I know that I said that this fanfic was done, but I promised Bballgirl4 a sequel/happy ending! Here you go!

P.S: sorry about February getting threatened...again. It's just too easy to write parts with Taz threatening February (probably because I don't like February much...).

"So, I just wanted to say…sorry," Taz stood in front of her fellow Starship Rangers, but she wasn't looking at them. She was staring at the floor intently, not wanting to meet any of their eyes. Up cleared his throat to break the awkward pause that followed her apology.

"Taz, um, I think maybe you could be maybe more…sincere with your apology," Taz glared up at him and sighed, giving up.

"Fine. Look, I'm sorry that I insulted jou all. Tootsie, I'm sorry that I called you a hay-loving moron and Specs I'm sorry that I broke your Spectrometer." Specs sniffed and looked away, not quite ready to forgive the girl yet. Tootsie, however, smiled.

"Aw, it's okay. I know what it's like to be separated from the person you love." Taz stiffened.

"What did jou say?"

"No, I'm just sayin' that it's hard to be away from someone you love." Spots of embarrassment and anger appeared on the small woman's cheeks.

"I don't love Up." Up shuffled uncomfortably behind her, not wanting to admit that he loved her. "He's my commander." February stepped forward.

"But Taz, you totally love Up. It's like I told you two months ago, you already know that! You just have to admit it!" Taz was upon the girl in minutes.

"Jou said that jou would never tell anyone dat!" Taz had February pinned underneath her, her knife already pressed to the struggling girl's throat. "Me prometiste que, mentir puta!" February struggled under Taz's knife and before she could press any harder, Up drug Taz off of the defenseless girl. Taz saw Bug help February to her feet and hug her. For some reason, this pushed Taz over the edge.

"Que se merece todo lo que obtiene por mentir a mí!" Taz pushed at Up, who was still restraining her. "Let me go, Up! Let me go right now or I'll throw all jour clothes overboard!" Up just chuckled.

"It wouldn't be the first time, Taz." Taz scowled and went limp, seemingly giving up. When the Commander tried setting her down, however, she shoved him over and ran towards February, who was now hiding behind Bug.

The last thing she saw was Megagirl stepping out of the crowd and pointing her laser at her…

Up walked over to the unconscious Taz and gently picked her up. Before he took her to her room, he turned towards February.

"Is it true, what you said?" February nodded.

"Yes. She loves you, Up! And I know you love her, you just have to tell her." Up nodded and quietly made his way back to Taz's room.

Taz opened her eyes and saw Up bending over her, looking concerned. She sat up and rubbed her head.

"¿Qué pasó?"

"Megagirl shot you with a stun laser before you could kill February." For some reason, Up looked hesitant. It seemed like he was trying to keep something from her.

"What is it, Up?" Instead of answering, Up stood up from his place on her bed and walked over to the small window in the room.

"Do you remember when we first met, Taz?" Taz remembered.

"." Up swallowed and continued with the speech that he had rehearsed in his head.

"When I first met you, you were only this girl that fell into my lap that I had to deal with. Then, as you got trained in the Academy, you became this girl that I felt responsible for. Then you grew into so much more, Taz. You grew into my lieutenant, my partner in crime, and my best friend." He turned around. "You're my best friend, Taz. You stood by me when everyone else thought that I was just a washed up loser. You helped me find myself, and for that I'm eternally grateful. What I'm trying to say, Taz is…" Up hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. "What I'm trying to say is that I love you." He laughed. "I have loved you for a long time and if you don't feel that way about me too, that's okay. I just thought you should know." Taz got up and walked over to him. She looked up, her tear-filled brown eyes looking into his light blue eyes and she knew that he was being honest. Taz wrapped her arms around Up and hugged her best friend.

"Te amo demasiado, Up." Up hugged her back tightly.

"Taz, this is the start of a new adventure for us," Taz wholeheartedly agreed.