Warnings: Yaoi, possible OOC, probable cursing, possible violence…maybe
I chose the name of the title based off the song "Savior" by Black Veil Brides if anyone was wondering.
Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-Man or Black Veil Brides.
Allen arrived at the Black Order Café at 5:55 in the morning, five minutes before his shift started. He headed through the back door into the kitchen and put on his apron. The white haired boy (1) then headed to Komui's office to check in and tell the manager he was there. When he was done, he flipped the sign on the door to the 'open' side, unlocked the door, and opened all the curtains on the windows and tied them back.
The small white haired boy headed back behind the counter, and, waiting for Lavi to arrive, started to bake the small cakes and pastries their café was famous for. Miranda and Lenalee also helped to make small desserts, but today they weren't coming into work until later. As soon as Lavi got there, he checked in with Komui and started to make coffee and cappuccinos, knowing they would need it for the breakfast rush.
Sure enough, soon the café was flooded with businessmen and businesswomen hoping to get some nice, hot coffee and a quick breakfast before heading to work. Though Allen baked and cooked, he was also a waiter because of his polite personality and great people skills.
"So, how are things with Yu?" inquired Lavi as soon as the rush was over and only a few stragglers were left.
Allen sighed and Lavi immediately knew it was the wrong question to ask. "Same old Kanda," replied Allen sadly. "You would think that after almost a year of marriage, he would be a little more open with me, but I guess that's too much to ask for. He doesn't love me, and he probably never will…but you never know!" finished Allen with a sweet smile fixed on his face.
Lavi could tell the smile was fake, but he wasn't going to say anything. He just wished Kanda would stop being such a jerk and hurting Allen: the poor kid didn't deserve it. He truly loved Kanda with all his heart, but Kanda was too stubborn to realize it, and even if he did, Lavi doubted he would do anything about it.
It wasn't as if it was Allen's fault they were forced into marriage. Allen's adoptive father and uncle, for reasons unknown, had arranged the deal with Kanda's adoptive father. No one knew the reason for it…well, no one alive that is: Mana and Neah Walker had been killed a few months after the deal was made, and they had been the only ones to know the real purpose behind it. Even Allen didn't know why!
One thing was for sure, poor Allen certainly got the worse end of the deal: Kanda was cold and unfriendly to him, and there was no reason for it. There was absolutely, positively no excuse for Kanda's behavior: Allen was perfectly nice to him. He was sweet, he never did anything to get on Kanda's nerves, he cooked for him, he cleaned for him, and he loved him—absolutely and unconditionally loved him. Kanda just wouldn't accept him, however, and Allen was becoming depressed and downtrodden. And the worst part was that nothing anyone said or did to make him feel better had any affect. The only person who, at this point, could make Allen feel better was Kanda himself, and everyone was sure that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
Allen sighed as Komui told him that he had an hour off of work for his lunch break. He didn't want to go home because he knew Kanda wouldn't come home for lunch: he never did. He started work early in the morning, and he didn't come home until long after dark each night. Allen hated spending time at home in that dark, lonely house, so he usually stayed at the café to "keep everyone company." They all knew the real reason he stayed, but they didn't mind, so they didn't say anything.
As Allen started his shift, the lunch rush arrived. Allen went to the back and started baking more desserts with Lenalee and Miranda; he knew they would run out of their stock soon enough.
"Goodbye, everyone! See you tomorrow," Allen called out as he left the café.
"Bye, Allen," they all replied in unison.
As Allen walked home in the dark, he pondered what to make Kanda for dinner. Kanda probably wouldn't even be home in time to eat it, but he could still try. He really did love the raven haired man, but he knew the feelings weren't reciprocated. All he wanted was to make Kanda happy, but that was easier said than done…a whole lot easier.
When Allen got back to their house, he took note that the lights were on in the living room. He knew Kanda never came home this early, so why were the lights on? He was sure he turned them off before he left in the morning. The white haired boy walked up the driveway and to the front door, which was unlocked. He went inside quietly and headed straight for the living room. He stepped through the doorway and saw Kanda and Kanda's adoptive father—Froi Tiedoll—and brothers—Noise Marie and Daisya Barry.
"Ah…Um, hello," the boy greeted, shocked.
"Allen, it's so great to see you!" greeted Tiedoll.
"Hey, Allen," said Daisya as Marie waved. "How's it going?"
"Eh, good, good," replied Allen.
"So Yu's not being a huge jerk?" Daisya asked seriously.
Allen saw Kanda give him a pointed look over Froi's shoulder. "What?" he acted shocked. "Of course not! He's been great to me." He smiled a sweet smile and saw Kanda looking a little surprised.
"Really?" asked Marie. "He must be like a completely different person at home then, because he's still as cold as ever at work."
Allen chuckled a little, hoping they wouldn't pry any more into it.
"Well, we were just visiting and now that we've seen how well you two are getting along, I guess we should get going," came Froi's voice. "Yu," he called as he started out the door, "I'm so proud of you. I'm glad you have finally opened up some." He smiled happily before walking out and closing the door behind him.
"Ah, Kanda, what would you like for dinner?" Allen asked, glad that he was able to actually ask this time instead of guessing.
"It doesn't matter; I'm not hungry," he replied coldly.
"But you have to eat something," Allen told him gently, "If you don't-"
"I'm. Fine," he growled.
Allen's face fell. "I'm sorry," he apologized and looked down.
Allen turned and walked toward his room. Kanda had stated that they would share a bed when hell froze over…or when Tiedoll came to visit and stayed the night. Kanda watched Allen go and tried to deny that he suddenly felt guilty. He gave up on that thought and headed to his own room silently.
(1) Ok, so in this story, Allen's actually 19 years old, but I can't bring myself to call him a man…don't know why, so don't ask…I'm just a little crazy! : ) Oh! And Kanda is 21, if anyone was wondering. : )
I'm going to try to update every Sunday at random times of the day and night depending on when I wake up. I won't keep you waiting unless something major happens. :)