
In an unknown dark place in the New Athosian forest, John sat, his body unbelievably warm and comfortable, Teyla sat astride his lap, her arms around his shoulders and one of her hands absently, soothingly, stroking the back of his head.

He would happily stay like this forever.

The air was cool and the world relatively quiet around them. He couldn't hear anything human moving around, just small things moving through the tree tops and rustling around in the brush. They were completely alone.

Faintly in the distance, he realised he could still hear some drumming, the party still going for some people, but for him, it was Teyla's steady breathing that was his music. He listened to her breaths, feeling the gentle expansion of her chest within his arms, and the combined scent of them lingered around him.

He didn't think overly much, he just felt, just listened and enjoyed.

After some unknown passage of time, he became aware of the chill across Teyla's back and he dipped his chin to look down into the small space between their upper bodies. Her breasts, full and beautifully tipped with dark nipples, were faintly raised with the chill so he pulled her closer, pulling those nipples right up against his chest, warming her. He lifted his chin from her throat and wrapped his arms further around her, covering as much of her as he could, shifting her closer in his lap.

Her arms moved around his shoulders and he felt her breath against his temple.

The reality of the situation beyond the forest returned in full force, and he could feel the first touches of tension sneaking back into his body.

He had felt that tension throughout his entire body when he had stood outside her tent earlier, desperately wishing he couldn't hear the sounds of Kanaan and Korella getting it on, clear enough for anyone to hear.

He had stood hesitantly outside the tent, knowing what he wanted, but also hating the situation, and he had begun to have doubts. That he had known Teyla was inside, that she might just have truly asked him to join her – that had kept him there, struggling against his own feelings, but also with boundaries that he had thought would have been easier to step over.

The light inside the tent had lowered as candles went out with the sound of a hushed feminine breath and he had seen faint movement just inside the tent's entrance. He had angled his head and caught the tiniest glimpse of bare golden legs just inside.

He had thought that if he could just talk with her again…

The tent's entrance had moved faintly and her face had appeared, looking out at him, her hair pulled back, the single candlelight glowing over her throat and down into the lop cut top of her nightshirt.

Something had finally given way inside him, very willingly and wildly.

He had reached for her and she had stepped out towards him without hesitation.

Once set on the path, he had followed it without any hesitation of his own. He had drawn her away from her shared tent with Kanaan, away from the other full tents, away from Athosian Tradition, away from the others from Atlantis, away from everything.

Just them together, heading out alone, hand in hand, into the forest to be alone.

Like teenage kids looking for a place to make out, they had hurried, amused and aroused, through the trees, watching out for any random Lieutenant Martins' lost drunkenly in the forest. Unlike kids necking though, there were far larger consequences to having given into being alone together, to stepping wholeheartedly into this new territory. He could never pretend that things hadn't changed big time – not that he wanted to. Except…

"I can't share you with him," he whispered against her shoulder.

It was the simple truth, and if deciding to walk to her tent had been stepping out on a limb, then this was even more so.

What if she wouldn't leave Kanaan? What would he do then?

Her hand paused in his hair and pressed closer.

"I suspect he already knows that I will not stay with him," she whispered and John closed his eyes tightly, the relief palpable in his chest.

He opened his eyes. "Will it cause problems with your people?"

"I am already known to have broken from tradition before, and considering how few of our people remain, perhaps tradition needs to change," she replied as she lifted her cheek from his temple, her fingers gently teasing through his hair again.

"And back in Atlantis?" He asked, pushing things, because if they didn't put all their cards on the table now when was there going to be a better more honest chance?

She sat back slightly from their tight embrace, leaning back into his surrounding arms and he absorbed the sensation of holding her. His gaze lowered, trailing down her throat to her lovely golden breasts again, and this time, he knew he was allowed to look. Hopefully, always now… He looked back up at her face to see her smiling at his obvious perusing. He smiled back, letting his appreciation show.

She smiled, looking down at his own chest, trailing her hands across his shoulders. The touch, as well as the approval in her eyes, was one of the most amazing feelings he had experienced in a long time – well, other than holding her, and kissing her, and of course what they had just shared.

"Do you believe we would not be accepted in Atlantis?" She asked with concerned curiosity, and he remembered that he had asked her a question; he had gotten distracted.

He made himself look away from her skin for a few seconds to gather his brainpower back together, which also made him aware of the tree bark digging into his backside. He held onto Teyla as he adjusted himself into a slightly more comfortable position. As he moved, Teyla held onto him, moving with him without even a touch of doubt that he might drop her.

"People will probably think I stole you from Kanaan," he replied, "which is kind of true," he said after a beat, smiling victoriously.

She raised one of her eyebrows in a teasing question.

"It is," he insisted. "If I'd known what an idiot he actually is, and that you've been unhappy, I would have stolen you away earlier."

Both of her eyebrows lifted this time. "Really?" Her wide dark eyes were soft, her smile equally as soft and alluring. The warm teasing surprised smile in her voice only made him feel more relaxed with the conversation.

"He's an idiot," John repeated. "You're clearly the hottest Athosian ever," he told her grinning up at her.

She made a doubtful expression as she rolled her eyes, but she was smiling; she had liked his comment. He could tell in the way she angled her head, the sparkle of extra moonlight in her eyes, and the way she leant closer to him.

"I believe you are biased," she argued.

"No, it's the truth," he insisted, feeling absurdly good at finally telling her exactly what he thought. Though, maybe he would build up to the heavier Love word later. After all, he was sitting bare-assed on a log, with his pants around his ankles. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a near naked smiling Teyla across his lap he might feel awkward, but instead he felt happy, he felt alive.

"You are still slightly intoxicated and satiated from our lovemaking," she replied, her hands caressing across his upper chest.

"Satiated?" he repeated. "I've got plenty of more moves left in me."

She grinned at that, a full smile with teeth, cheek dimple and everything.

"And besides I'm stone cold sober now," he added as he trailed his hands across her back, only to find more chilled skin. "Speaking of cold…" She was barely dressed, having walked barefoot with him through the trees and her nightshirt was bunched up under her arms, and now she was getting properly cold.

She didn't pull her shirt down or get up though, instead, she leant closer to him, her arms sliding around his shoulders. He willingly pulled her closer, excitement and pleasure rising again as he held her to him, pressing her lovely breasts back against his chest. Her hands slid up around his neck and he lifted his mouth towards her descending lips.

Her kiss lit him up inside, cutting straight to that place inside that had been so miserable for so long. That place that simply wanted to be with her, that wanted to love and be loved. To be with Teyla.

There were details to be sorted out about what would happen next – like her breaking up with Kanaan, and how her people would react. Everyone in Atlantis would find out about them, they would have to work out how to be together, how to work, how to live. How Torren fit into it all and perhaps then, they could simply just be together.

But, right now, she was here in his arms, naked, and kissing him to chase away the cold.

The rest would get sorted, because despite his fears, he had been offered another second chance after all.