Fred and Charlene

Chapter 12

Nineteen Years Later

"They're over here!" squealed Willow Weasley running over to a big crowd of people filled with many children and adults.

Charlene Weasley sighed as she watched her daughter run away and thought to herself, "I'll be surprised if she's not a Gryfindor but she is rather like me."

Georgia Weasley quickly hurried over to her boyfriend Nathan Harding, leaving Fred and Charlene with their 3 middle children, Arthur Weasley the 6th year, Charles Weasley the 4th year and Dahlia Weasley the 2nd year. Georgia had left Hogwarts earlier that year and Willow was starting next year.

Arthur began talking to Magnolia and Alexandra who were 5th years. Alexandra was Zachary and Alicia's daughter and Magnolia was Julia and Xander's other child after Nathan and then they had Rupert Dexter who was their youngest, a 4th year.

Charlie and Rupert Dexter were best friends; they were in the same year as Charlotte, Natalia and Rowena- Henry and Verity's triplets- and also as Dominique. They all got on very well.

Dahlia began talking to fellow 2nd years Fred 2 and Tobias who was Oscar's son with his wife Elise who is an auror. They have another son called Fletcher who was talking to the other's in his year (3rd) Jack, Alexandra's younger brother, and Molly 2.

Her sister Lucy was a first year, she was talking to Harvey, Rowan's only child with her husband Daniel who works in the accidental magic reversal squad.

Willow was talking to Roxanne and Louie who were both starting Hogwarts next year too.

Char looked over the children pleased, she was still amazed at how well they all got on and was especially happy about her eldest daughter Georgia being with Julia's eldest Nathan, he was named after Nathaniel.

Char had had her perfect 5 children and a perfect life, she and Fred lived in a house in the countryside but her children were raised mostly in Wizard's Weasley Wheezes as their dad looked after them while their mother was at work and when she finished work she would spend hours with them.

They had a close relationship with all their family and with all Charlene's friends.

She'd had a girl first and named her Georgia Fleur Weasley and then had Arthur Zachary Weasley and then Charles Oscar Weasley and then Dahlia Audrey Weasley. She was named after Charlene's own last name Dahl, Dahlia being a flower name but having Dahl in it. Their last child was named after Bill (William) and was called Willow Verity Weasley.

"What house do you want to be in?" asked Roxanne to Willow and Louie who were wishing they were at Hogwarts with their friends and cousins.

"Gryfindor," answered Louie looking over to where his dad was standing.

"Me too," grinned Roxanne.

Willow paused and looked thoughtful, she said, "I don't know, Ravenclaw or Gryfindor obviously but Georgia and Charlie are in Gryfindor and Arthur and Dahlia are in Ravenclaw so it would be an odd number in one house."

"What's wrong with odd numbers?" asked Roxanne.

"It wouldn't be fair," said Willow.

Louie teased, "You sound more like a hufflepuff."

Willow stuck her tongue out at him.

"There's nothing wrong with jigglypuff," laughed Roxanne and they all started laughing at the word jigglypuff.

Charlene was busy smiling at her youngest daughter to watch what her husband was doing, making her eldest extremely uncomfortable.

He was watching Nathan and Georgia like a hawk.

"Stop torturing them," snapped Char.

"I'm not torturing them," he said, "I'm just watching to make sureā€¦"

"Make sure what?" she asked, "That they don't do what we were doing at their age?" She coughed and said loudly, "Hypocrite!"

He stuck a tongue out at her repeating their youngest daughter's earlier action making her laugh, then he sighed, "She's all grown up now."

"Yes," said Char, "But I'll get to plan the wedding!"

Fred looked alarmed and cried, "Wedding!"

She laughed and him and told him to shut up, she smiled, "We still have Willow and Dahlia and Charlie, they're all still pretty little."

"I see why you wanted 5 kids now," he commented, "We'll be doing this for 7 more years."

Charlene laughed and said, "The fun never ends."

"Not when I have you," he grinned.

"Forever remember?" she smiled.

He repeated, "Forever."

Fred put an arm over his wife's shoulder and she rested her head against his shoulder and he rested his on her head and they watched their children with smiles on their faces. They'd had amazing lives and they weren't even half way through them yet.

The End

That's the end. Wow. It was a short-ish story. I wrote most of it one Saturday afternoon.

Anyway. What did you think of the ending? The very last part was slightly corny but the rest I hope was fine. Fred's obviously over protective of his daughter and Charlene is just happy about her life. They had their 5 children. Coming up with all of the children was incredibly fun and they all have names that relate to something or other.

Julia and Xander have Nathan (like Nathaniel), Magnolia (like Magnolia Wine) and Rupert Dexter (their father's names)

Henry and Verity have Charlotte (like Charlene), Natalia (like Nathaniel) and Rowena (like their house founder and Rowan)

Zachary and Alicia have Alexandra (like Alexander- Xander) and Jack (an Alicia's family name)

Rowan and Daniel have Harvey (H like Henry and Harry)

Oscar and Elise have Fletcher and Tobias which were just cool old names I liked.

Fred and Charlene have Georgia, Arthur, Charles, Dahlia and Willow which have already been explained.

Hope you liked the ending, desperately wanted to do something JK style though I will never be that amazing :(

Thanks for reading and please review.
