Ok, somebody better tell him what the heck is Rokudo doing to him.

Hibari was feeling an irritated confusion/ delirium/ bewilderment (yes, Hibari has a weird mix of feelings coz an 'irritated' will be added in front of whatever feeling), the pain he felt just a moment before was washed away by the new feelings. He resisted defiantly but Mukuro held him fast. The black-haired growled at the back of his throat, then grabbed the blue hair and pulled the goddamn flirt closer (like you two are not already very close ;), might as well enjoy it when you can't avoid it.

He's good, the inner Hibari smirked to himself, while savoring the sloppy kiss. Although what he says just doesn't make sense. The inner Hibari frowned a little.

Then he bit Rokudo's tongue, hard.

"Ouch, that hurts you know!" Mukuro broke away and protested (that's so ooc TT Mukuro-sama!)

"I'll bite you to death!" replied Hibari coldly, despite the telltale flushed cheeks.

"Oya oya, want to try, Mr Prefect?" Mukuro teased.

Hibari's eyes narrowed dangerously, but his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.

"Kufufu…" Mukuro chuckled. "So what made you exit the cinema? Your life on the big screen?"

Curse him. Hibari turned away to hide his furious blush, trying not to look at Rokudo's joshing face.

"In that case, I want you to know that my family is not your average happy family as well." Mukuro added a certain serious quality to his voice, but he's Mukuro so he'll always have that hint of a smirk in his voice (Hibari find that very annoying). "Yet we are alright, because there will always be somebody. Unfortunately, that includes my stupid older brother, however much I wish he was non-existent."

The skylark was facing away from him, so Mukuro could not read his expression.

He waited. No reply came. "I guess we have to return. Chrome will be worried and I don't want to be nagged at by M.M." Mukuro sighed, having a headache when he thought of his 'date'.

Hibari started walking away.

Mukuro shook his head. Chrome… it was when he thought of his sister he felt that stomach-lurching guilt. And how would she feel when she knew Hibari left without saying anything?


"Yeah, so he went home because the stomachache was so severe." Mukuro's right eye twitched as he told this weird excuse to Chrome. "Oh," Chrome sighed, a little disappointed that Hibari did not say goodbye.

"Let's have dinner, Mukuro-sama~" M.M. tried acting cute to divert Mukuro's attention from his sister.

"I have no appetite. I think that is enough for today. Good night, M.M." he said curtly, taking his sister by the shoulder and started walking out of the entrance.

While feeling all cut up inside.

Chrome's sad smile is just so torturous to watch.

Mukuro wished that he had not made the contract. It seemed a good idea then, now he regretted it so much he was willing to sacrifice anything to go back in time.


The next day, Miura and Sasagawa were invited over again. Mukuro ws kind of irritated because he was in his bed hair and it was rare that anybody has ever seen him without his pineapple hairstyle The three girls sat on the white leather Italian-imported sofa and girl-talked. They talked about guys—the name Tsunayoshi was brought up quite often. Apparently, he was nicknamed 'dame-Tsuna' as a middle-schooler, but became popular in high school, and currently crushing on Sasagawa – and gossips, like how all the hot guys –Yamamoto Takeshi and Gokudera Hayato, for instance—are gay.

Then his phone rang.

"Rokudo, come down to the lobby now." The familiar voice commanded, then the line went dead.

How did he even get my number? Wondered Mukuro. Oh yeah, student profile.

He put on his shoes. "I'm going out for a walk." He informed Chrome.

Chrome gave him a thumbs up timidly.

Mukuro smiled and closed the door. Then rushed down.


Hibari looked at the unkempt haired teen from the corner of his eye. Rokudo's fringe was not neatly brushed to the sides and he didn't have the normal pineapple-styled hair ( A/N: I always imagined what would Mukuro look if his hair was let down instead of tied up into, urhem, pineapple leaves. Personally I thought his hair would look those type of layered hair result is a very very sexy Mukuro ;). That was annoying Hibari greatly because it is so illegal in Namimori (Hibari did not notice the hotness of Mukuro, BUT HOW COULD HE MISS IT? Author is nosebleeding already).

It was awkward, seeing what had happened the night before.

Mukuro looked at him expectantly, anticipating him to speak.

The fact was that Hibari himself had no idea why he came to look for Rokudo. It was quite automatic, like how you would go to the information counter for information (duh).

Hibari creased his eyebrows at this embarrassing situation. And to avoid further embarrassment, he started walking away with an i-happen-to-meet-you-though-i-don't-want-to-see-your-face stance. Which just made everything more embarrassing.

"You called me down so that you can walk away?" Mukuro was amused.

Hibari paused, then calmly turned to face the ridiculously messy teen.

Hibari wanted to beat the crap out of Mukuro, recollecting the events the day before.

The guy who witnessed him in the worst condition possible the day before. And the guy, for god's sake, kissed him.


The truth was that he wished a verification of the 'somebody will be there'. Disbelief, a little desire to prove Mukuro wrong. How? And why the hell did he need to care? It was only seeing mukuro's bewildered expression and having his mind blurred from all the things he wanted to say but were tangled like clumps of hair.

What did you mean then? He wanted to ask.

He didn't realize that the one he was trying to prove wrong all along, was himself.


"Fight me." Hibari (says that when there's nothing to say) suddenly menaced.

Mukuro was mildly surprised. The prefect didn't expect him to fight in such a … rushed condition, did he?

"You say that when you've got nothing to say, isn't it, prefect-san?" (Oh em gee Mukuro totally read Hibari!)

"I surrender," Mukuro held his hands up, being the object of Hibari's death glare.

Obviously Hibari was unhappy with his easy relent.

"What's with you today, Rokudo?"

"Kufufu, I don't think I want to bruise your pretty face."

Hibari's eyes were dangerous slits now.

"What makes you think your face would be whole?" Hibari suddenly moved, shoving a tonfa up against Mukuro's chin.

"It is internationally agreed that one should not further inflict harm to somebody who surrendered." Mukuro stated with the pretentious solemnity.

A small twist appeared at the corner of the skylark's lips. He withdrew his weapons, which he doesn't usually… doesn't do at all. But he put it as reward to Rokudo for making him slightly amused. (that's quite an understatement, Kyouya)

"Oi! What are you holding?" a man, Mukuro recognize as the condominium's security guard, came running, probably convinced that Hibari was a obnoxious teenager looking for trouble (he got the first part right).

Hibari spun around with his tonfa ready at hand once more.

"I'll bite you to death." He threatened with an edge of steel to his voice. The security guard, petrified by the deathly aura the boy was emitting, slowly cowered away. Mukuro chuckled lightly. Hibari Kyouya, his empty threats, the many fools who were frightened because of them. It was entertaining to watch.

When the security guard's out of the view, the prefect swirled around. "What's so amusing, Rokudo?" Hibari growled, fixing his death glare at Mukuro, who didn't seem to be the least disturbed.

Mukuro stepped towards the skylark, closing their distance. Hibari tensed instinctively, his body preparing for a fight. The taller boy leaned down a little to be at eye level with Hibari.

The prefect's instincts were screaming for him to strike hard at the other's chin but something else kept him holding his tonfa between his and Rokudo's faces.


The warm breath, teasing to the ear, agitated Hibari once more. Rokudo find him a joke, he thought, eyes darkening. His pride threatened, Hibari gripped tight onto his tonfa, ready to strike when he felt a sudden hotness, something foreign and wet, curling and running across his ear.


Daemon was exhausted.

His legs almost gave in to his weight as he dragged himself back to the condominium.

He had found a job tutoring an obscenely rich family's goddamned son. Afterwards, he had 10 minutes to run to an up-scale restaurant five streets away. Six-hours of slaving away as a waiter earned him a meager amount, if not for the ladies tipping him, he would not have been able to support his siblings.

Of course the two did not know, Spade and Dokuro was gone without a trace while on vacation at Ireland. Spade's sister took his money since no will was found. Daemon held a strong doubt whether hey really didn't find a will, or did his aunt destroy it. In order to keep up with their current lifestyle, Daemon had to work very hard. Daemon did not have the heart to tell them that their parents had disappeared. His idiotically stubborn brother would take everything onto his own hand and Chrome would be even mousier, more vulnerable, then Mukuro would blame it on himself and Daemon for their sister's vulnerability.

They thought he was going out so often for Elena.

Of course Daemon had not plucked that much courage to ask her out yet, but meanwhile that would make a wonderful excuse.

He sighed heavily.

Then he heard his brother's voice. Mukuro was standing across the foyer, talking to somebody with his lazy smirk. Daemon quickly retreated to behind the foliage by the koi pond. He peeked carefully at where his brother was standing…with the notorious president of the Namimori disciplinary committee.

That's weird. These two…don't seem like they can get along well. Daemon raised an eyebrow.

His brother said something, then advanced towards the prefect, who immediately flashed a tonfa between them. Mukuro, unfaltered, continued to lean near the prefect.

Daemon found himself bating his breath for the prefect to deliver a blow to Mukuro's face. After, there was the killing intent in the air.

Then his younger brother licked the edge of the prefect's ear.

Both of Daemon's eyebrows went up.

He saw Mukuro ran his tongue over the delicate ear, like a lion tending its wound.

It was his brother.

Which would mean that Mukuro Rokudo was gay.



Daemon, darling, u just found out that your brother was gay~ what r u gonna do now *raise eyebrows

Oh n last chapter… I rushed so it's somehow confusing… I'll try to sort that out…

N for the part where Daemon was working, I had planned to drop a hint on the first chapter, u know the one where Daemon was waiting for Mukuro at the school gates? I had wanted him to have this inner thought about telling Mukuro about their situation but since he missed the chance he was not gonna to anyways… so yeah, I missed that part T^T… Epic failure… so it seemed rushed in this chapter…

Btw sorry guys, about the late update, several things happened at once ( , which are still coming TT was infected with virus… DIE! VIRUSES!) so yeah u see I'm using the school's half-dead/hanging/ultra-slow computer… it took the poor computer 8min just to get me administrated in , so yeah…

Thank you for all the reviews, subscribes n favorites :D 3 u guys yay~ n I'm damn excited for next month coz I'm gonna cosplay as Mukuro in a convention! My best friends r gonna be M.M. and Byakuran! She's like Byakuran reincarnated but nvm… anyway yay~ =DDDD