The date was March 14, exactly one month after Valentines Day in British terms of customs. England was lounging on the sofa and reading some book as per usual, Japan usually was sitting beside him on his laptop. Although today there was something different, England had not seen him once the whole morning aside from waking up to him and the occasional smile twords each other as they dressed and prepared for the day.

"Hmm...I wonder what he is up to..this isn't like him." England thought silently to himself as he peeked up from the top of his book, checking to see if he'd snuck up on him like he was always so good at. But his spot remained empty, stabbing England with a small feeling of Loneliness. He was tempted to search the house for him, but he figured there had to be some reason of this. So eventually after a few quarrels with his mind he gave in and decided it was best to leave him be.


England jumped, he had gave up on hoping he'd come in and let his guard down majorly. "I told you not to sneak up on me like that, luv." He turned and smiled at him sweetly, then looked down at a pink box in his hands, tied with a green ribbon. "What's that you got there?"

Japan smiled, "I spent all this morning making them just for you. I hope you like them, Arthur-kun." Japan held them out to him. England smiled and took them, "I don't know what to make of all this, luv. This is so...unexpected and new. You never do anything like this." Japan smiled and leaned down to plant a soft kiss onto his cheek. "Happy White Day, Arthur-kun."

"White day...?" England asked in confusion. Japan had totally forgotten the cultural difference.

"Oh...right. White day is basicry Varentines Day in my Country."

"Really...? Interesting...Valentines Day was last month..." England smiled and kissed his lips lovingly. "Thank you poppet, I look forward to trying them."

"I am not done." Japan pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it carefully.

"Oh..?" England smirked, "Aren't you full of surprises today...?~"

Japan took a deep breath, he was nervous of his poetry because it was so different from England's. A complicated Sonnet compared to a simple Haiku? His style was art and yet...His partners was true beauty compared to his own. But after all they were two different people and he was sure England could appreciate it.

"A poem...for you..."

"..For me..?" England blushed slightly, he didn't know what to say. He had never had this happen to him before, he was flattered.

Japan spoke softly over the words he'd spent days over contemplating if he should use or not.

" Before you arrived

Rove was a four retter word

You gave definition "

He slowly looked up to England, blushing lightly.

England couldn't help but chuckle and pull him onto his lap and into a kiss,

"Your so addorible, dear. I 'rove' you."

England laughed, he loved to joke with him about that attractive accent of his.

Japan smiled and embraced him.

"I rove you too."

Sometimes, he hated the English language.