DISCLAIMER: The following is based on the USA Network show "Suits." This is purely for enjoyment; no profit is involved and no infringement on the copyrights held by others is intended.
SUMMARY: Double drabble (200 words). Despite what he says, Harvey does care about some things. Hope you enjoy!
by KaiMeara
I come around the corner with my third cup of coffee and narrowly avoid adding its contents to Harvey's suit.
"Whoa! Careful – this is a $13,000 William Fioravanti."
The sticker shock and lack of name recognition must show on my face.
"He's the best in New York. You get your coffee on this, you'll be paying it off for the next five years. Let's go; we're due in court in an hour."
We're there early, which would normally be good, except it means we're in the crowd outside when a random nutjob with a handgun and a firm opinion on the constitution decides to open fire. The police take him down before he actually kills anyone, but not before he hits several unlucky bystanders. Including me.
Harvey doesn't hesitate; I'm on the ground, his jacket is off and he's using it to stop the bleeding before I know what's happened. I'm lightheaded and feel like I'm going to throw up, so it's several seconds before I realize the damage.
"Harvey…your suit…"
He presses the fabric harder against my shoulder. I swear I see the hint of a smile as he says, "Forget it. I can afford to lose the suit."