Ah, first story! Okay well, if you read and review, please be honest. Honesty is the best policy and I will take any suggestions into consideration that could further my writing. Constructive criticism is always welcome, as long as it's intended to help me!

She always knew life was hard. She just never expected hers to turn into such a cliché. Yep, everyone heard right, Rachel Berry doesn't have that "oh so perfect" life everyone thinks she has. Being perfect is too overrated anyway. Behind the knee socks and argyle sweaters (that sometimes had cute little animals on them), she held secrets you'd never believe. Dazzling smiles disguised hidden pain.

You'd think some would be shocked, right? Wrong. The people who did actually notice overlooked her warning signs and continued on like they never saw anything in the first place. Being overlooked didn't seem so awful in her mind; it just made it that much easier to hide things. In their minds, they supposed that she just wanted the attention. Never judge a book by its cover.

A/N: I know it's like extremely short, but it's just a prologue. I'm already starting to work on the next chapter so you guys can tell me if you want it or not!