungry. I got pretty fucked up by Mizuki okay? Cut me some slack" Naruto stood up
"She's just worried about you..." Ino said
"Well I'm fine so chill..." He said
"Sure that punch of her's didn't knock a few of your teeth down your throat?" Kyuubi asked
Naruto turned around and bopped Kyuubi in the back of his head knocking his face into his bowl of ramen
Sakura punched Naruto in the back of his head "Be nice to Kyuubi..."
Ino smacked Sakura in the back of her head "and you stop punching him"
Minato stood on the roof of the temple. A man with white hair and red lines on his face appeared behind him, he had a large scroll strapped to his back "Yo, Minato" He said
"Long time no see... Jiraiya-Sensei" Minato greeted, turning around
"How's my favorite apprentice been?" he asked
"Not good... I need your help... I need you to go to earth. Report back to me weekly about the congestion of Realm Scars and Demons. Especially any unauthorized daemon activity" Minato asked
"I can do that..." Jiraiya said
"Is that scroll the one I asked for" Minato said as he looked at the large scroll oh the mans back
"Yep... this is the scroll of Quickening. What ever you do with it just be careful" He said pulling the scrolls strap off himself and tossing it to Minato
"Thanks old friend" Minato said "I need you to head out ASAP"
"Okay..." Jiraiya grinned before vanishing
Minato looked at the large scroll in his arms
Hours later as the sun fell off the horizon and the two moons filled the night sky with their light Naruto and Kyuubi entered his apartment.
Naruto pulled his jacket off and tossed it on a hook next to the door before dropping down on his couch. He opened the pouch on his right hip and pulled out the Dimension Ripper
He pumped a little energy into it "Hey... Hinata. Can you hear me...?" He thought
Hinata was in her room reading a book when his voice echoed in her head. She pulled out the Dimension Ripper which was glowing slighty "Naruto? is that you?" her heart was fluttering with excitement
"Yeah. I figured I just got a new Dimension Ripper so I'd give it a whirl. Only you can hear me. You don't even have to speak out loud. It's the ultimate stealth communication"
"Wow... that's pretty cool..." Hinata replied "So how are your wounds?"
"They're good... I'm feeling near perfect..." He said
Hinata blushed "S-So... when would you like to come back?"
"Well I can come anytime, I'm just on call so if I'm contacted I have to go to duty" He explained
"Oh Okay..." the young girl said
"How about I warp over there tomorrow morning? Just make sure you're at that empty house you treated me at. I don't want to pop out of a realm scar into your clans sanctuary heheheh, that would be troublesome" He laughed
"Yeah. I'll go there first thing tomorrow" Hinata said
"Alright. I'll contact you to make sure your ready. For now have a good night" Naruto said
"Okay... bye, talk to you tomorrow" Hinata said, her face turning a slight shade of red as the Dimension Ripper stopped glowing "Should I really be this excited about it..?"
Elsewhere in the demon realm...
11 people stood around a circular pedestal that held water in it. They all wore black cloaks with red clouds on them
"Konan says that Houkou might be reluctant help us" one man with his hands on the pedestal said
"But Madara, If Houkou doesn't we could be in trouble... unless we can get more powerful allies" The man next to him said, his hair was orange-ish red and his eyes were purple with ring shaped irises
"Don't worry Pain, I think we found where the three tailed beast, Isonade is. If we can get his help we shouldn't have much to worry about. We already have allied with Houkou, Shukaku and Kaku" A Man across the from him said
"How can I not worry Itachi? There's no guarantee Isonade will join us. If it really is him that we've found. If we should be concerned about finding any Bijuu it should be Kyuubi no Youko" Pain explained
"Except No ones heard from him in over 600 years" Konan said
"Quiet..." Madara said "It doesn't matter... all that matters is stopping our realm from being destroyed"
"But what do we do about the Exorcists and The 6 Kage's?" Itachi asked
"Sasori and Deidara have been gathering intel on the Kage's and Zetsu and Tobi have been gathering info The humans. The exorcists have been mounting assaults on the demon real from all over their world. But nothing of significance that we can take advantage of" Madara explained
"Those Humans are persistent little bastards" A man with a swirling mask chuckled
"The Kage have been plotting to preform a raid on the Tower of Scriptures in an attempt to completely merge the two worlds" A red Haired man said
"And according to Houkou, Vague has been waiting for that assault to make a move of his own" Madara elaborated "What that move is, we don't know at this time..."
On Earth...
In an open grassland a Realm Scar ripped open and Jiraiya stepped out of it before closing it behind himself
"Okay... Earth... haven't been here in years..." He sad to himself "I wonder if Tsunade is still here...?"
He looked around "Well shit... could it have popped me out in a more random place?" He grunted before disappearing in a blur
A few hours later he reappeared in side a human town "I think this is Arakura town... looks right..." He wandered around for a bit before coming up to a house and knocking on the door
Moments later the door opened revealing a woman with long blond hair "Oh no... it's you..." she sad
"NaHA! I know you were still trying to blend in with humans. Mind if I come in?" He asked
"Yes I do"
"Great" He said as he pushed past her in to the house "What do you want Jiraiya?" she asked
"Is that any way to treat a childhood friend Tsunade?" He sked
"You didn't come here to gooff off, what do you want, answer me or so help me, I'll punch your ass back into the demon realm" She demanded
"The Hokage wanted me to gather info on the affect the demon realm is having here on earth"
"What do you want from me?" Tsunade asked
"Have you seen or heard of any strange Daemon or demon activities?"
"...No... I don't pay attention to that shit any more" She answered
"Oh... really... cause you see... I happen to know that you've been feeding information to someone... who I don't know... but once I find out old friend... I can't gaurantee I'll be able to protect you anymore"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about" Tsunade protested
"Yeah you do... listen you've been able to live in peace on earth for 17 years because I covered for you... just think about that when keeping secrets from the one person who can help you" Jiraiya said before turning and walking out of her house
Tsunade closed the door and gnarled "... Bastard..."
Back in the demon Realm...
The sun was rising in the Fire Village
Naruto was paased out, sitting on the couch with his eyes closed when Minato appeared next to him
"Aahh..." Naruto jumped into consciousness "What are you doing here old man?"
Minato dropped the large scroll into his lap "This..." he said with a grin
To be continued...
Author's Note: Thanks for reading, now review please. Enjoy your day or night