LAST CHAPTER! Sorry it's later than expected; I meant to post it yesterday or the day before. Anyway, for those of you wondering "if this is Phinabella, then wheres the fluff?" Well, it's finally here! Woohoo! Thank you so much for all the reviews and encouragement throughout my writing of this story. I hope you like the ending!

Disclaimer: Once I had a dream that I owned Phineas and Ferb... But it was just a dream. I really don't own Phineas and Ferb.

Needless to say, Phineas and Isabella had an extravagant time in the park together. They went on rides, held hands, shared drinks, and played a lot games together, most of which Isabella won. Phineas didn't mind losing though; he hardly noticed, since he was too busy gazing at his companion's bright eyes and flowing hair. He could hardly believe that it took a crazy dream to start this, but he had never been happier.

They ended the day with a picnic under the tree in the Flynn-Fletchers' backyard, provided by Ferb and the gang. Once they had finished eating, Isabella placed her head on Phineas' shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her. He sighed, this time with pleasure, but there was still something nagging at him.

"Hey, Isabella?"

"Yeah, Phineas?"

"What are we going to do now?"

Isabella sat up and they looked at each other. They were only ten; they couldn't officially be a couple or get serious or go on dates all the time. Where would they get the money for that anyway? Besides that, they were still at the age where their parents told them, "don't kiss people who aren't related to you!"

"I don't know, Phineas," Isabella admitted. "I've been dreaming about what it would be like for us to be together like this, but I never really thought it would happen, especially this soon. I mean, we're still kids; what is there that we can do?"

Phineas thought for a moment, remembering the dream that had started it all. Maybe it was a long shot and maybe it could only happen once, but it was worth a try. "I know one thing we could do," he started and Isabella looked up hopefully. "Just don't tell your parents."

Thinking back, the girl with the purple bow could honestly say that she was caught by surprise, but that that moment was one of the best in her life. All she remembered was Phineas uttering a quick "don't tell your parents" before leaning in and kissing her full on the mouth. Isabella tried not to squeak with joy as she returned the kiss.

It didn't last terribly long, both children being newbies at kissing, but it left both of them dizzy with delight. Neither could keep the huge grins off their faces as they leaned into each other for an embrace.

"Phineas…" Isabella breathed. "I never imagined…"

Phineas smiled at her and gently took her hand. "That's what started it all."


"The other night I had a dreamed that we kissed," the boy confessed. "When I woke up I was confused, but so happy, and I finally realized how I feel about you. And, well… I wanted the moment where we kissed to be real."

"Well, it was wonderful," Isabella said, another enormous smile creeping onto her face. Then it faltered. "But what are we going to do from now on?" she asked, voicing Phineas' thoughts. "It's not like we're adults, or even teenagers, who can have real relationships. What are our parents going to think?"

Phineas tried not to look downcast; the last thing he wanted was for them to not be able to be together because of their age. The more he thought, the more it seemed hopeless. Most kids their age still thought the opposite gender had cooties and it's not like they could find a chance to be alone on a regular basis.

"May I offer some advice?"

The couple jumped to see Ferb standing behind them, politely waiting to be welcomed or shooed away. Instead, Phineas and Isabella cocked their heads and waited for their British brother/friend to continue.

"I know you guys are a little young to be all majorly romantic and have a serious relationship," Ferb went on, "but at the end of the day, isn't the best part that you can simply be together?" His line having been said, the green haired boy backed away to let them take things in.

"You know, he's right, Isabella," Phineas said, narrowing his eyes with affection. "We both know how the other feels, so we should just focus on spending time together."

Isabella hesitated, but eventually nodded her head. "I do wish we could do a lot of romantic things, but I guess this is a good way to start. Besides, our parents can't get mad at us hanging out together, since we do that all the time anyway."

"But it'll be different for us because we'll know something they don't," Phineas added. "And, Isabella?"


"When we get older and all the boys and girls being separate, and the stereotypes go away, we'll do as many romantic things as you want."

Isabella strangled him in a hug, so happy that she was unable to speak, and then they shared their second, and also their last, kiss for some time.

They didn't need to get the adults involved and, for being ten, knowing that their crush had a crush on them was good enough. Phineas and Isabella spent the next few years happily spending every day together, but not doing anything too serious, like kissing. Even though they didn't do much, they had some of the best times because they were simply together. And when they finally reached the age where dating was no longer weird, the romantic times they did have were all the better.

"Hey, wait a second!" Phineas sat up in bed the night he and Isabella had kissed for the first time. He looked over at Ferb, who had been woken up by his brother's shouts for the second time that week. "I've been so focused on and confused with this love thing that I completely forgot… Where's Perry been all this time?"

This is not a cliff hangar or the implication of a sequel, I just extremely regretted not including Perry in this story. ^^; Anyway, I hope you enjoyed Phineas and Love Don't Mix!