All That Remains © inogirl13
Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto
This was semi-inspired by the CSI episode, "All That Cremains." Yay, it's not a song fic! I'm so proud of myself! This is a step!
"You're still my best friend," Shikamaru recalled in his mind the voice of his ex-wife as he slowed to a stop at the front of the bar. His dark eyes scanned the rowdy crowd for anyone slightly living up to the Yamanaka standard. "I want you to meet him," she had said. He found a man in a modern looking suit and silk shirt. Probably name brand, bought specifically for tonight, he thought cynically. Shikamaru impulsively glanced down at his 5-year-old sports jacket that he'd probably worn to hundreds of events. He made his way to an empty seat at the bar and pulled out a cigarette to calm his nerves. His lighter had just hit the edge when a pair of unfamiliar fingers flicked it out of his mouth. The fingers belonged to Silk Shirt. Upon closer inspection, his smile was crooked and his blonde hair was in disarray. Shikamaru must have looked ticked off because the man's smile faded slightly, and he returned the cigarette. "Sorry. I hate smoking." He had an accent. American.
Shikamaru groaned, "Kind of in the wrong place then, huh?"
Silk Shirt either ignored or didn't catch Shikamaru's tone because his lips widened again in a smile and said, "Well, I normally wouldn't be. I'm supposed to be meeting my fiancé and her ex here. His name is Shika…something. I have trouble understanding her sometimes. You know him?"
Shikamaru crushed the cigarette under his fingers and gritted his teeth. An American? Ino was dating a foreigner? Over him? Boy, what a slap in the face this was. Now he understood completely. She only had them meet so he could feel the sting that she found more pleasure in a clueless alien over him. Shikamaru shot his eyes over at the man next to him, trying his best to calm the seething anger and sighed at his happy-go-lucky grin.
"Shikamaru?" he mentioned his own name and the man's face lit up.
"That's it! I'm interested in meeting the guy. But my girl said he might not even show. Maybe you could help me find him."
Shikamaru ordered a shot of Bourbon then stuck his hand out to the man in spite of his teeming irritation. "I'm Shikamaru," he forced himself to look stoic, "and you're…" As if he didn't know his name. He couldn't forget it if he tried with Ino yapping it away at every chance she could to anyone who would listen.
"Tim," said man beamed and took Shikamaru's hand in a strong grip. Shikamaru's drink arrived and he downed it quickly. The warm buzz of the alcohol was all that was keeping him from punching the man next to him in the face.
"So…you're the famous Shikamaru," Tim said with no hint of acid on his lips whatsoever, which surprised the man in question.
"You mean infamous. I don't know why she wanted us to meet." Shikamaru crossed him arms and leaned against the bar counter.
"Well we are getting married. I suppose she just wants all her friends there." Shikamaru hated hearing that. Her friend. He was not just her friend. He was her lover, her boyfriend, her paramour, her husband, her one true love, but not just a friend. He had just decided to slug the pretentious pretty boy when a familiar lilting voice came to his ears, "There you are!" He turned around to take in his lost beauty. She wore denim shorts and high heeled shoes with a blousy off-the-shoulder purple top. Her hair was soft looking and her cheery blue eyes singed the edges of his heart. She smiled joyfully and quickly joined the duo, hugging Tim tight. In that moment, Shikamaru hated himself more than he had in the two years since they got divorced. She finally let him go but his arm stayed slung on her hips. I used to hold her like that, Shikamaru thought furiously.
Ino didn't pick up on his fuming thoughts when she said, "So you boys have gotten to know each other?"
Tim smirked, looking from me to Ino, "You could say that." Shikamaru growled under his breath as Ino seemed to be examining his face. She sighed, "Well that's good! I'm off to powder my nose, and I'll be right back." She kept her eyes on Tim as she made her way to a little bathroom in the back of the bar. Shikamaru watched her retreating form then started to nurse the new drink that had instinctively appeared when the last glass emptied. Through the caramel colored Bourbon, he caught a glimpse of his wedding band that he still wore. Why, he had no idea. No, that was a lie. He knew why; despite their daily arguing, her annoying habits, his harsh words, he still loved her and honestly thought they would get back together. Over the years, they'd been off and on, but they always came back to each other…like magnets. As much as he would love to forget about it—forget about her—and move on, she was a part of him, and she probably always would be. Tim brought him out of his reverie by distantly saying, "She's something isn't she?" He was watching her just as Shikamaru had with a trance-like hold that even jutsu couldn't break.
A powerful temper suddenly came over Shikamaru and he slammed his drink down on the wooden table, calling Tim back to the world.
"Look, stay away from her alright? She doesn't belong to you." He snarled on the last word, installing as much force into his speech as possible. The American's eyes widened in utter surprise and he spoke calmly, "I would say she does, seeing as that's my ring on her finger."
That was it. Shikamaru threw his fist across the pretty boy's face, quickly giving him a bloody nose. But it didn't take him down. Not enough, Shikamaru thought. He planted another punch, this time square on his jaw. It sent him tumbling off his bar stool. Blood from his nose and lip started to trail down his face. He started to cower and cover his face. Shikamaru kneeled down by him and hissed, "You're weak. You're not a man. She doesn't belong to you. She's mine, always has been. She belongs to me. Now stay…away."
"Shikamaru!" The blood-curdling scream met his ears, and all his anger dissipated magically. He immediately stood up straight, suddenly embarrassed of his behavior in front of her. She ran to Tim's side and held him against her. He clutched at her like a ninny. It's not like he's dying, Shikamaru thought bitterly.
Her fiery blue eyes snapped to him and she furrowed her brow, "I heard what you said; I don't belong to anyone. But if I did, it most certainly wouldn't be you." Shikamaru felt his heart break open and pour blood down his ribs. He clenched his fists then let them go, trying to relax. He reached out his arm to her and tried to speak peacefully, "Ino…"
She cut him off, "Didn't you hear me, Shikamaru? I'm not yours, or anyone's for that matter, but especially not yours! You're smart, Shika. Get it through your stupid pony tail; we're over! I did this because I thought we could be civil; I thought you were a friend who would be there for me. But I guess I was wrong." She then turned her teary blue eyes back to her bloody fiancé and wouldn't look at Shikamaru again. He felt his chest tighten, and nervously played with the ring on his finger.
The ring.
He couldn't do it anymore. It was obvious she was over him to start with, and now he'd made it permanent. He pulled the gold band off his finger, dropped it in his empty Bourbon glass, and composedly walked out of the bar.
Chapter 2 up soon!
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