Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Chapter 5: Glasses and dancing

Well… school has been… interesting… I've learned that most of my friends are creepers XD.

That sound.

That freaking annoying sound.

Shizuo glared at the ceiling of his bedroom, the sounds of that flea coughing ringing through the house. 'He's been coughing all night! I'm never going to get any-HOLY SHIT.' thought the bodyguard as he glared even harder at the ceiling, and checked the clock to find that it was already seven in the morning. Growling under his breath, he walked out into the living room, grabbing Izaya's medicine on the way out.

Only to find a land mine of dirty tissues. "IZAYA!" yelled Shizuo as he threw the bottle of pills at the almost asleep informant.

"How the hell am I supposed to get past this? … Guess I have no choice…" cursing the flea to high heaven , Shizuo had to take prance like steps.

'I feel like I'm dancing!' he thought joyfully, adding arm movements to his dance-like performance.

Cough cough.

Freezing in his tracks, Shizuo turned to see Izaya looking over the back of the couch, a devious grin on his face. "Shizu-chan~ are you dancing for me~?" he snickered.

"Hell no flea! I'm trying to avoid contaminatingmyself with louse germs! What is this anyway?" the blond man retorted.

"Oh the tissues? Well I figured since it's just your house that I wouldn't get up to throw anything away. It's just your house." grinned the smaller man as he wrapped the blanket closer around himself.

Grinding his teeth together, it took all of Shizuo's self control not to punch Izaya's face in right then and there. Instead, he opted to quickly get dressed for work and be away from the rotten flea for the day. "I'm going to work." he mumbled before quickly changing and stopped at the door, "Don't burn it down." was all he said before shutting the door with a little too much force behind him.




After Shizuo left, Izaya got up off the couch, with the blanket still wrapped around his thin body, and went to his laptop that was on Shizu-chan's desk. Turning it on, he checked the Dollar's chatroom, "Oh look! Ryugamine-kun is on! And so is "Setton"." he squinted at the words, "Damn… I'll have to get my glasses." he said ruefully before getting out of his computer chair.

Walking into the room where his stuff was held, Izaya searched his bag for his glasses. "Aha!" he said gleefully as he found them in a hidden pocket in the back.

Slipping on the thin, black framed glasses, the informant walked over to the computer. "Now to have some fun~!"




"You look a little tired…" commented Tom when Shizuo showed up for work that day.

"Pest problem again. I didn't sleep at all." yawned the bodyguard.

"Maybe you should take the day off? A exhausted you definitely isn't better than pissed off you." chuckled his boss.

"But don't you need my help with these bastards?"

"Not really, today I only have one or two easy customers today. But seriously, I'm talking to you as a friend, you should take the day off and rest."

"But… alright I will. But I have to go grocery shopping first, I have hardly any food…"

"See ya Shizuo!" called Tom as Shizuo ran off toward the grocery store, which was only a couple of blocks from the blond's house.




Carrying the small amount of groceries, Shizuo unlocked the door to his apartment quietly, and walked into the cool apartment. Setting down the groceries on the dining table, he walked into the living room to find Izaya on his laptop.

Shizuo did a double take.

Did the flea have glasses on?

"Are you wearing glasses?" he asked, surprise, and amusement evident in his voice at he stared at Izaya.

Izaya jumped in his chair slightly, and ripped his glasses off his face, trying to hide them. "Oh Shizu-chan-" he stopped in his sentence when the older man grabbed his thin wrist.

"Since when did you wear glasses?" chuckled Shizuo.

Izaya felt the feeling of embarrassment wash over him, "Since when did you think it was polite to just walk in without knocking?"

"It's my house flea, I don't have to knock." countered the blond, and without thinking he blurted, "You know, you should wear your glasses more often, they make you look cuter."

As soon as those words left his mouth, Shizuo felt his face redden and heat up. 'Why the hell did I just say that?' he mentally berated himself, nervously looking at the raven haired man whose wrist he was grabbing. Izaya's face, too, reddened. His reddish-brown eyes widened in surprise, making his face look adora- GOD DAMMIT. 'THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY I CAN THINK HE LOOKS CUTE AT A TIME LIKE THIS!' shouted Shizuo. "T-Too bad." Izaya paused for a second to control his voice and possibly stop the burning feeling in his cheeks, "I don't wear my glasses for anybody."

The bodyguard felt his heart lurch. 'Why the hell am I feeling this way? It's just glasses, and it's the flea for god's sake! Why would I care?' Disappointment coursed through his mind, however before he could think anymore about the subject, Izaya started coughing uncontrollably. The bodyguard rushed over to Izaya as he continued to cough, not knowing what to do, he just sat there as the informant's reddish brown eyes started watering. Finally, after about five minutes, the raven stopped coughing hard enough that his small body jerked with each movement. "You okay?" Shizuo asked, not really caring how worried he sounded.

With a hand still over his mouth, Izaya nodded before taking in deep gulps of air, "I forgot… to take my medicine…." he said with small coughs in between each word.

"Are you alright?"

"What do you think Shizu-chan?" retorted Izaya sourly, whining a bit as he said those words.

Today was going to be a long day.

Yeah I'm sorry for the lame ending but my friend hasn't given me ANY ideas. And I've been grounded for a while. I got grounded for hanging up on my mom and then she started yelling at me about how I don't respect her and treat like dirt, while in actuality I respect her more than anybody and treat her a lot better than some people treat their moms. Why does she always have to overreact to everything?

On another note… I'm never sticking my ipod in my back pocket again! I had it in my pocket, pulled it out and the earbud cord disconnected and my ipod fell in the toilet. : | I feel so stupid for that, and I felt bad because my mom got me that for my birthday!

On another note, I'm thinking about getting the game, Alan Wake. I heard it's really good and I've seen some guy on you tube play it, and it looked really good! At least, for the parts my computer stopped glitching over and let me saw, but oh well.

Currently my ipod is in a bag of rice and is outside, I wish I knew that there was something else I could do! That few seconds it was in the water ruined it! ;~;