Chapter 5: A sign of peace

Their red eyes stared into the other's for a long time until zero broke the gaze. He cursed under his breath, turned the mongoose around and drove back to red base.

"What in tarnation!" Sarge yelled, getting pissed off at Zero's retreat.

"Never leave it to a new recruit to get things done," Simmons said smugly.

"He did more than you Simmons," Grif snickered.

Simmons glared at Grif, but the orange armored man just shook it off. He preferred to get this whole ordeal done and over with so he could go back to ruining Simmons's organs.

"Hey!" Doll yelled pointing at the reds that were left. "Stop firing at them and let's talk," she added.

"We don't take orders from you bluetard!" Sarge yelled back.

"Yeah we're not your bitches!" Donut added.

"Donut, I thought it was agreed that you don't talk during these things," Grif sighed.

Doll's red eyes seemed to glow as her anger grew. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she let it out. She took a step forward ducking her head in time to miss a grenade, Donut had thrown at her. Again, not letting her anger ruin her chances to end this peacefully she took another calming breath. Simmons had taken the turret, and pointed it at her; since her eyes were closed she didn't see it happening. The other blues did thought. Caboose didn't know if he should open his mouth to say something, Doc was preparing to go to the young woman's side if anything were to happen and she needed the medical attention. It was Tucker and Wash who knew they had to put a stop to this before Doll got hurt.

"Kingston!" Wash yelled.

Doll turned around to face Wash, but that wasn't what he wanted.

"Her back is turned, get her!" Sarge ordered.

"Yes sir!" Simmons saluted before he started firing at Doll.

Tucker had ran at Doll, pulling her down underneath him. Doll was shocked for a short while, but when the shock faded away all that remained was the thought that she had to protect Tucker before he got himself killed. She searched for her magnum franticly; however she wouldn't get the chance. Tucker wrapped his arms around her thin body and rolled onto his back, jumping up and carrying her back to blue base.

"Put me down!" she ordered.

"Are you crazy?" Tucker demanded.

"A tad, but that doesn't matter, I have to kick their ass,: she replied as she attempted to get out of his arms.

She didn't expect him to be strong, especially against her; it put her in a strange kind of shock. He didn't let go of her not until they were in the base. Doc followed them inside; he picked up one of Doll's arms and examined it. He was checking her for injuries, making for sure that she was alright. His hand went down her side and pulled back quickly as he felt something warm and wet.

"Could you remove your shirt?" Doc asked, and then turned to Tucker. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Don't bother," Doll sighed. "I don't get much privacy anyways."

Tucker sat her down on top of one of the few medical beds they had. Doll smiled warmly at him, and then crossed her arms. She took hold of the light blue fabric of her tang top and pulled it up over her head. Doll eyed the tang top, looking for the flaw that Doc had seen. Soon she came across a small hole, surrounded by her own blood.

"Owe what the fuck!" Doll hissed grabbing at her neck as she turned a venomous look on Doc.

"Pain killers, it'll when your brain makes the connection ad sends pain through your body," Doc responded.

Doll rolled her eyes; it wasn't like this was the first time she was shot. It won't be the last either, but they didn't know that.

Tucker couldn't keep his eyes off of Doll he couldn't believe she would let him stay with her either.

"Kingston, you need to let Doc patch you up, he sucks."


"But it's better than getting an infection," He finished trying hard not to hit on her, or say anything that would make her want to turn her pistol on him.

"I have been through harder poundings tan this," she shrugged, but the movement shot sharp pain up through her side and into her arm.

"Bow chika bow wow," He couldn't help himself anymore.

"Alright, that's enough, Tucker leave, and since I'm the medic what I say goes," Doc crossed his arms. "Out."

"I'm a medic too, and I say he stays," Doll argued.

A part of Tucker was happy that she wanted him to say. The other part told him that Kingston was only acting this way because she wanted to argue against the medic, who challenged her authority…or something like that.

Doll crossed her arms, ignoring the pain that that action inflicted onto her. Doc saw that he wasn't going to win this, and the longer he left the wound untreated the sooner infection will set in.

"Alright, he can stay; now let me take care of that bullet wound before it's too late," Doc said, sighing as he saw Kingston's satisfied grin.

"Just do a quick patch up Doc, and a pain killer," she explained lifting her arm up for him to reach her wound.

"I would suggest stitches or some bed rest, but it's obvious that you don't agree with that."

"If she needs stitches you should give them to her," Tucker intervened.

Doll didn't argue with him, instead she waved him closer. Tucker walked to her side and waited, wondering what it was she wanted.

"Pain killers?" she asked.

"I don't think we carry any," he replied.

"Then give me your hand."

Tucker obeyed, too curious to think of what she was going to do with his hand. His mouth opened to ask, Doll squeezed his hand as hard as she could, probably breaking a few bones. Tucker screamed in pain as Doll's grip tightened. She wasn't impervious to pain, but the worst kind was one that didn't produce adrenalin or when she was wide awake. As Doc continued with the stitches, Doll continued to express her pain.

Outside of blue base, Caboose began to freak out, saying something about Tucker giving birth again. Wash was annoyed by it, and a bit confused he didn't know Ticker had gotten pregnant; then again it was Caboose who had said so and half the time Wash didn't know if he was making shit up or not.

The reds didn't let up on firing on them, and started insulting them. Wash didn't care much the only reason why he was still out here was because he didn't want those idiotic men to try and get in and force surrender or some crap like that.

Doc came out of the base; he had his helmet off, and was currently wearing his glasses. He wore a slight frown, but other than that he looked as if nothing went wrong.

"Hey guys!" He called out waving his hands in the hair hoping to get everyone's attention.

"What's going on?" Wash asked.

"Kingston should be okay, it's just a minor bullet wound, didn't go all the way through just grazed," Doc beamed.

"What did he say?" Sarge yelled.

"He said that Kingston is going to be okay Sargent!" Caboose yelled back.

"Did he say Kingston?" Simmons asked.

"How does he know the new guy?" Donut added.

"Kingston isn't here you useless medic!" Sarge yelled. "Now surrender!"

"Yeah or we'll shoot you!" Simmons added turning the turret towards Doc and the other's. "Suk it blue!"

"Suck on this you fucktard!" Came Doll's voice as she fired one last shot from her pistol.

She had stumbled out of the medical ward and was leaning against the door frame. Her eyes were diluted, and it looked like she was fighting against the effects of the sedative Doc injected into her. The built had managed to find its way to Simmons's side. It pierced the body suit and getting its self-lodged within his metallic side.

Doll grunted before she passed out falling back and allowing the medication to take full effect.

"She shouldn't have been able to do that," Doc muttered then looked at Caboose. "Caboose, can you help me?" He asked.

Caboose's face lit up with joy by the question. "Yes!" He exclaimed excitedly. "I love to help!"

"That's great; can you carry Kingston back to the med ward?" Doc asked.

"What's a med ward?"

Doc paused for a moment, forgetting how Caboose doesn't know much. "The, uh, nurse's office," Doc rephrased.

"Oh!" Caboose said as he figured out where he was supposed to go. "Yes! I'll take her there right now!"

With that Caboose had picked up Doll, her body was limp, and light in his arms. He had seen her pissed off, the look in her red eyes, and her deep frown. Now she was peaceful looking and cute, no anger now pain, just peace. As he laid her down on one of the medical beds, he pushed her bangs out of her eyes. He thought she looked prettier like that.

"Caboose?" Tucker's voice cracked.

"I didn't do it!" Caboose screamed pulling his arms above his head to protect himself.

"Caboose what are you doing here?" Tucker asked.

"Doc wanted me to take Kingston to the nurse's office," he smiled.

"Nurse's office?" Tucker asked. "Caboose….never mind," Tucker fell back onto his bed and sighed. Thanks to the pain killers Doc gave him, his hand was numb instead of burning and in pain.

Caboose waited patiently for Tucker to continue on, when he didn't, he went back to looking at Doll. Tucker caught what Caboose was doing out of the corner of his eye. Curious as to what he was up to, Tucker pushed himself up on his elbows and stared at Caboose.

"Why are you still here?" He asked.

"She looks peaceful when she is asleep," Caboose responded.

"Yeah, well, she's dangerous," Tucker huffed, however that didn't stop him from getting out of his med bed and walking to Caboose and Doll.

He had to agree, when Kingston is asleep, she looks less of a threat…sort of like Tex. Through Tex wasn't real, just like how Church wasn't real.

"But she's real," Tucker whispered.

Doc had run over to Simmons after Caboose had left with Kingston. Simmons was already bleeding from when Doll shot his arm, now he was leaking some kind of fluid from the mechanical part of his body.

"Does it hurt?" Doc asked.

"No shit it hurts!" Simmons snapped, moving away from Doc's hand as he touched his injured arm.

"No need to get all snappy with me Simmons, I'm only trying to help," Doc frowned.

Simmons couldn't believe what was going on, or what was coming out of Doc's mouth.

"Well can you fix me?" He asked feeling stupid for asking a question with an obvious answer. Of course Doc couldn't fix him. Sarge was the one who made him into a cyborg, and Doc was a useless medic.

"No, I can't fix you, but I know someone who can."

"Great!" Simmons exclaimed. "Get him over here then."

Simmons received a strange look from Doc, stranger than usual anyways. He wondered what that look was for; did the medic know something that he didn't?

"You shot her," he whispered.

Simmons looked shocked; did he really shot the only one who could properly patch him up? He opened his mouth to ask, but Doc talked first.

"You know, she's also the one who got you to this sorry state to begin with."

"I figured that much Doc," Simmons sighed, not sure if he was annoyed with himself, or with Doc. "Will she still patch me up?"

Doc thought about it for a while then shrugged. "She seems very forgiving."

Simmons knew from what Doc just said, she would never fix him.

"But, I think it would be easier if you stayed the night, or until she wakes up," Doc continued. "There is an extra bed in the med ward for another, why don't you rest there, and when she wakes up, I'll ask."

Simmons didn't like the sound of that. He didn't want to be killed in his sleep, or even when awake and Doll was awfully mad at him. Simmons wouldn't put it past the girl to shot him as soon as she was awake, but then again he didn't really know her. No matter how many times he told Doc that this was a bad idea, Doc was still able to get him into blue base. Sarge wasn't happy with it either, Simmons once had the problem of switching sides, and he wasn't too sure of his will, or loyalty to red army.

"He better be at red base by morning, or I'll have to go to plan forty two!"

"Where are we going to get a steam roller?" Donut asked.

"I'll do my best but he maybe late," Doc said apologetically before he waved goodbye and left inside of blue base.

Simmons was placed right next to Doll. He didn't like one bit of it, but he didn't have much of a say so. He lay on his back; any movement caused him pain now. The maroon clad soldier stared at the ceiling, the white tiles and bright florescent lights were oddly calming. On a side note, he felt like he was in high school again, the only difference was that he had been shot. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting his mind wonder. He drifted off to sleep finding that for once he was able too.

"What do you want me to do?" a feminine voice Asked.

"Patch up Simmons," Doc replied.

Simmons opened one eyes, turning his head to see who was talking. He recognized one voice to be Doc's, but he couldn't but a name or a face to the other. He felt like he heard her before, and cursed at himself for not remembering.

"Fine, I could never let someone suffer like this," She sighed.

Doc nodded his head then walked to Simmons's bedside.

"Oh good, your awake," He beamed.

"What's going on?" Simmons asked.

"Our new medic finally woke up, I'm setting you up for an appointment," Doc explained.

"That girl is a medic?" Simmons asked, baffled.

"Kingston is very gifted."


"I'm sorry, forgot, Doll is very gifted," Doc laughed fixing his mistake.

"Kingston?" Simmons asked. "I knew not to trust him!"

"Great, now I have to kill him," Doll hissed.


"Simple, you know too much, and now I have to kill you," Doll replied trying hard to sound emotionless, but that wasn't working as planned.

Simmons caught her flaw and decided to use it to keep him alive.

"You wouldn't kill me, you're a medic, you're supposed to want to save people," He said softly, sounding as pitiful as he could.

Doll had to turn her head away; she couldn't just let someone die because of something like a name. She took a peek at Simmons to see where his injuries were. Arm and side, the two bullets she shot herself. With a groan she bowed her head then turned her attention back to the two men behind her.

"Fine, doc I need my gear, if we want to save him go to the mess of my room, and grab my belt and matching bag, all my tools are in there," Doll instructed before she wondered around for anesthetics.

She walked back, arms crossed over her chest. She looked him over, before walking closer and laying her index finger on his chest. Simmons unwillingly held his breath as she started to carefully remove his armor and bodysuit. He looked into her red eyes, hoping that it wasn't noticeable.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you," she said, with a slight smile.

Simmons let out a sigh, of what he hoped sounded like relief. He leaned his head back and tried to focus on other things, anything besides the young attractive woman who was currently removing his clothes.

Doll probed the injured areas with her pinky, looking to see how bad the wound was and if she needed to pull a bullet out or not. Doc returned with her gear, carefully setting it on the counter near them.

"Everything you asked for Kin…Doll," Doc said quickly fixing his slip up.

"Thank you Doc, knock the red out while I prep for surgery," she smiled wickedly.

"Simmons eyes were wide with fear, he didn't know Doll was only messing with him and he feared that she would do something horrible. Simmons tried to protest, but Doc had slipped the mask over his nose and mouth. The knockout gas filled the mask in seconds, and with two puffs of it, Simmons was out like a light.

"I was only kidding, most of what I hit was cybernetics," she said, feeling bad for Simmons. She didn't mean to freak him out like that, well she did, and she didn't expect Doc to do what she had asked.

"Well, we still don't want him moving around," Doc pointed out.

Doll nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, that's true," she sighed.

It took only a couple of hours to fix Simmons up, if anything she made him better.

"And they said a medic learning about robotics was a waste of time," she smiled proudly.

Simmons's eye fluttered open, the other lit up. He turned his head to Doc's smiling face, then to Doll. Her back was facing him, and he wondered why. His first thought was that she wasn't done with him yet, that she had some sinister plan in mind. However the logical part of his brain told him that she was probably just cleaning up. Doll turned around, she checked his pulse, then pulled him up.

"I'm going to check your breathing, see if anything is wrong with your lungs."

"Oh don't worry about that, all my organs were taken out and replaced when Sarge made me into a cyborg," he smiled.

Doll blinked at him, a little loss of words. For some reason, out of all the things she could have asked, she had to ask.

"Wait, so you don't have any balls, or a penis?"

The room fell silent, even tucker wasn't responding to that, or at least he was trying not to. Simmons and Doc couldn't believe what the blue medic had just asked. At first Simmons thought she was joking, but the look on her face was evident enough to tell him she wasn't.

"You're serious huh?" He asked.

Doll nodded her head.

"I'm not sharing that with you," he said flustered.

"So…I take that as a yes?"

"No!" Simmons yelled blushing.

"Take it easy, can't your medic mess with you?" she winked.

Simmons looked her in the eyes, he wanted to say no, or that she wasn't his medic. However he was lost in those red orbs of hers.

"Hmm, are you alright?" Doll asked as she pressed the back of her hand against his forehead. "I should see if something is wrong with your cybernetics."

Simmons shook his head no, "It's alright, I'm fine," he said lifting a hand to stop her. "What do you mean by my medic?"

"Well, I was hoping you could tell your boss to quit attacking us, you know since the war is over…"

"He won't like that," Simmons interjected.

"I'm sure, but if you do, I will give my services in return," she finished.

Simmons thought about it, "What do you mean by that?"

Doll rolled her eyes again. "I mean that all my skills will be at your disposal, meaning you team will have top grade medical care, or at least the best the UNSC can provide with one person."

"I'll talk to Sarge, but I wouldn't get your hopes up."

"No worries, I'm used to it," she replied with a small sad smile.