AN: this little idea popped into my head because I've been reading so much about the new season of 5-0; I thought what if this would happen? Please review and tell me what you think? I don't know if I should just make it 2 chapters, please let me know…

Chapter 1: Nightmares

Kono noticed that for several weeks now Steve had been coming into the office looking tired and disheveled. He had bags under his eyes, his hair had grown out a little bit and it looked like his clothes were thrown together which wasn't his usual style. She was starting to get concerned; yes she had feelings for the man but never did anything about it because she was afraid that he didn't feel the same way so she loved him from a distance. So one day she went to Danny first to see if he had told him anything, "Hey brah…can I talk to you?"

He stopped what he was doing and looked up, "Yes…you know you can come to me with anything Kono…what is it?"

"Well I've noticed that Steve hasn't been himself lately and I'm very concerned. Has he told you anything or do you know what's going on?"

"No he hasn't told me anything. You know he just says he's fine but I know him and I know that something isn't right. Maybe you could find out…" he knew if he told her this then maybe she would find out then admit her feelings for him.

She smiled, "Okay thanks Danny."

After she left his office she knocked on Steve's door and he nodded his head for her to come in.

"What's up?" he inquired

"I need to talk to you…"

He knew this was serious so he put down his paperwork and looked at her so she went on, "Steve I've noticed that you've haven't been acting yourself for the past few weeks and I was just wondering if anything was wrong?"

"Other than the fact that I've been out of prison for the past few months and that I've been cleared of all charges and with what the team's been through…I've been just peachy" he said that last part sarcastically so that she wouldn't see the pain in his eyes but she saw the pain flash in them when he said he's been out of prison and this is what really made her concerned. She went around his desk and put her hand on his shoulder, "Steve…did something happen while you were in prison?" she felt him tense up, "No nothing happened…I'm fine, I'm fine."

She knew that he was trying to tell himself that so that he could believe that, "Okay…hey why don't I come over tonight and I could cook you something and we could watch a movie and drink beer…"

"Yeah alright that sounds like a good idea."

She rubbed the back of neck as if to say 'it's alright I'm here' then left his office and went back to doing paperwork from their last case that they were on.

A few hours later Steve was at his house and was just sitting on the couch drinking some Scotch just trying to get rid of those memories but the harder he drank the more they came. He just wanted to become numb and he wished he could go back in time and wished it never happened then he heard a knock at the door so he got up and swayed a little, 'Guess I drank more than I thought.' He told himself as he tried to steady himself against the wall only to stumble against the door.

"Steve...Are you alright?"

He opened the door, "Yeah I'm fine…come on in"

"Steve you don't look so good…damn you drank half the bottle?"

"Shhh….don't yell, my head's killing me."

"Alright lets sit you down and I'm going to get you some water." She went and got a bottle of water from the fridge and handed it to him. He took a couple of big gulps, "Thanks…"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"About what?"

"You drank half a bottle of Scotch down without even eating first; Steve I'm worried about you, what is going on? You know you can always tell me anything and you know that I'm not going to judge you…please trust me"

"Kono I do trust you…it's just that when…oh never mind it's bad, really bad…yeah alright something almost happened but it did not so I don't want to talk about it."

She knew that he was clamming shut but she was not going to give up and by his statements she knew it was bad, "Please don't shut me out…not after everything we've been through…Steve I love you." that slipped out of her mouth before she knew it and he just stared at her with those blue eyes of his.

"You love me?"

"Yes I do and you can trust me…God Steve how many times do I have to tell you that…"

"I do trust you and I do love you too but I just…I haven't been sleeping."


"Yeah…"his voice trailed off as if he was stopping himself

"How long have you had them?"

"Ever since I was released…they started 2 weeks after and since then I go to sleep but then I wake up and I'm afraid to go back to sleep…"

"Oh Steve, why didn't you come to me with this earlier; I could've helped you…you know you can talk to me about anything right…"

"Well I know that now…"

"So talk tell me…"

"No I'm tired I'm going to bed…you can do whatever, I don't care."

With that, he got up and went upstairs to bed and she was just sitting there on the couch trying to comprehend all of what he said earlier…but she still had more questions. A few days ago she had tried to get Chin to talk but he wouldn't betray Steve. Chin visited him everyday in prison so he knew what had happened but apparently Steve had made him promise not to tell anything and that included the team. Chin took that very seriously so that's why he didn't say anything.

So she just sat on the couch watching TV then evidently fell asleep because the next the she knew she heard screaming. She jumped up and grabbed her back up gun from her ankle and ran upstairs thinking Steve was in danger but when she got there she knew he was having another nightmare so she just stood at the doorway because she was curious to see what kind of nightmare he's been having.

He was back in his prison cell, laying on his stomach trying to sleep but he was a light sleeper to begin with and with all that's happened it was hard for him to really get to sleep. He didn't share a cell so he knew that someone was opening the door; he opened his eyes to find a group of men standing before him. He tried to jump up but only to be slammed to floor, he hit his head so he was a bit dazed then he felt himself being moved to the bed still being on his stomach. He tried to fight only to be punched several times in the side which knocked the wind out of him. He heard one of them say, "Tie his wrists and ankles. Now McGarrett you are going see what it feels like to have something taken away from yourself. You've put a lot of us away so we're just returning the favor." He didn't know what that had meant until he felt his pants being pulled down and he knew if he didn't try to fight he knew what they were going to do to him. So he fought and screamed very, very loud only to have a gag put in his mouth but he kept on fighting even though he knew he was going to be useless since his arms and legs were tied to the bed. He felt someone get on top of him and that's when tired to knock him off only to be punched really hard in the side and then he heard a shot. At first he thought someone had shot him but then realized that the man on top of him was dead so he opened his eyes and looked up and there was Chin's face. He smiled as he pulled the dead prisoner off him, cut the ropes off, took out the gag and pulled his pants back up. Then he helped him up, "Come on lets go get those ribs check out."

Steve just nodded and Chin knew he was in complete shell shock from almost being raped. Then Steve said, "Promise me…tell no one of this…I don't want anyone to know especially Kono or Danny. I don't think I could take those kinds of looks."

"Alright but Steve you need to get help…with something like this almost happening you might…" Steve put his hand up to stop him from completing his sentence.

"I know but not right now…lets get to the infirmary to see if they broke any ribs."

Chin just nodded knowing that Steve was shutting all his emotions off…

Kono stood in surprise as to what she just heard…she heard him yell, "No don't…stop…" and she knew what he was dreaming about…now it all made sense and she knew what had almost happened. She felt herself tearing up so she wiped them away and ran over to him and shook him awake.

He just looked up at her and he couldn't stop the tears from coming down like a rainstorm. She sat on the side of the bed and just held him and he cried in her arms. "Shhh…it's alright nothing is ever going to happen like that again…"

"Who told you?"

"No one…I fell asleep on the couch then I heard you scream so I ran up here thinking you were in danger but you were having another nightmare then I heard you yell something and I put it all together…Steve why didn't you tell me you were almost raped?"

"Because that's something I don't want to talk about…and beside I didn't think you'd love me after that…" he held on to her so tight because he was afraid that if he let go then she'd vanish but she didn't mind in fact she held him tighter and she scooted them down on the bed and laid his head on her chest.

"Steve look at me, I will always love you no matter what…I will always be here for you and just know that I will never judge you…now just listen to the sound of my heart and go to sleep; I will be here, don't worry…"

"I'm afraid…" for once in his whole life he had admitted that he was afraid to go to sleep.

She rubbed the back of his head, "Don't be afraid, I'm right here and you can hold on to me all night and I will chase away those nightmares for you. I will blow them up with some C-4 if I have to…"

He smiled at her and even gave a smile laugh a little which made her feel better, "Alright."

So she stayed awake all night only dozing every few minutes to make sure that he didn't have any more nightmares and she kept rubbing his back and the back of his head to let him know that she was there to protect him.

AN: Well I hope ya'll like this…this is a very different take on what I think should happen in season 2. I think this would be a great episode if they ever thought of doing something outside the box. Again let me know what you think please…