A/N: Look, it's going to get kind of complicated in the fight scene. Just remember, when the spectators are talking, they're spectating. When shinji does something, he's fighting. And they're in different areas. Ok.

Neon Moon Evangelion pt 2.

Ami turned to Makato, blinking. "Sempai? He's the sempai you keep talking about?"

Makato's eyes were wide as saucers. "You call him 'Master'?"

Ami found that everyone else was joining Makoto in their wide-eyed stares. "It was a different time…" Ami muttered. "It was on the eve of my father's death. He had died after being caught in the middle of a shootout in the Bronx in the Saitama region, an area of poverty and crime. He could have been saved from his wounds, except that the under-staffing of emergency doctor personnel at the local hospital prevented him from receiving treatment in time. My mother swore to rectify this and, as her method of grief, she went to work there. Of course, I had to transfer in to the local school. It was populated by delinquents, misfits, and those that society had abandoned. I was young. Young, mousey, blue-haired, and intelligent. It was a combination built for disaster. I went through every school day living in constant fear of physical and emotional bullying. I spent every hour at home ashamed of how I handled the day. I spent every night crying myself to sleep. Then I found Shinji. Quite by accident, he became the 'Bancho' of our school, the head delinquent, the 'strongest', and our representative towards the delinquents of other schools. He was picked on, like me, and endured it quietly until one day he fought back. When he did, he hospitalized fifteen delinquents, the entire judo team, and he collapsed the school's toolshed. He was my shelter in the storm, and I came to rely on him desperately."

"You called him 'Master'." Makoto repeated.

Ami blushed and looked down. "I chose to. You wouldn't understand. Publicly, it marked me as closer to him. It made me safer and stronger. It caused people to fear me, as they feared him."

"I know all that." Makato nodded. "I was in the judo club. But there was only one girl that called Shinji 'Master'. He was really protective of her, and she was a total two-faced bitch! If you looked at her funny she'd slap the shit out of you and you couldn't do anything about it because if you did, she'd run to Shinji in tears and he'd fuck you over with a rusty spoon! And then he'd freaking apologise about it!"

Ami blushed. "It was a different time…"

"Oh my god!" Makato exclaimed. "That was you? You were the queen bitch!"

Ami felt the need to defend herself. "I was angry at everyone that had made my life hell. I wanted revenge. I was, perhaps, on a bit of a power trip."

"You made me do your homework!" Makato exclaimed. "You made me do your homework!" She stressed. "Why would you even do that?"

"Oh, those?" Ami reminisced. "I threw all those out."

"Keep a hand on your bags." Ami advised. "And don't look at anyone in the eyes."

"Wow, that's so ghetto." Minako observs. "What about bling? Should I wear some bling? I think I brought some bling."

"Unless you want to get mugged," Ami replied flatly, "never say the word 'bling' again."

"Yeah." Makoto agreed. "I'd have to never speak to you again, either."

The five attractive inner senshi walked down the dirty backstreets of Sapporo.

Two surprisingly well-dressed teens approached. "Hey babes, what're you – Ooof!"

Makato withdrew her fist from the nameless guy's gut. "Get lost."

The other teen scampered off, in fear of the scary girl.

"Makoto!" Minako exclaimed. "I'm surprised at you! They were cute!"

"Not here, Minako." Makato objected, shaking her head and walking over the collapsed form of a pretty boy. "It's not worth it."

"It's always worth it Makato. I thought I knew you."

"We're here." Ami informed flatly. "This is the den of the future king of the galactic alliance. In case you girls are interested."

"Not now, Ami. We're talking about boys." Minako explained.

"Guaaaaaaaah!" Screamed a buzz-cut youth as he sailed overhead.

A soft-spoken "Sorry." Drifted after him, on the wind.

"Nice distance." A voice from behind them whistled.

Startled, the inners turned as one to face the one that had snuck up behind them. They were surprised to find a gaijin-featured, blond, pigtailed girl regarding them over the business end of a brandished hunter's knife. "I hope you're not here for trouble." The girl said. "It's not good idea to come here for trouble. If the knife doesn't scare you then our Bancho sure as hell should. They call him the serene killer. The apology devil. And! …He's a goddamn ninja."

"I'm not a ninja." Shinji disagreed, approaching the group. "Or a Bancho." He amended.

"…H-Hey, Sempai." Makoto greeted. She'd been fine. Totally fine…. Until now.

Shinji blinked. "Makoto?" He asked. "From the Judo club? Is that you?"

Shinji looked sheepish. "I'm sorry," he apologized, "if I scared you off."

"N-No!" Makoto denied. "Um, my grades picked up so… I transferred."

"That's good." Shinji smiled in relief. "Are you looking for the Judo club?"

"Well… we're…" Makoto mumbled.

"You're not that hot." Minako interrupted. "What's up with that?"

Shinji blinked. "I'm… sorry?" He asked.

"It's just," Minako began, "Makato-chan and Ami-chan seemed hung up on you."


There was a squeak from behind the inner senshi, and with a start they realized that the bluenette had taken to hiding behind their collectiveness.

"Ami?" Shinji asked again, pushing past the crowd. "Ami?"

"U-Um… hi." Ami greeted weakly.

Shinji stopped short. "Hi…" He said. "I… hi. You haven't called."

Ami tried to reply. She couldn't.

"Your phone number's wrong."

It was something she'd read off of a bulletin board.

"You left me behind. But… for something better." Shinji said, smiling faintly with relief. "These are your friends. They look like they're on the up-and-up." He guessed. "Good for you."

One last smile, and he left. "Take care of them, Yami." He asked.

"Yes, boss!" The gaijin, Yami, snapped off a stiff salute. "Leave it to me!"

"Wow." She said, as her 'boss' left. "You're really real, aren't you?" She asked of Ami. "You're #1."

"What?" Ami asked.

"#1. That's you, right? Blue hair. Smart. Expert at genjutsu!"


"I'm #2!" Yami introduced. "Call me Shinobi Apprentice: The Darkness! Don't call me Darkness, call me Shinobi Apprentice: The Darkness. Like the artist formerly known as prince. Just say the whole thing. I'm also studying under Master Shinji! And he calls me Yami for short, but that's because when a guy that can flip out and kill you over a cheese burrito calls you something, you let him call you that thing. Can I call you sempai?"

"What?" Ami begged.

"You're the boss's first apprentice, right? We should trade ninja techniques!"

"I'm not a ninja." Ami sighed, understanding dawning.

"Whoooah!" Yami said, physically taken aback. "You're really real, for real! That was just like him!"

Ami sighed again.

"So…" Usagi muttered, amongst her friends in the cafeteria. "The whole atmosphere is a little awkward…" She couldn't help but note.

"No kidding." Rei said. "Seriously, Ami, you have some kind of history here. If we spring saving the world on him now, won't we be the bad guys?"

"It does feel like that." Minako nodded sadly. "And he's not even hot."

"It's not all about looks." Ami groused. "Don't' talk about him like he's a piece of meat. He's..." Ami sighed, putting her head in her hands. She felt miserable. She was a miserable person, and she didn't know how to apologize for it...

"You should see him when he's pissed." Makato added. "He's super strong. It's crazy. I really respect him."

"The boss is the best in Taijutsu, in the land!" Yami nodded. "I'm learning from him!"

"That seems really prestigious." Usagi noted.

"Oh, it is!"

"How… How did you get here?" Rei asked. "You weren't here!"

"I'm a ninja!" Yami declared. "…Apprentice. Also I came to ask everyone if they wanted to grab a seat to watch. The school is under attack."

"Uwooooah!" Minako cried in awe. "Is this like the movies? A brilliant clash of boyish delinquency? Has a rival school come to settle things for good in a manly brawl of sweat and torn clothes?"

Her friends, and even Yami, all looked at Minako oddly.

"Is it a rival clash?" Makato asked, familiar with the area.

"Something like that." Yami nodded.

"It's a freaking demon!" Rei cried, from the second story window. "There's a demon attacking the school!"

"We need to get down there!" Usagi decided, only to be barred by a hunting knife-wielding girl.

"Boss told me to look after ya'. So I'm looking after ya'. No heroics!"

But… They silently complained.

…They were heroes. That was kind of their whole thing.

"Excuse me." The senshi were interrupted by the quiet voice, that somehow rung out in the commotion of the demon watching going on all around them. It was Shinji, in the courtyard. "Can you not do that? Those bike racks are brand n-."

Shinji found himself cut off as, with a cry of sign-post smash! The stop-sign themed demon smacked him across the face with demonic force, to send him realing.

But his right foot planted firmly in the ground, and Shinji did not fall. "I see." He muttered only to himself, and snapped up and around in one crisp motion, pulling a handgun from seemingly nowhere and emptying it in the demon's face.

Blam. Blam. Blam. Blam. Blam. Blam.

"Sorry." He said, belatedly.

The senshi were utterly silent.

"Holy. Fucking. Shit." Minako summarized. "Holyfuckingshit."

"Good job… not mangling that saying." Rei commented. "That's holyfuckingshit all right."

"That's hot." Minako observed. "I get it now."

"Unload a glock into their face-no jutsu!" Yami cried. "That's great! I learn something new every day!"

"He's not a ninja." Ami said, on reflex. "I think."

"Are you kidding me?" Yami exclaimed. "Look at him. He's flipping out and killing stuff! Our Bancho's a goddamn ninja!"


One stop-sign arm came swinging across in a chop. Shinji leaned back to avoid, twisted, and snapped up once more into a crisp pose, emptying another clip in the stop-sign that was the demon's face.

"That's great!" Yami cried, slapping the table beside her in emotion. "Hat-trick-no jutsu! That's just great! I'm taking notes."

"Need something heavier." Shinji muttered to himself. "Emily-chan!" He cried. "I need to borrow a gun!"

"Is that your real name?" Usagi asked quizzically. "Emily?"

"What? No. My real name is Caroline Waterly."

"That's a nice name." Usagi answered.

"Can we maybe take this seriously?" Rei demanded.

With shinji:

He leaned over to a lower floor window. "Here, nii-chan!" Came a cry, and Shinji appropriately caught a case directed at him.

"Is that…" Rei began. "An elementary school backpack?"

"They're all sturdy and roomy." Yami commented. "And all the little kiddies in the new elementary wing carry identical looking ones. Perfect for concealing medium arms."

"That wasn't what I was getting at."

"Emily-chan is a good girl. I'm not sure if she's #3. She might be too young. Give her a few years."

Shinji reached into the backpack, produced a lovely machine gun, covered in bear stickers, and muttered to himself. "Target in the centre. Pull the trigger."

"She likes bears." Yami added.

"If we make him a hero of justice…" Usagi mused. "Do you think he'll put us out of a job?"

"Shut up Usagi." Rei muttered, tired of it all. "Just… shut up."

"Listen." Shinji said to the demon. "Let's talk this over. I'm sorry for shooting you so much."

"You see?" Makato asked. "He beats the shit out of you. And then he freaking apologizes."

"Yeah." Minako nodded. "Kind of hot. I get it."

"No. That's not what… never mind."

The stop-sign monster coughed, wheezed, but dragged itself to its feet all the same. "That… That's nothing! I'm a demon, ok? At least use magic, or a sword! Or a bus or something! I'm immune to bullets!" It cried. "They won't hurt me!"

"Yeah." Shinji sighed. "That's what the last one said."

And, either on que or because it just plain felt right, there was a rustling amongst the student population. Every window opened, and from outstretched hands hung suspended at minimum one firearm each.

"Welcome to Shoyu High." Shinji said. "Sorry about all this."

A/N: For the longest time, I didn't feel like writing this. What changed? I dunno.

I think maybe I'm just missing SM crossovers right now. Ranma used to have some great ones with them, but there's been no new ones lately that I know of. Sigh.

Agan, I prolly won't continue. But that's what I said last time. If someone else picks it up, just tell me so I can read the damn thing. God, I want to read Crossover x senshi harem.

Where would it go from here? Fighting. Romance. The demons are there cuz they're after him. He agrees to leave, for the school's sake. Yami gets left in charge of Shoyu high. Her personality's big, and unneccessary. Shinji has one romance... no, life requirement. He just want's people to be nice to him. Ami had done that, because she had known it was his one, big, obvious button. He knows she played him. He doesn't really care, because she gave him what he wanted. She was nice. He goes to Juban. He looks out for Ami. He gives odd advice to Makoto. Minako asks for a date and a fling, for fun, point blank. Rei tells him she's not interested. He says ok. He kicks ass. Everyone falls in love with him. Harem end.

Rei shows up. The world shatters. Standing before her in the brink of nonexistance she asks him if this world requires modifications, or if she should try again, or if it's fine as it is. He says no, it's not fine, but almost. You come back with me too. Harem end+ Done.