AN: It's been a while since I have written and after doing a lot of reading lately this story line hit me. I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 1 - Haldore

"They want to make a trade treaty!" Daniel seemed just a bit too excited. Although a treaty did mean he would be able to have more time on the planet, which of course he only wanted because of the numerous piles of ancient rock all over the place. No not just rock, 'artifacts' as Daniel tended to geek out when Jack referred to them as rocks.

"What are we talking about Daniel?" "Naquadah...and a lot of it..." "Grade?" "Weapons of course..." "Be honest with me..." Daniel raised an eyebrow at Jack's statement.

"You're just excited over the rocks." The look that crossed Daniel's face drew a smirk from the older man.

Daniel had joined SG-9 in their mission to P3X-772 because of the previous reports of large quantities of ancient artifacts. The team's lead archaeologist was out of commission due to a severely broken ankle he had suffered while crawling throughout the ruins. Upon returning they had learned of the Naquadah mine and the possibilities of a trade among the two civilizations seemed to make the residents light up.

"Well Daniel, I guess it's up to you. We will send some of our delegates with you next trip. SG-1 and SG-9 will return with you. The details of trade offers shall be discussed later, but for now let's let them know we are definitely interested in a deal." Hammond spoke matter of factly and dismissed the teams sitting before him.

"Daniel is enjoying this way to much..." Jack groaned as Daniel left the briefing room in a hurry.

"I think he is just excited that he discovered to mine and sparked up conversation and trade possibilities, sir." Sam couldn't help but smile which earned her a similar soft response from the colonel.

"Something does not sit well with me O'Neill." Teal'c finally spoke up. He had been quiet during the briefing and aside from a brow raising periodically Jack had begun to wonder if Teal'c was even 'there'.

"Like what T?" "Their willingness to start trade talks without so much as hearing what a possible trade from us may be..." Sam and Jack nodded knowingly, it did seem a little odd.

"Never look a gift horse in the mouth ol' buddy." Jack mused as he patted Teal'c on the shoulder and headed for the locker room. Teal'c's brow furrowed as he glance at Sam, she could only shrug and follow the Colonel.

Daniel all but bounded up the ramp as the gate activated and Hammond wished his team and the Delegates the godspeed. SG-9 took point and Earth's delegates followed with SG-1 taking up the rear. An unusual place for the 'flagship' team but Jack figured since SG-9 had made first contact it would be best for their faces to be the first greeted on the other side of the gate.

The planet smelled familiar, like Earth. A dense forest flanked the gate to the east and before them a long road seemed to stretch across rolling hills before disappearing into the thicket ahead. A small white house was off to the left of the gate and a young man came from the cabin cheerfully,

"Welcome back! I see you've brought more visitors!" He exclaimed somewhat excited at the amount of people before him.

"This is Phin'tak, Phin'tak these are my team, Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter and Teal'c. These two are here to participate in the making of a treaty, they are Mike Cutler and Robert More." Phin'tak extended a hand towards everyone, everyone except Sam. She kind of took offense to it and looked to the colonel who just gave her a look that said to leave it alone.

"Well if we wish to reach Haldore before night fall we should get a move on." Phin'tak motioned towards a van like vehicle that resembled something from the 60's era on Earth. SG-1 crawled into the van the their journey began.

About a mile from town Phin'tak stopped.

"I'm sorry but recent floods have washed out our roads and until the ground is dry enough to rebuild this is as far as I can take you in the vehicle. We will have to walk from here." Everyone took no time in piling out of the van.

Jack had a long strand of string, about the thickness of a shoelace and was threading it between his fingers as he and Sam walked at the back of the group. Daniel and the Delegates talked incoherently up front with Phin'tak, Teal'c by Daniel's side eyes ever watchful.

"Ok...I've got it now..." he said rather proudly as he held up the strange spider like web he had weaved between his fingers. "Go ahead...stick your hands in the center, I bet I can tie them..."

Sam rolled her eyes, "It's not going to work sir." "Why's that Carter?" You have several loops that don't cross, it will just pull free once you let it go." "Oh just stick your hands in the center!" with a somewhat annoyed sigh she did as he asked. He let go and of course the rope pretty much just fell limp around her wrists. Quickly he wrapped them up and bound the ends together.

"HA!" "That's cheating!" "NO...I said I bet I could tie them, not that I actually had the string web correct..." She groaned and struggled at the string, trying desperately to ignore the overly smug look that now adorned the Colonel's face with his sheepish grin.

All of this took place as they reached the outskirts of town. Sam was still trying to wriggle out of the restraints as what appeared to be a high ranking official stepped out or a rather large and quiet house. The landscaping around it was immaculately done and obviously one of the larger man's most prized possessions.

"Hi Daniel Jackson, welcome back to Haldore." He smiled and the introductions started again. When Daniel got to Sam he was interrupted by Rhen, the high council member.

"I see you've brought a gift to start the trade?" He motioned to Sam who looked up quickly, her hands slipping from the string at that very moment,


"Not for trade..." Sam growled her eyes lowered on Daniel and the big man.

"You allow them to speak out of turn?" he questioned the other males in the group and Jack stepped slightly in front of her.

"She's a teammate, not an item on the table for discussion. She has as equal rights as we do." Jack's voice was steady but held a deep meaningful message.

"Oh then she is yours?" Rhen questioned Jack curiously

"She is no one's..." the colonel responded.

"That won't do in our society. A female that is unattached and uncontrolled marks trouble and we can't have that." Sam's hands balled up into fists and she began to lurch forward her mouth poised to speak. Jack blocked her ever to slightly and gripped just above her elbow. She calmed at his touch and the command his eyes directed 'stand down'.

"Well then yes, she is mine..." Jack said with an assertive tone, not quite sure they'd accept the sudden change. Rhen could see she responded to him and knew this must be true he only wondered why he hadn't said it to begin with.

"Well then! Let's get you to your housing arrangements and allow you to settle in. I will send messengers by later this evening for dinner and we shall start talks in the morning!" He was all to willing to turn away from the brief confrontation and went on rambling. The tension in the group eased and Mike and Robert glance at SG-1.

"We're sorry about that. Perhaps it would be best of Major Carter were not present during negotiations..."

"I have a feeling I won't have a choice." Sam growled in response. Her eyes quickly snapped to Daniel.

"WHY did you fail to mention that this was one of THOSE planets? I hate being put in these situations!" Daniel's look was apologetic.

"Aw c'mon Carter. It's not that bad and poor Danny-boy over there was so excited about the artifacts and his 'big achievement' that he just couldn't remember everything." Jack tried to help Daniel but his words did little to extinguish the hint of anger in Sam's eyes.

They were taken to a row of cabins just the other side of town. All kept equally as nice as the councilman's house. Each person given a key to a cabin, except Sam. This only served to annoy her more.

"Looks like we're roomies!" the colonel tried but couldn't hide the amusement in his voice as he unlocked the cabin and held the door for his 2IC. Sam's growl was all he needed to cause a grin to spread over his face.

"Laugh all you want, sir. But you're sleeping on the couch." With that she threw a pillow from the bed hitting him in the chest with a muffled thud and closed the bedroom door behind her.


AN:I hope you all enjoy it. Second chapter up possibly tomorrow!