Fred POV to George

It has been exactly 2 hours, 13 minutes and 22 seconds since that conversation in the living room, Me and Mom helped you up the stairs and into our bedroom, I got a chair from the dining room and sat next to your bed. You fell asleep a hour ago and before you fell asleep I held your hand because you were in pain and you haven't let go since. Ever so often I feel you squeeze my hand in your sleep and you have a look of pain on your face, but it goes back into a peaceful look when I squeeze your hand back.

You know what has got me through these last 2 hours, now 15 minutes and 54 seconds?

What you said to me last night.

"Don't worry about it we are stronger than you think"

You probably don't remember saying that, but I do, I remember everything you say, not in a creepy way of course but in a admiration way. I wonder if you feel the same. I also can read you like a book, your so easy to read it's like an adult reading a children's book. I know it's a weird way to put it but it's true.

When you joked about being holey and shrugged about putting an extendable ear onto your head, that was fake, you said one thing but your mind was telling you that you can't lie to me, and made your face say another. You know how I know that? it's the same with me, I can't lie to you, not that I want to but when I need to I can't physically lie to you, my brain is set on always telling to truth to you. Weird huh?

It has now been 2 hours, 34 minutes and 42 seconds, if I ever tell you this you would laugh and say I take after mom but I care so much about you, George, you probably don't know how much I worried about you today but the most worst thing I thought would happen to you is that you fall off the broom, which is bad but I always think Remus would catch you just in time. I asked Remus if the death eater who did this to you survived, or who he is, he said the guys mask flew off and it was Snape.

That Greasy haired, Voldemort loving, Black clothed, two faced Bastard.

Voldemort will kill him for me because he will be jealous that he has a nose and Voldemort doesn't. Haha, you remember our nose jokes in History of magic, right? I found all of the notes we passed in my textbook a few weeks ago. I remember your drawings you made of what Voldemort would look like with different noses of people in our class. I still cant believe Professor Binns let us off when we got caught because he read the note. That was when we decided he was a good, interesting teacher.

Your hand moved slightly and your face scrunched up in pain you squeezed my hand so tightly, it was hurting me but you was still sleeping.

"ahhh!" I screamed.

You jumped awake.

"Fred?" you looked worried as you stared at me.

"Sorry, I woke you, you squeeze my hand really tight that time, Are you in pain?" I made a nervous laugh and looked down. You laughed.

"No need to look so nervous, it hurt a lot then so no wonder I squeezed really hard, it doesn't hurt anymore though, just feels strange" You smiled reassuringly, I smiled back.

We sat in silence for a few minutes staring into space, it wasn't a awkward silence though, just happy to be in each others company.

"Fred" you mumbled.


"Thanks for staying."

"No Problem, Your worth it" I said laughing, nudging his arm. You laughed.

"I love you" You whispered before falling back asleep. I could only just about hear you.

"Love you too, mate" I said going back into my original position, counting from the beginning again.

Little did we know that the war would eventually break us apart forever.