

Just as she suspected, Neville and Luna were more than willing to take over custody of Ron's children. They only had one child between them and Luna was unable to have anymore. They welcomed Shawn and Marie into their home as their own flesh and blood.

As Hermione had discussed with Mr. Harding, she had to first claim her custody of the children before she could allow Neville and Luna to adopt them from her.

Hermione would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the face Draco made when she vaguely told him that she had decided to take the children in before she explained the arrangement she intended to make with the Longbottoms.

It was a wonderful arrangement for everyone. The children of course missed their parents terribly and no one could ever replace the roles Lavender and Ron played in their lives. But it was also true that Neville and Luna were the kindest people Hermione knew and amongst the best parents she'd ever seen. She had no doubt in her mind that Shawn and Marie would grow up happy and un-plagued by their parents' sins and tragedies.

The week after Neville and Luna signed the adoption papers, Draco and Hermione discovered that they were not only expecting, but would be welcoming twins into the world.

The news of one child had excited them both immensely, but the news of twins enthralled them. After finding out that they would be having one boy and one girl, they picked out the names Estelle and Donovan Malfoy.

Hermione had never been so excited in her life.


Amelia Potter waited anxiously beside Marie Weasley at Kings Cross as Estelle Malfoy worked up the courage to run through the barrier at platform 9 3/4 on her first day. She came running through, eyes clamped shut and breath held until she heard the sound of her friends safely on the other side.

"I told you it wasn't scary!" said Marie as she gave her friend an encouraging hug.

"You were right. I don't know why I was so nervous! But, hold on! We have to wait for my brother," Estelle could still feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins after thinking she was going to run straight into the wall.

Her brother Donovan was a lot braver than she was and her mother constantly tormented their father, saying that he was a clear shoe-in for Gryffindor house. Estelle didn't want to be separated from her twin, but she knew that she would make her father proud at the sorting ceremony and end up in Slytherin house no matter what.

Donovan ran through the barrier confidently, their parents following up behind him with their luggage. Draco and Hermione walked over to meet up with the Potters and the Longbottoms as soon as they crossed through the wall. It was the Malfoy children's first year at Hogwarts and the other parents were assuring Hermione that she was going to be fine during the sepeartion. The first year was always the hardest for the parents, and each year became steadily easier to say goodbye.

It had taken Ginny, Harry, Neville and even Luna years to accept Draco honestly as someone they could respect and be friends with. When Hermione informed them all that she and Draco were expecting eleven years ago and made it clear that she needed them to stand beside her (as they were to be wed), or excuse themselves from her life entirely; they all had made the honest effort to put their tensions aside and welcome him as best they could back into their lives.

Hermione felt fortunate that the people she loved dearest in her life were able to genuinely get along after the years of sorrow and hardship they'd all endured. Hermione felt her life had been blessed in so many says; none more so than the two miracles she watched preparing to board the train to Hogwarts before her.

"Were you scared crossing the barrier?" Donovan teased his sister with his father's trademark smirk that he'd inherited, knowing the answer was yes.

"No," Estelle lied, a smooth grin on her face, "Only muggles are afraid of running into walls. I'm a proper witch and I know what I'm doing. What's there to be afraid of?" she lifted her head up proudly and turned away from her brother, catching the proud wink her dad gave her before she ran off to catch up with her friends.

Shawn Weasley walked up to Donovan and whispered, "I saw her come through the wall. She was terrified,"

"I knew it"

Hermione took hold of her husband's hand as they said goodbye to the others and followed their kids towards the Hogwarts Express.

"It feels like I just woke up one day and they grew overnight," she expressed.

"Really? I don't think they grew up fast enough. We haven't had a proper shag in eleven years," teased Draco. "If you tell me to quiet down once tonight I'm going to spank you until you're raw."

Hermione blushed and jumped as he pinched her behind, "I wouldn't dare think of it."

"What are you two talking about?" quizzed Estelle with suspicious curiosity.

"We were just talking about much we're going to miss you," said Hermione sweetly to her daughter.

"And I was just telling your mum that we're not going to send you anything for Christmas if you end up in Gryffindor house with your brother," teased Draco.

"Don't worry Dad. I'm not the defective twin, remember?"

Draco knew he shouldn't laugh at that but he couldn't help it.

"Estelle, I bet you a galleon you come to me crying tonight because you're going to miss home so bad. I'm not going to be much help to you if I'm defective, am I?" Donovan pointed out as he crossed his arms in a huff.

"I was just kidding Donovan, geesh. You're so sensitive" Estelle rolled her eyes and gave her brother a friendly hug, knowing he was right. Donovan returned the hug and let it go.

"You're such a brat," he teased his sister with a light pinch in the arm.

"Just like her father," said Hermione with a smile.

"Hey now!" protested Draco.

"Don't worry dad, I took it as a compliment," bragged Estelle.

"That's my girl. Here, take this for the sweet cart," Draco handed her a galleon.

"Hey! No fair!" said Donovan holding out his hand. Hermione gave him his own galleon as the train whistle blew signaling the passengers to board, "Take care of each other and don't forget to owl." She pulled both of her kids into her arms and showered them in hugs and kisses.

"We won't mom," promised Donovan. They both said goodbye to their father when they finally managed to pry themselves free from their mother's grip.

They said their final goodbyes and Love You's before boarding the train to be with their friends.

Hermione and Draco watched the train speed off into the distance, hand in hand.

"Draco, can I ask you a question?" said Hermione, squeezing his hand as a light sadness overcame her. Being apart from her children was going to be one of the most difficult things she would have to learn to cope with. She didn't think she'd be able to manage it without Draco beside her.

"Anything, Love," answered Draco as his thumb gently stroked the back of her hand.

"Are you happy?" she asked as she turned to face him.

"Happier than I deserve," was his reply. "What about you? Are you happy?"

"I feel like I become happier each day I live." Hermione answered with a smile.

Draco tenderly kissed his wife and said, "That's all I've ever wanted."






A/N: The End! Oh goodness, I can't believe it's over. Can you? 500 reviews so far! I can't believe it! Thank You! I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I especially want to thank all of you who left reviews each chapter. You are my motivation to keep on writing and your feedback means more to me than you could ever know. To celebrate the ending of Torn, I decided to upload the first chapter of my new story: Bridges. I'm really excited about this story and hope you decide to read it. If you liked my writing (or just my ideas because sometimes my grammar sucks. lol) and want to read one of my completed works, then check out: The Possibility, Flashes of Dramione, and More Flashes of Dramione if you haven't already. Thank You again for reading Torn! Also, I'm on Pottermore! Go to my profile for my username and add me as a friend! Mischief Managed!